Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
In Obama's first splash on the national stage, as keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, he disparaged ideological labels as weapons used by partisans who have little else to offer. "Even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spinmasters and negative-ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything-goes," he said. "Well, I say to them tonight: There's not a liberal America and a conservative America -- there is the United States of America."
Sen. Barack Obama issued a forceful repudiation of controversial remarks by the former pastor of his Chicago church, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr.
Wright retired as pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ.
I never said Christians aren't divisive, quite the opposite.... Like you, I can keep quoting the same things over and over and over and over and over and over again....
MoveOn -- look you got me saying it now.


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spinmasters and negative-ad peddlers
who embrace the politics of anything-goes," he said. ".
According to Nobama.....if he had better timing in his 20 year membership span he may have caught some of that divisive language and negativity from his "pastor", mentor, friend, spritual leader, adviser, and campaign worker through 3/14/08.



Active Member
Ohio 3/2/08...quote from Nobama regrding his church when asked.........
"I don't think that my church is actually particularly controversial. It is a member of the United Church of Christ. It's got a choir. We sing hymnals. We talk about scripture. You would feel at home if you were there."


Z, you gotta give these guys a break! They have to grab at innuendo, baseless accusations and phoney baloney! Look what they got:
[list type=decimal][*]Shock n Awe
[*] "We'll be greeted as liberators"
[*] " WMD that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud" "from Africa"
[*] Enron/ Secret energy meeting we still can't know about
[*] Haliburton/ no bid contracts
9 trillion in debt
A failed tax cut that now has our economy in the toilet
Abu Ghraib
Telegate, spying on Americans and giving the phone companies immunity
[/list type=decimal]
Hey, remember the catch phrase from Papa Bush? "Read my lips, no new taxes" ? > Who will believe anything that comes out of McCainBushes mouth?
Plus, Obama is really going to out debate McCainBush. I still think he should release his medical records. He is 71, has a history of a really virulent cancer. What is the chance of this guy having mets to the brain? And we thought Reagan was goofy!
So, they are running a candidate that most of their base hates, and won't vote for. They will stay home. While the Dems have a candidate that people can't give enough money to! You really can't blame the guys here for grasping at anything.
Let me think of some more failed Republican strong points....


OOOOH, PlameGate!
Where the Bush Administration outtted the CIA spy! Talk about treason...
I do not see how the Dems can lose this election. Granted, if any party can pull defeat out of the jaws of victory, the Dems can, But geez, look at the freakin' comercials MoveON can make. No way can we lose! Obama takes the high road, shows him and clips from MLK. We get a "Youtubers for Truth" group and show Cheney talks about the Quagmire in Iraq. How can we lose?


Originally Posted by Suzyhttp:///forum/post/2520907Z, you gotta give these guys a break! They have to grab at innuendo, baseless accusations and phoney baloney! Look what they got:
[list type=decimal][*]Shock n Awe
-- It was...

[*] "We'll be greeted as liberators"
-- We were. It's the foreigners causing most of the trouble.

[*] " WMD that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud" "from Africa"
-- That'd be where I'd route one through. Who in the industrialized world would expect a nuke to come through Africa?

[*] Enron/ Secret energy meeting we still can't know about
Didn't know Republicans had Enron on the agenda at "vast right-wing conspiracy meetings...

[*] Haliburton/ no bid contracts
No-bids are very common in DoD (throughout the govt, as a matter of fact), but I wouldn't expect you to know that. There's no point in wasting time opening an RFP when there's only one vendor who can provide your service.

Please tie this one in for me... I know you know nothing about Emergency Management because you work in health care, but the federal government has a VERY small role in incident response, e.g. Katrina. So, moot point.

9 trillion in debt
Asked and answered.

A failed tax cut that now has our economy in the toilet
Didn't know Bush's tax reduction bill originated home loans for people who couldn't afford them... news to me!

