Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
I would have to assume anyone who was a member of the KKK and attended the meetings on a somewhat regular basis was well aware of the general tone of what is being taught. That isn't guilt by association, it reaching a common sense conclusion.


Active Member
McCain - "I'm going to be honest," he told Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal three years ago. "I know a lot less about economics....
I'll take my chances on someone else, thank you.. We don't need another 4 years of Bush...
200 billion to bankster gangsters -
Bail out Bear & Sterns - who's next - I blame the investors - Money for nothing. It's gambling
, you win some, you lose some. Should we bail out casinos, It's said they are typically recession proof, but they indicated they are now feeling a pinch.
I will say it again, for some reason we value the investor over the worker.
Money for nothing... Twist
Now look at them yo-yo's that's the way you do it
You play the market on wallstreet
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' good paid workers aren't free
Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya them guys ain't dumb
Maybe you won't get a blister on your little finger
Maybe you won't get a blister on your thumb
That's the risk in counting your money on wallstreet.
Would you like a Bush/McCain, no thanks, I'll take my chances and gamble on a Democrat this year....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Guys, can we clarify this a bit?
So, Obamas pastor hates white people, therefore (quilt by association) we can assume that Obama hates white people. We should not vote for a black guy who hates white people.
How close am I to what you are saying/
I love the way Z debates, too! And, Rylan!
Obama has stated this about Wright:
Obama says that rather than advising him on strategy, Wright helps keep his priorities straight and his moral compass calibrated.
“What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day-to-day political advice,” Obama said. “He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking as truthfully about what I believe as possible and that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics.”
Yes, Nobama support the hate message his pastor deleivers from the pulpit against whites and Jews and America thorugh his continued mebership.
That's only one reason not to support Nobama. You can vote for the hater supporter if you so choose.


Active Member
Give me a candidate that has the courage to be honest enough to admit they aren't an expert on every policy issue. That is why presidents have cabinet members covering several specific areas of government.


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
McCain - "I'm going to be honest," he told Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal three years ago. "I know a lot less about economics....
I'll take my chances on someone else, thank you.. We don't need another 4 years of Bush...
200 billion to bankster gangsters -
Bail out Bear & Sterns - who's next - I blame the investors - Money for nothing. It's gambling
, you win some, you lose some. Should we bail out casinos, It's said they are typically recession proof, but they indicated they are now feeling a pinch.
I will say it again, for some reason we value the investor over the worker.
Money for nothing... Twist
Now look at them yo-yo's that's the way you do it
You play the market on wallstreet
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' good paid workers aren't free
Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya them guys ain't dumb
Maybe you won't get a blister on your little finger
Maybe you won't get a blister on your thumb
That's the risk in counting your money on wallstreet.
Would you like a Bush/McCain, no thanks, I'll take my chances and gamble on a Democrat this year....
As a member in the US Senate, what key bipartisan bill has Nobama written which passed that had a positive impact on the national economy? Please list the Nobama accomplishments in ths area as a US Senator.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Agreed. He absolutely did.
And that would be the end of it, in my mind, IF the "rev" had only said something this week and IF Obama immediately distanced himself.
I don't agree with the two parsed 10 seconds of sermons over 20 years, that we have been seeing on the so called liberal media. Certainly, not the approach and words in making a point. Are there 20 seconds over the last 20 years that the minister has siad that you would agree with? I fault the minister for the ministers words not the congregation being present or not. The minister is retired. Sometimes being tooo old and growing up in different times isn't good for the present time. Out with the old, in with the new
Jeremiah A. Wright on June 8, 1938
John Sidney McCain III on August 29, 1936

Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He completed his elementary education in that city and then went to Virginia Union University. After three and a half years at Virginia Union, Pastor Wright left school and entered the United States Marine Corps. He transferred from the USMC into the United States Navy where he served as a cardiopulmonary technician.
After six years in the military, Pastor Wright transferred to Howard University where he completed his undergraduate studies and received his first Master’s Degree. His second Master’s Degree was from the University of Chicago Divinity School. His Doctorate was received from the United Theological Seminary under Dr. Samuel DeWitt Proctor. In addition to Pastor Wright’s four earned degrees, he has been the recipient of eight honorary doctorates.


