Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
funny, I think that was posted almost 2 weeks ago.

I was reading on CNN... Apparently, Obama is going to address this whole race issue. I think this may be the point in the election that will either lock up his nomination or continue the fight in which he could possibably loose.
But he is giving a speech on these issues on Tues in Philly... I must say I am looking forward to it because he is attacking this thing head on, and I think this could possibably be a historical speech...


When the real commercial runs, it will say $9 trillion....or maybe higher by then.
I still cannot believe some are trying to label the only ethnic guy to ever run for POTUS as a racist. Turn the tables just like they did with a war hero. I don't think it will work this time, though. People are tired of being played.


Originally Posted by Suzy
When the real commercial runs, it will say $9 trillion....or maybe higher by then.
I still cannot believe some are trying to label the only ethnic guy to ever run for POTUS as a racist. Turn the tables just like they did with a war hero. I don't think it will work this time, though. People are tired of being played.
Ummm, he's been a patron of a racist anti-American pastor/church for 20 years. I think that's enough time to figure out the agenda of the church, and make your choice on whether to attend or not. It's a no-brainer... not really sure where you think this issue is defensible!


It seems like a non issue to me. I do not care if he has a retired pastor who is a goof ball, any more than I care if McCain has pastor. I guess that matters to some people.
My bishop comes to my house to give me a spiel, my husband says we have to let him come because he is our neighbor. But, do I care what he says? It's his opinion, and doesn't affect me or what I believe.
I make my own decisions about my life, my job, my car speed, ect. I do not need some one else telling me how I should act or conduct my life. I think Obama is like that too. He doesn't need some one else to tell him his values, and priorities and what his beliefs should be. He is a grown, strong man with good values and morals.
He is not a racist.


Active Member
History has moved me out of the Repulican party. I have voted republican many times - never again. - ( never say never though)...
This is the Republican party Hero - The greatest debt president ever, just in front of Bush. I am ashamed, I voted for him too (REAGAN).
President Reagan will soon propose sweeping changes in the Federal pension law, making it easier for companies to take surplus money out of pension funds and use it for their own benefit, Administration officials said today.
Under current law, the assets of a pension fund may not be used for the employer's benefit. They must be used ''for the exclusive purpose'' of providing benefits to the retired workers and their beneficiaries.

During the 1980s, hundreds of companies took the audacious step of terminating pension plans and using the captured assets for purposes such as financing leveraged buyouts by Top managers. Corporate raiders also got into the act. For example, when Ronald Perelman took over cosmetics maker Revlon in the mid-1980s, he gained control of $100 million in pension fund assets. Overall, more than $20 billion in pension assets were captured before Congress put an end to the practice by imposing a heavy tax on pension piracy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
OK, since when have tax increases helped the economy?
What did the Clinton tax hikes do to the Economy?
Why did JFK lower taxes?
Where in the Constitution does it say to impose fairness through taxation?
When has the government done better with MY money than me?
Why do we have Obamton setting up class warfare? I don't remember Jefferson, Franklin, or Adams speakin on class warefare, out of control spending or "fairness". Mein Kampf had more in common, as does Marx ( "from each according to his ability...to each according to his needs."


No redo in Florida. I think we got the O!
So, now we need to concentrate on bringing up the numbers in the House and the Senate. Anyone know what the numbers are now?
Taking back the country!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
When it comes to spending... I believe the democrats have a better record, even if they spend more... If you look at the last 60-70 years, I believe that it shows democrats to be much more fiscally responsible... they at least don't spend $ that we don't have, which is what the GOP has been doing for years... We can't continue to fight this was as we have been and expect to fix things at home.
We can see what the war and our foreign policy has done with gas prices...It is a direct coorelation. In the last year prices have risen by $0.73 a gallon and over $30 a barrel. Its not demand that is raising the prices....I believe that the powers that be are controling the supply and its not because of a lack of it.
Back to Obama, his economic plan is being endorsed by some key economic officials.. he is also being endorsed by some very high ranking generals whom all have good records.. As far as the tax loopholes go... I think what he is saying is these companies are supposed to be paying more taxes, I think its possible that certain compaines get out of paying at least 1/2 their taxes due to some loopholes in the system... I don't know if its Trillion$, but I bet that its at least 1/2 that.
I hope you didn't get dizzy and fall down from all that spinning