Abu Ghraib
It's amazing, I didn't see Bush, McCain, or any of the Republican party leaders in the photos... I commend you on your eyesight!

Telegate, spying on Americans and giving the phone companies immunity
People overseas don't have the rights Americans are entitled to, and aren't protected by the American judicial system. I don't care if we invade their privacy or not, it's not my concern.

[/list type=decimal]
Filler for the forum software, so it'll let me post this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bdhutier
Haliburton/ no bid contracts
No-bids are very common in DoD (throughout the govt, as a matter of fact), but I wouldn't expect you to know that. There's no point in wasting time opening an RFP when there's only one vendor who can provide your service.
I thought Bechtel is a competitor of Halliburton. Especially in the oil reconstruction area contract? They are both listed on GSA Schedule.. You are right, the Gov does have no bid contracts though. Bechtel cried foul on this part... http://www.bechtel.com/home.html
I believe they are also an American owned company. Correct me if I am wrong.


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
I understand that - How can Dr. Bernanke who was Chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers, from June 2005 to January 2006 now be the Chairman of Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System? Bad news
Their charter -
Charter Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, provides the nation with a safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial system.
Today, the Federal Reserve's responsibilities fall into four general areas:
Let's grade them---
Failed - conducting the nation's monetary policy by influencing money and credit conditions in the economy in pursuit of full employment and stable prices
Failed - supervising and regulating banking institutions to ensure the safety and soundness of the nation's banking and financial system and to protect the credit rights of consumers
Failed - maintaining the stability of the financial system and containing systemic risk that may arise in financial markets
Failed - providing certain financial services to the U.S. government, to the public, to financial institutions, and to foreign official institutions, including playing a major role in operating the nation's payments systems.
We can't blame him it's been a long time leading up to this from the surplus days. The keys in congress were turned over in 2006 (they could do better) and the president's will be turned over in 2008, It will take more than the next 4 years to fix it. They have failed for Americans as a whole, but not all American, some make a killing during and as a result of the failures...
I am afraid that all the money spent (debt) to defeat the soviet communist in the 80's wasn't as well spent, since they are moving back in now. I am afraid the terrorist will win by bankrupting us not by beating us militarily.

So you are arguing that the last 6 months of minimal but continued growth negates the last 20 years of growth?
Failed - conducting the nation's monetary policy by influencing money and credit conditions in the economy in pursuit of full employment and stable prices
At the end of carters term if you had asked an economist that he considered full employment he would have said 6-7% unemployment. Right now we are at 4.9%. We have had until last month we've had 52 consecutive months of job growth. This is with this horrific "outsourcing" that we keep hearing about.
Failed - supervising and regulating banking institutions to ensure the safety and soundness of the nation's banking and financial system and to protect the credit rights of consumers

What do you think they are doing right now with Bear and Sterns, the fed cannot write legislation they can simply enforce the regulations that have been passed by congress. They don't walk into a company and say oh well you aren't investing in the right places, or diversifying enough. We aren't having nationwide runs on our banking systems. There are some morgage companies with problems but our Banks aren't dissapearing with our money.
Failed - maintaining the stability of the financial system and containing systemic risk that may arise in financial markets
There is a difference between containing risk which they do a decent job, and eliminating it. If anything right now they have a little chicken little complex going on and need to mellow out a little bit. If you had no risk you'd have no profit.
Failed - providing certain financial services to the U.S. government, to the public, to financial institutions, and to foreign official institutions, including playing a major role in operating the nation's payments systems.
You still cary cash don't you. I don't see that going away...
The fed has its problems, but for you to claim that it is political is just silly. Sure the Bernaki votes and has a political opinion. But come on. Greenspan was appointed by Ronald served and was reapointed under HW, Clinton. He reports to Congress who chartered the fed and can shut it down. But arguing that since he advised Bush then is a political figure is just out looking for some reason to critisize the guy. That being said I'm not a big Bernaki fan but come on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
You asked earlier...
Throughout his political career, Barack Obama has fought for open and honest government. As an Illinois State Senator, he helped pass the state’s first major ethics reform bill in 25 years....
Was this before or after he took $250,000 from Rezko?