Active Member
Maybe Obama is just too stupid to be president
He didn't know his close friend and spititual leader held exteme views and then this
Maytag workers whose jobs were shipped to Mexico serve as consistent characters in Barack Obama's stump speech. He employs their stories in railing against corporations that use trade pacts to replace well-paid union workers with low-cost foreign ones.
It is a ready applause line for the Illinois presidential hopeful, one that he has been reciting almost verbatim since he was a candidate for U.S. Senate in 2004, when appliance giant Maytag was in the process of shutting a refrigerator plant here, putting 1,600 people out of work.
But the union that represented most of those Galesburg workers isn't impressed with Obama's advocacy. It has endorsed his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton. Its leaders say they wish he had done more about their members' plight.
What rankles some is what Obama didn't do even as he expressed solidarity four years ago with workers mounting a desperate fight to save their jobs.
Obama had a special connection to Maytag: Lester Crown, one of the company's directors and biggest investors whose family, records show, has raised tens of thousands of dollars for Obama's campaigns since 2003
. But Crown says Obama never raised the fate of the Galesburg plant with him, and the billionaire industrialist insists any jawboning would have been futile.
Obama's chief political strategist, David Axelrod, said late Thursday that the senator did not know Crown sat on Maytag's board until the Tribune noted it last September in a story about the closing of the Maytag headquarters in Newton, Iowa.
Or could it be he's just too dishonest?
Beyond such talk, there is little evidence that Obama went to any lengths to fight the Galesburg shutdown. Some analysts say his ties to the Crowns--Lester's son, James, is the Illinois finance chairman of Obama's presidential run--leave him open to criticism.
Charles Lewis, founder of the Washington-based Center for Public Integrity, said in the era of big money politics there's often a disconnect between the passionate words of a politician and the financial interests of the wealthy benefactors who help bankroll their campaigns.
The Obama campaign said the Maytag workers' union never asked him to intervene with Crown and that he would have done so if they had.
But wait, you said you didn't know one of your largest fundraisers sat on the board of Maytag
In his campaign, Obama has not shied from condemning rivals for straying from their own populist images.
Locked in an increasingly personal war of words with Clinton, Obama has attacked her for long-ago service on the board of Wal-Mart, which has frosty relations with organized labor. Before John Edwards dropped out of the race this week, Obama hit him for financial ties to a hedge fund with investments in Whirlpool. The Obama critique stressed Whirlpool's role in closing U.S. factories, including Maytag's longtime headquarters in Newton, Iowa.
Crown family members are major Democratic Party donors. Some have given to Clinton's campaigns for the U.S. Senate in New York. But in the presidential run, their money is behind Obama, campaign records show. The Crowns and employees of their family-run holding company have given at least $195,000 to Obama's U.S. Senate and presidential campaigns.
Lester Crown made his first contribution to Obama, $2,100, last February and hosted a fundraiser for him last fall. But Crown's wife has pumped $16,100 into Obama' coffers, beginning with a $12,000 gift to his U.S. Senate campaign in 2003.
The economic viability of Maytag's Galesburg operation is still in dispute. Obama wrote extensively about the plant in his 2006 best seller, "The Audacity of Hope," and clearly sided with frustrated union workers who insisted their plant was profitable and productive but was being sacrificed to corporate greed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I don't agree with the two parsed 10 seconds of sermons over 20 years, that we have been seeing on the so called liberal media. Certainly, not the approach and words in making a point. Are there 20 seconds over the last 20 years that the minister has siad that you would agree with? I fault the minister for the ministers words not the congregation being present or not. The minister is retired. Sometimes being tooo old and growing up in different times isn't good for the present time. Out with the old, in with the new
Jeremiah A. Wright on June 8, 1938
John Sidney McCain III on August 29, 1936

Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He completed his elementary education in that city and then went to Virginia Union University. After three and a half years at Virginia Union, Pastor Wright left school and entered the United States Marine Corps. He transferred from the USMC into the United States Navy where he served as a cardiopulmonary technician.
After six years in the military, Pastor Wright transferred to Howard University where he completed his undergraduate studies and received his first Master’s Degree. His second Master’s Degree was from the University of Chicago Divinity School. His Doctorate was received from the United Theological Seminary under Dr. Samuel DeWitt Proctor. In addition to Pastor Wright’s four earned degrees, he has been the recipient of eight honorary doctorates.

Nobama is running on a platform of bringing the country together and uniting us all. let me know when he brings his racist hater pastor into the fold...then Nobama can move to the rest of the country. Let me know when this happens...I might not get the memo.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Nobama is running on a platform of bringing the country together and uniting us all.

Great, you do know the difference - OBAMA is running for President and not the minister. I wasn't sure you knew that before....
No Bush third term.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I don't agree with the two parsed 10 seconds of sermons over 20 years, that we have been seeing on the so called liberal media. Certainly, not the approach and words in making a point. Are there 20 seconds over the last 20 years that the minister has siad that you would agree with?
I beleive the clips are much longer than 20 seconds. I'm sure we can finsd some positive main stream remarks from David Duke...but I still want nothing to do with his message.
Wright is dealing in hatred.....he honored his friend and known racist hater FArrakahn.
If you beleive there is some overall positive unifying message for all of us from Nobama's church.....then support it and defend it if you so choose.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Great, you do know the difference - OBAMA is running for President and not the minister. I wasn't sure you knew that before....
No Bush third term.
HIs racist hater minister was part of his campaign until last week...I beleive the racist left the campaign this past Friday.
Nobama adopted the views of his racist hater with his continued membership with the church.
I understand the hateful message spewed by Wright makes some people uncomfortable...so they'd rather ignore it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I understand the hateful message spewed by Wright makes some people uncomfortable...so they'd rather ignore it.

I asked this before, but I will ask you
Originally Posted by zman1
Tell me what exactly do you think Obama will do as a result of another mans words? What is it you are afraid of from the minister's sermons that would translate into Obama action?

Originally Posted by zman1

I was wondering if it was something he has done during his 8 years as a state senator or while in the US senate, that was a result of the minister's sermons that persuaded you this way. So it's not what he has done thus for during the last 12 years despite the preacher.
It's what he could do based on the preacher's words the next 4 years?


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
McCain - "I'm going to be honest," he told Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal three years ago. "I know a lot less about economics....
I'll take my chances on someone else, thank you.. We don't need another 4 years of Bush...
200 billion to bankster gangsters -
Bail out Bear & Sterns - who's next - I blame the investors - Money for nothing. It's gambling
, you win some, you lose some. Should we bail out casinos, It's said they are typically recession proof, but they indicated they are now feeling a pinch.
I will say it again, for some reason we value the investor over the worker.
Money for nothing... Twist
Now look at them yo-yo's that's the way you do it
You play the market on wallstreet
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' good paid workers aren't free
Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya them guys ain't dumb
Maybe you won't get a blister on your little finger
Maybe you won't get a blister on your thumb
That's the risk in counting your money on wallstreet.
Would you like a Bush/McCain, no thanks, I'll take my chances and gamble on a Democrat this year....
Zman, I hate the bail out.
Remember, it's a Democratic Congress calling for the Federal Government to buy the Forclosing Mortgages and bail out all of the Sub-Prime loans.
The US Federal Reserve is not specifically under control of the Preident nor any particular political party.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I don't agree with the two parsed 10 seconds of sermons over 20 years, that we have been seeing on the so called liberal media. Certainly, not the approach and words in making a point. Are there 20 seconds over the last 20 years that the minister has siad that you would agree with? I fault the minister for the ministers words not the congregation being present or not. The minister is retired. ....
He just retired, and it's a whole lot more than a couple of sermons. Keep researching him...


