Obama supporters. I have one question


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On the Amendment S.Amdt. 4299 to S.Con.Res. 70 (No short title on file)Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the need for comprehensive legislation to legalize the importation of prescription drugs from highly industrialized countries with safe pharmaceutical infrastructures.
Obama (D-IL), Yea
Not Voting - 4

Bond (R-MO)
Byrd (D-WV)
Domenici (R-NM)
McCain (R-AZ)


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
You asked earlier...
Throughout his political career, Barack Obama has fought for open and honest government. As an Illinois State Senator, he helped pass the state’s first major ethics reform bill in 25 years. And as a U.S. Senator, he has spearheaded the effort to clean up Washington in the wake of numerous scandals
WASHINGTON – President Bush today signed the Lugar-Obama proliferation and threat reduction initiative into law.
Just a couple...
I'll expand the subject matter...bring just ONE bipartisan major bill Obama wrote that passed.
You can rip on his voting record that's your choice and opinion, but you can only easily find McCain's from Obama's site. Since McCain won't list a direct link to his... Backdoor easy anyway.

I guess you have no examples of major biaprtisan bills Obama wrote as a US Senator that had a positive impact on the economy..that was the question.
The shortcomings of McCain have already been discuseed. Feel free to do some research on the forum.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I guess you have no examples of major biaprtisan bills Obama wrote as a US Senator that had a positive impact on the economy..that was the question..
You have to give Ethics a chance to work -- VOTE Obama 08
In January 2006, Senator Obama laid the groundwork for the reform package that the Senate eventually adopted a year later. He started building a coalition for reform by helping to author the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act introduced with 41 Democratic sponsors. The bill proposed lengthening the cooling off period to two years for lawmakers who seek to become lobbyists and requiring immediate disclosure as soon as public servants initiate any job negotiations to become lobbyists. The bill would have opened conference committee meetings to the public and required that all bills be posted on the Internet for 24 hours before they can be voted on by the Senate. Finally, the bill would have ended all lobbyist-funded gifts, meals, and travel and strengthened the Senate office that monitors lobbyist disclosure forms. All of these provisions were incorporated in either identical or similar form into the final bill passed in 2007.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I submit this report from the NY Post..as evidence Nobama is far left...right where the hate Amrecia group stands along with his "pastor".
In the Senate, Obama's liberal voting record belies the centrist themes he strikes on the stump.
The liberal lobbying group Americans for Democratic Action gives Obama a 100 percent voting rating - 5 points to the left of Sen. Ted Kennedy, who gets a 95 percent grade.
Zman...I agiain submit to you the grade Obama receievd in 2007 from this liberal organization as evidence he is far left. THis demonstrates the impact Wright has had on Nobama..as this is exactly where Wright stands.
You asked for bills...I submit to you his ENTIRE 2007 record as proof from a liberal study conducted by liberals.....and sited by the liberal NY Post.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
You have to give Ethics a chance to work -- VOTE Obama 08
In January 2006, Senator Obama laid the groundwork for the reform package that the Senate eventually adopted a year later. He started building a coalition for reform by helping to author the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act introduced with 41 Democratic sponsors. The bill proposed lengthening the cooling off period to two years for lawmakers who seek to become lobbyists and requiring immediate disclosure as soon as public servants initiate any job negotiations to become lobbyists. The bill would have opened conference committee meetings to the public and required that all bills be posted on the Internet for 24 hours before they can be voted on by the Senate. Finally, the bill would have ended all lobbyist-funded gifts, meals, and travel and strengthened the Senate office that monitors lobbyist disclosure forms. All of these provisions were incorporated in either identical or similar form into the final bill passed in 2007.
He helped to author? Really? He worte the bill? What does this have to do with major issues like the economy? Specifically, what major bipartisan bill has Nobama written that has had a significant impact on the economy and passed?


Active Member

Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
He helped to author? Really? He worte the bill? What does this have to do with major issues like the economy? Specifically, what major bipartisan bill has Nobama written that has had a significant impact on the economy and passed?
You can't put a good man down - I don't care about the liberal vote rating from the national journal - they also say this
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.,
the only other senator whose presidential candidacy survived the initial round of primaries and caucuses this year, did not vote frequently enough in 2007 to draw a composite score. He missed more than half of the votes in both the economic and foreign-policy categories.
On social issues, which include immigration, McCain received a conservative score of 59. (McCain's composite scores from his prior years in the Senate, published in our March 2007 vote .
At least I know were Obama stands!


Active Member
Yet more evidence for Nobama's voting record in key areas. Again, this palces him far left and further illustrates his church and teaching of Wrihgt has had a profound impact....
Overall in NJ's 2007 ratings, Obama voted the liberal position on 65 of the 66 key votes on which he voted; Clinton voted the liberal position 77 of 82 times. Obama garnered perfect liberal scores in both the economic and social categories. His score in the foreign-policy category was nearly perfect


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Originally Posted by zman1
At least I know were Obama stands!

That would be far left...he knocks over Ted Kennedy as he rushes over to moveon.orgers and the we hate Amrecia chanters so he can chat with his racist pastor adviser Wright....who alos appears to have a dislike for america
You asked for me to site bills...I submit to you not one bill but his entire record from 2007 from liberal sources.


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In Obama's first splash on the national stage, as keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, he disparaged ideological labels as weapons used by partisans who have little else to offer. "Even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spinmasters and negative-ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything-goes," he said. "Well, I say to them tonight: There's not a liberal America and a conservative America -- there is the United States of America."


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I submit this report from the NY Post..as evidence Nobama is far left...right where the hate Amrecia group stands along with his "pastor".
In the Senate, Obama's liberal voting record belies the centrist themes he strikes on the stump.
The liberal lobbying group Americans for Democratic Action gives Obama a 100 percent voting rating - 5 points to the left of Sen. Ted Kennedy, who gets a 95 percent grade.
Do you care about this group?