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
So white Doctors are the minority in the hospitals now. I didn't know that.
However, we do need to import more Doctors from Pakistan and India, they will work cheaper. If you are for free global markets, wouldn't that be a good idea to save on the cost? No goverment backed student loans for anyone in the medical field either.
He is talking afirmative action, you're talking globalization.

Sure let all the doctors in that want to come, 75% of our economy is based on consumer spending. And doctors spend alot of money. Although usually the "foreign doctors" go to school here. So we do pay to train them.


Active Member
"So white Doctors are the minority in the hospitals now. I didn't know that."
Being last on the list implies that.... The however comment was adding additional information. See everyone is okay for changes in other peoples niche but not willing to take a salary hit in theirs For some reason sacrificing is okay, so long and you don't have to participate. "Fair shared sacrifice".


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
OOOOH, PlameGate!
Where the Bush Administration outtted the CIA spy! Talk about treason...
BDhutier covered the other issues nicely. with actual facts, so let me get this one: I wasn't aware Robert Novak was part of the Bush Administration. You are aware he's actually the guy that outed Plame, right? (In a beautiful twist of irony, btw, the investigator of "PlameGate" is now prosecuting Obombus' buddy Rezko....)


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
"So white Doctors are the minority in the hospitals now. I didn't know that."
Being last on the list implies that....
No, it implies less qualified students are getting first shot at medical school openings. Which they are, by the way. Talk to anyone who has gone through the process.
I can't speak to right now, but 10 years ago when a buddy of mine was applying for Med School race was one of the factors used to pick students.


Active Member
Obama has proposed billions in new spending he says will be paid for in repealing tax cuts to the rich. But it appears his basic grasp of our economy and tax system is somewhat cloudy.
Obama’s “Tax Policy”
Presidential candidate Barack Obama introduced his tax plan in a speech yesterday. Unfortunately, it overflowed with bad ideas. First, Obama’s plan to increase dividend and capital gains taxes is out of step with global tax realities. Virtually all of the 30 major industrial nations provide relief for capital gains and dividend taxes. Indeed, a dozen major nations have capital gains tax rates of zero percent. And if the current dividend tax cut expires, the United States would have the highest dividend tax rate among major nations.
Second, Obama hasn’t got his math right. He claims that there is “$1 trillion worth of loopholes in the corporate tax code.” That is ridiculous. The entire corporate income tax collected only $372 billion in 2007.

Third, Obama proposed special tax breaks for seniors, which would take 7 million more elderly completely off the tax rolls. But that would inject a very unfair element of age discrimination into the tax code. Old folks are already taking young folks to the cleaners in terms of federal fiscal policy. Obama would make the injustice worse, yet he had the chutzpah to claim in his tax speech: “It’s time to stand up to the special interest carve outs.”
Fourth, Obama proposed a new payroll tax credit, but the tax code already has a huge program designed to offset the payroll tax—the Earned Income Tax Credit. Adding a new low-income tax “cut” on top would result in millions of people who already don’t pay any income tax getting an added $500 check from the government. That’s not tax policy, that’s simply looting from the people who do pay the federal tax bill.
I’m amazed Obama found two former Treasury officials who signed on to his plan because this isn’t tax policy in the sense of following any rational economic principles. It’s just crass political pandering using the tax code to bait votes.
As bad as the Republicans in Congress have been on spending the Democrats have an even worse record. Leave them in control with a president with billions in campaign promises to keep and we're doomed.
The majority of economic gains in the 90's happened when conservative Republicans took control of congress in 95 and actually ran things like conservatives restraining spending. There is no chance of fiscal conservatives taking control of congress so our only hope it to elect one president. McCain certainly has a record of attacking pork barrel spending. If he lives up to his past record and rhetoric things could work out good.