Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Both of the above stories are from Scuba's link.
The press love affair with Obama has prevented a fair race in the Democrat primary. If I am John Edwards I be P'ed. Where were these stories 6 months or a year ago? All that flies in the face of Obama's holier than thou rhetoric.


Active Member
Nobama excuses...I didn't know, I had no idea, I used poor judgement, I pushed the wrong button, I was not there, I'm not reponsible, Opps...he gave me more money.....and my favorite .....I'll wait to you catch me or bring the subject matter up...then I'll denounce it...no matter how much time has elapsed after the event took place.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Both of the above stories are from Scuba's link.
The press love affair with Obama has prevented a fair race in the Democrat primary. If I am John Edwards I be P'ed. Where were these stories 6 months or a year ago? All that flies in the face of Obama's holier than thou rhetoric.
Somebody wants to sit there and state all that is out there is the Nobama racist hater pastor. There is PLENTY out there on Nobama
I'm getting a gut feeling that Nobama will not be the nominee. Too much is gonna surface over the next few months. The Rezko trial I predict will be his next problem.
Clintonians will twist the arms of the super delgates. They'll use all of this and paint the picture in the back rooms that he will lose in the general. THe superdelagates will simply point to the pastor and other things and use that as the excuse. Also, I believe Nobama will slip in popularity significantly making that decision easier come convention time. I could be wrong...but I see this as a real possiblity now. I did not a couple weeks ago.
FINALLY.....the turth is getting out. maybe some in the media are looking in on this thread

Looks like the tap dancing show is coming to an end?



Active Member
THe Nobama's want to make healthcare affordable and available to all...universal coverage. They paint the medical industry as they see it. Well, they should know..as this is the hospital the only recent proud of her country Nobama works.......
The University of Chicago Hospitals accused of patient dumping.
From the HHS website Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General :
May 08, 2006 The University of Chicago Hospitals (UCH), Illinois, agreed to pay $35,000 to resolve its liability for CMPs under the patient dumping statute. The OIG alleged that the hospital failed to accept an appropriate transfer of a 61-year-old male who presented to another emergency department with a complaint of flank pain. UCH had specialized capabilities not available at the transferring hospital and allegedly refused to accept transfer after learning that the patient did not have insurance. UCH then later agreed to accept transfer of the patient only if he provided proof of funds in a bank account. The patient was transferred to another hospital where he died.


Very interesting stuff, you guys! I wasn't able to read all of it, but it seems that the SBing will involve Obamas church affiliation. I must say, that is good! Your target audience should be able to hook on to that.
Fire up the haters!



Originally Posted by Suzy
I knew you would find a way to blame me for the **** way the Republicans screwed our country. In fact, you will blame others for our economy that is in the toilet, China owning more of our country than we do and a screwed up war we will never be able to finish. Even though the Republicans had complete control of all the Federal gubermint, you still think you can pass the buck.
Get your "news' from opinionated *****, try to pass off your opinions as facts, and chase away all intelligent conversation from this website.

Originally Posted by Suzy

Very interesting stuff, you guys! I wasn't able to read all of it, but it seems that the SBing will involve Obamas church affiliation. I must say, that is good! Your target audience should be able to hook on to that.
Fire up the haters!
Who'd have thought we'd see emotional appeal at the expense of reasoned discussion from a liberal... huh!!
Oh, and Suzy... not that you will actually answer this question, but do you hate "white America," and see them as your enemy?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Fire up the haters!
Wouldn't you say pastor Wright is fired up plenty already?

Obos connection with the rich fat cat lobyists he demonizes will be his undoing. The curtain is about to be pulled back so people can see who is pulling the levers. I spect the Republicans will wait until fall to start using this. The only question is how scortched earth Clinton is willing to go. I don't think the media is going to play it up, they already have what they want, a race that almost certainly will end up decided at the convention. They may need to come in and carry Hillary one more round thought.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Very interesting stuff, you guys! I wasn't able to read all of it, but it seems that the SBing will involve Obamas church affiliation. I must say, that is good! Your target audience should be able to hook on to that.
Fire up the haters!
Yep.......Hater Wright and Nobama have gone to great lengths to spread hatred.
This is only one tidbit that is getting play in the media now and Nobama has been forced to confront it. Should the media decide to cover the rest of his dark past...so too shall that be covered here. In fact, much info has already been posted here about Nobama in other areas of his life.
The facts are Wright spread a message of hate and racism. Per Nobama, Wright is his mentor, friend, adviser, etc, etc. Nobama has supported the message with his memebrship to this orgnization . He certainly could have left the church after they honored the hater legned...but he did not. he did not denounce the award or Farrakahn at the time it was given to the hater by his church.
Would you now care to discuss Nobama's ties to the terrorist group the Weather Underground or his pal Rezko?
Nobama is the one spreading the message of unity, hope and change...yet his actions or inactions state something different.
I concluded earlier in this thread Obama is a supporter of racism and is a racist through his continued church memebrship and close affiliation with Wright This was long before the tapes surfaced...and now there is additional hate speech on the tapes previously unknown.
Unlike uncles, you can simply walk away from a hateful church message...and awards given by a church to racist hater legends.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Very interesting stuff, you guys! I wasn't able to read all of it, but it seems that the SBing will involve Obamas church affiliation. I must say, that is good! Your target audience should be able to hook on to that.
Fire up the haters!
The Chief Hater was fired up years ago. For months we've been discussing "Rev" Wright.
Barack's comments regarding "true Patriotism" and Michelle Obama's comments on never being proud of America before seem to be the fruit of 20 years of indoctrination at the hands of their spiritual mentor.