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
In Obama's first splash on the national stage, as keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, he disparaged ideological labels as weapons used by partisans who have little else to offer. "Even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spinmasters and negative-ad peddlers
who embrace the politics of anything-goes," he said. "Well, I say to them tonight: There's not a liberal America and a conservative America -- there is the United States of America."

I guess Obama didn't get the memo..according to his church there is only the UNited States of White America..and the US of KKK Amrerica.
Talk is cheap if it is not backed up with action. His remaining a supporter of Wright for two decades is proof where he stands...along with his record as being the most liberal Senator in the US. It's hard to beat Ted Kennedy...but he managed to do it with his voting record.


Active Member

Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I guess Obama didn't get the memo..according to his church there is only the UNited States of White America..and the US of KKK Amrerica.
Talk is cheap if it is not backed up with action. His remaining a supporter of Wright for two decades is proof where he stands...along with his record as being the most liberal Senator in the US. It's hard to beat Ted Kennedy...but he managed to do it with his voting record.

preparing to divide us, the spinmasters and negative-ad peddlers


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
preparing to divide us, the spinmasters and negative-ad ped
It's just my opinion..and Obama's record. You asked for specific bills...I submitted to you as documentation his ENTIRE voting record for 2007 as a US Senator. A liberal orgnization gave him a PERFECT score. I did not site something from the right..and also it was quoted in a NY TImes article.
I specifically searched for a liberal source that documetned the voting record. Nobama's record would be consistnet with the views of his "pastor" which is what you specifically requested. We have all heard the far left views of Wright regarding the country.....and we now see it illustrated in the voting record of Nobama...he was given a perfect score.
If you have issues with the study..contact the liberal group that conducted it..and the NY TImes for quoting it.
If you support the far left agenda...then you should be proud of his record....you can't get any higher than 100%.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I guess Obama didn't get the memo..according to his church there is only the UNited States of White America..and the US of KKK Amrerica.
Once again you're using another persons words to define another....
What specific vote are you basing this on - other than the ALL category thrown out. Help me understand just one that is specifically racist.
"race-based prejudice, violence, discrimination, or oppression"


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I think he is more influenced by his life and MLK. I will never know, 'cause I am not black. I do know how it feels to be discriminated against for my gender, though.!

Me too. Trying to get into Medical Schools in the 80's. White guys were last on the list.


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Originally Posted by Suzy
Zman, Tell me if I am wrong here:
The right has issues big time. So, instead of actually debating those failings, they make a big deal about an issue which has no merit. Big deal if some wacko pastor says something. Most of the country blew it off the same day the story broke, but some want to use it to play this silly game. We know the far right will try to use race against Obama. We need to counteract it with something else.
Got Hope?
The right has issues?
Saluting the Flag, and those who died defending it?
Freedom, liberty from an oppressive gov't.
Lower taxes that do not punish excellence.
Faith in God and the individual American, not the collective as the liberals are today.
Understanding freedom and liberty are the answers to life's problems, not the government.
Heck, we put the 1st African Americans in the Secertary of State position ( 2 people who earned and deserved the posiiton BTW).
If those are "issues", then we definetly have the high ground. The right is definitely closer to the vision the Founding Fathers had in mind. The Left is closer to the vision Marx and Lenin had in their minds.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Once again you using another persons words to define another....
What specific vote are you basing this on - other than the ALL category thrown out. Help me understand just one that is specificy racist.
"race-based prejudice, violence, discrimination, or oppression"
Sited a LIBERAL study that places Obama far left with his minister....his ENTIRE RECORD agrees with his ministers positions of the far left. You can disregard it if you so choose.
Also, recent statments by the Nobama's on the record indicate Wright has had a profound impact on them.
Why did Nobama fail to denounce the award to the racist hater Farrakahn immediately after it was given ? Why did he remain a member of the church after this became known?
Unlike an uncle that you are stuck with ...can't you simply walk away and never return?


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Once again you using another persons words to define another....
If I appered at David Duke rallies in the past.....and attended his orgnizational functions...does that make me a supporter of his views...or can I just pick and choose the views I claim to agree with..and discount and excuse away the rest? Specifically, what would most black people call me if I did this?
If you believe the message from Wright on many days was not race baiting or racist that's okay. I see it differently. If you believe his message is unifying and he's loves Amercia that's okay as well.
If you want to give Nobama a pass on this and make it a non-issue for you and others that is okay.
Perhaps I am alone in my opinion on this. That's okay with me too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Me too. Trying to get into Medical Schools in the 80's. White guys were last on the list.
So white Doctors are the minority in the hospitals now. I didn't know that.
However, we do need to import more Doctors from Pakistan and India, they will work cheaper. If you are for free global markets, wouldn't that be a good idea to save on the cost? No goverment backed student loans for anyone in the medical field either.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Once again you using another persons words to define another....
Forgot to mention...no, Im not. I'm using his membership to the organization to define him..there is a difference. If Wright stated he supported Nobama for president...but Nobama was not a member of his church..that's somewhat different. He could then state he agrees with some of the message...but not all. I agree with lieberal Juan Williams..Obama should have left thiat church a long time ago. I also agree with other lieberals that have a problem with Wright.
However, Nobama is the one that has defined his relationship with Wright. Nobama is the one that remains a member of the church . He now is attempting to redefine that relationship as one of an uncle that you just have to put up with.
I remain..on ANY given Sunday in the past 20 years...Nobama could have left never to return...unlike that uncle...that will always be there.
So, is Wright his mentor,adviser, spirtual leader, campaign worker and/or close friend? Or, just some loud mouthed foul mouthed obnoxious uncle you have to put up with.?