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I asked this before, but I will ask you
I'll be happy to answer.
After studying the "rev", and looking at Obama and his wife's statements carefully, I'm convinced Obama will move to promote a radical socialist agenda.
His pastor doesn't just hate Jews and the White man, he hates America. I believe, after 20 years, The Obamas have been indoctrinated into that belief system.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I asked this before, but I will ask you
He supports racism which will not unify but divide. I'd say the same about David Duke if he were running for president.
He also is for higher taxes, surrendering to terrorism, socialized medicine, weakenss on national security, socilaist approach to the economy...and those are but a few reasons.
Did I mention he supports racism through his continued memebrship in his church? he looks to the racist for advice and guidance?
I'd rather not have someone in the WHite House that admits he confides in a racist hater for guidance.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
As a member in the US Senate, what key bipartisan bill has Nobama written which passed that had a positive impact on the national economy? Please list the Nobama accomplishments in ths area as a US Senator.
I'm still wating for this question to be answered.


Active Member
zman1;2520357 said:
I will say it again, for some reason we value the investor over the worker.
More often than not the worker IS the investor. How many of us here have 401K, IRA's etc invested in wall street.


Zman, Tell me if I am wrong here:
The right has issues big time. So, instead of actually debating those failings, they make a big deal about an issue which has no merit. Big deal if some wacko pastor says something. Most of the country blew it off the same day the story broke, but some want to use it to play this silly game. We know the far right will try to use race against Obama. We need to counteract it with something else.
Got Hope?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Zman, Tell me if I am wrong here:
The right has issues big time. So, instead of actually debating those failings, they make a big deal about an issue which has no merit. Big deal if some wacko pastor says something. Most of the country blew it off the same day the story broke, but some want to use it to play this silly game. We know the far right will try to use race against Obama. We need to counteract it with something else.
Got Hope?
The fact that this guy is the "Left's" leading candidate for President seems to me to indicate the Dems have far bigger problems.
Most of the country blew it off huh? Is that why Obama did an iterview Thursday specifically addressing it? Is that why Obama kicked the "rev" from his advisory Committee?
I'll ask again... If Senator McCain was a member of Westboro Church and called the pastor of Westboro a friend, mentor, and advisor, would it not be a big deal? Of course it would.
Here's a partial transcript of the 2007 Christmas Sermon at Obama's church:
" Jesus was a poor black man who lived in a country and who lived in a culture, that was controlled by rich white people! The Romans were rich. The Romans were Italians -- which means they were European, which means they were white -- and the Romans ran everything in Jesus' country. It just came to me with -- with -- within the past few weeks, y'all, why so many folk are hatin' on Barack Obama. He doesn't fit the model! He ain't white, he ain't rich, and he ain't privileged. (cheers) Hillary fits the mold. Europeans fit the mold! Giuliani fits the mold. Rich white men fit the mold. Hillary never had a cab whiz past her and not pick her up, because her skin was the wrong color. (applause) Hillary never had to worry about being pulled over in her car as a black man driving in the wrong lane! I am sick of Negroes who just do not get it! Hillary was not a black boy raised in a single parent home; Barack was. Barack knows what it means to be a black man living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people! Hillary can never know that! Hillary ain't never been called a ******. Hillary has never had her people defined as nonpersons. Hillary ain't had to work twice as hard just to get accepted by the rich white folk who run everything, or to get a passing grade when you know you are smarter than their C-students sitting in the White House. Ooooh, I am so glad that I got a God who knows what it is to be a poor black man in a country and a culture that is controlled by and run by rich white people! He taught me, Jesus did, how to love my enemies...."
"Hillary is married to Bill, and Bill have been good to us? No, he ain't! Bill did us just like he did Monica Lewinsky. He was riding dirty."
What a lovely Christmas sermon, filled with Hope and Cheer.
Let's not forget, this is the guy to whom Obama got his whole "Audacity of Hope" them from.