So, the strategy is to portray the only ethic person who has ever run for office as a racist....
I dunno. You were able to make a war hero into a bad guy, so I won't say in can't be done. But, it was a close election and there are a few issues going now. And, there was all that talk about a gay marriage amendment thrown in.
You need to find away to link the Dem candidate as not only a racist but a gay lover!
Can anyone see how this strategy could backfire? Maybe a commercial linking a candidate with MLK? Remember, one side has The Swiftboaters For Truth, but the other has MoveOn.org. I don't see one side just sitting back and letting it happen this time.


Active Member
Who is devising this "strategy"? Other Democrats? Radio talk show hosts? Those of us on this site? The Media?
It's not a vast Right Wing Conspiracy, I'll tell you that. If it was this story would have been pushed a year ago.
It's not just a question of race; It's also a question of Obomba's judgment as well as his loyalty to the USA. It's hard to believe your spiritual mentor, "pastor", advisor and friend can hate the USA yet you can love her.


I think he is more influenced by his life and MLK. I will never know, 'cause I am not black. I do know how it feels to be discriminated against for my gender, though.
I must it was interesting watching the Sunday Morning talk shows this am. Hume was almost giddy!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I think he is more influenced by his life and MLK. I will never know, 'cause I am not black. I do know how it feels to be discriminated against for my gender, though.
I must it was interesting watching the Sunday Morning talk shows this am. Hume was almost giddy!
MLK would roll over in his grave to hear one of Wright's sermons... their messages are dyametrically opposed.
Now that the national media has finally picked up on this story obama is going to have to show his true colors.
Anyone who attends church can attest to the fact that you know what your pastor is preaching. Why is it that several of us on this forum knew the hate preached by Wright apparently better than Obama?
Sorry, that just doesn't fly.


Active Member
Senator Barack Obama issued a forceful repudiation of controversial remarks by the former pastor of his Chicago church, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., whose rhetoric caused renewed turmoil this week for Obama's presidential campaign.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Senator Barack Obama issued a forceful repudiation of controversial remarks by the former pastor of his Chicago church, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., whose rhetoric caused renewed turmoil this week for Obama's presidential campaign.
Agreed. He absolutely did.
And that would be the end of it, in my mind, IF the "rev" had only said something this week and IF Obama immediately distanced himself.
That's not what happened. Obama only distanced himself after the media went to town with the story. Further, even though the "rev" retired weeks ago, it was not until this scandal broke that Obama removed him as an advisor.
Obama was friends with this guy for 20 years. He and his family have attended this seperatist church for 20 years. He's called this pastor his "mentor" for 20 years.
Zman, you and I disagree a lot, but I respect the way you typically debate. I hope I've earned the same respect from you. I don't just throw out baseless statements nor do you. Let me ask you a point Jenny brought up on another thread. I think you and I would agree Westboro "Baptist" (so they say, though they are not affiliated with the Baptist church in any way) church leads the parades at soldiers' funerals, etc. They are crazies. What would you say if Senator McCain was a member of that church and called their pastor a friend and mentor?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
MLK would roll over in his grave to hear one of Wright's sermons... their messages are dyametrically opposed.
Now that the national media has finally picked up on this story obama is going to have to show his true colors.
Anyone who attends church can attest to the fact that you know what your pastor is preaching. Why is it that several of us on this forum knew the hate preached by Wright apparently better than Obama?
Sorry, that just doesn't fly.
He claims he didn't know, but he knew a little bit, but never head it while he was in church.
Once again the issue in my mind isn't whether he will openly dispute these assinine statement. Because of course he will if he agrees or not.
But the idea that this man obama's pastor, the man obama donated money to, the man who married Obama, baptised his kids, the man who said, "God d--- america" hasn't influenced Obama's core beliefs which will reflect in Obama's decisions as prez. Yeah that is the man I want as prez.


Guys, can we clarify this a bit?
So, Obamas pastor hates white people, therefore (quilt by association) we can assume that Obama hates white people. We should not vote for a black guy who hates white people.
How close am I to what you are saying/
I love the way Z debates, too! And, Rylan!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
MLK would roll over in his grave to hear one of Wright's sermons... their messages are dyametrically opposed.
Now that the national media has finally picked up on this story obama is going to have to show his true colors.
Anyone who attends church can attest to the fact that you know what your pastor is preaching. Why is it that several of us on this forum knew the hate preached by Wright apparently better than Obama?
Sorry, that just doesn't fly.
We've been discussing the racist hater and the Nobama support of same for months.
it is my position Nobama supports racism with his membership to the church and support of Wright for two decades. It took him 20 years to learn of this hateful message?
Unlike uncles that you are stuck with...you seek out a church that you believe you can be comfortable in with a message you support . You can leave at any time and seek another.
If Nobama knew nothing of this 20 year hateful message, how can he POSSIBLY be qualified to run this country? HE knew NOTHING???? Folks here that do not attend the church know more?