Who are the "key economic officials" endorsing his econ plan?
He said a trillion in loopholes. Did he just dig a nice sounding number out his butt or has he actually researched the code to determine if there really are any loopholes to be closed?
Democrats had control of the House of Representatives from the mid 50 until 1995. You really want to compare the spending records? Give you a hint, in 98 we had the first annual budget surplus in nearly 30 years. Guess who controlled the house (where all spending bills are written) up until 95


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
"Read my lips: No new taxes"
That was the start of the turn around last time we hit enormous debt...
That video backs up your point how?
Oh, and since you claim to be a ICU nurse, I assume you have some knowlegde of your hospital's disaster plan. You mentioned Katrina as a Republican

up. If Bush screwed up the fed response, What about Nagan and Blanco the Dem governor of LA? How much do you blame them?
I don't have some cutesy moveon.org video of brainwashed kids, I have the facts behind my.
They respond in that order.
Sunday August 28 2005 1 day prior
8:30 p.m. - An empty Amtrak train leaves New Orleans, with room for several hundred potential evacuees. "We offered the city the opportunity to take evacuees out of harm's way…The city declined," said Amtrak spokesman Cliff Black. The train left New Orleans no passengers on board.
Of course the response could have been better, but the Local and State leaders messed up the worst, and still everyone blames Bush for nagin and Blanco's debacle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Did he have to go to Granada Panama finally?
No, lol. As I remember, Med students pick out their top five Universities. He went to his third choice.
Not really the point of course. The point is, "affirmative action" leads to more poorly qualified students getting into schools ahead of better qualified students. Again, as of 10 years ago this is accurate. I haven't heard the system has changed.


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
That video backs up your point how?
Oh, and since you claim to be a ICU nurse, I assume you have some knowlegde of your hospital's disaster plan. You mentioned Katrina as a Republican

up. If Bush screwed up the fed response, What about Nagan and Blanco the Dem governor of LA? How much do you blame them?
I don't have some cutesy moveon.org video of brainwashed kids, I have the facts behind my.
They respond in that order.
Sunday August 28 2005 1 day prior
8:30 p.m. - An empty Amtrak train leaves New Orleans, with room for several hundred potential evacuees. "We offered the city the opportunity to take evacuees out of harm's way…The city declined," said Amtrak spokesman Cliff Black. The train left New Orleans no passengers on board.
Of course the response could have been better, but the Local and State leaders messed up the worst, and still everyone blames Bush for nagin and Blanco's debacle.

I never challenged your claim to be a MD, but I now do. You stated you have seen insurance that cover end of life care for patients over 65, I asked for a link. It is BS. You claim that Democrats are going to ration Medicare services. If you were really a doctor, you would know that services are being cut NOW. Over 60 % of MDs are refusing the new rates.
Why don't you talk about Medicare cutting out Adenosine scans ? An ER Doc who is unaware of that major change? What about the discussion to eliminate CTs? I would think an EMERGENCY physician who knows "Door to CT time" would be concerned about these impending (during a time when REPUBLICANS could intervene) cuts.
Hey, I think you should chill. Wait a few months, then you can claim it is the Democrats fault, and maybe some one will believe you


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
You guys are a hoot! Spin, spin. spin! Your "facts" are very interesting, I'll give you that!...
And your "facts" are where exactly?
You've said the Republican party standing for lower taxes is BS, despite history showing quite the contrary. You've talked about how important the abortion issue is to you, yet then state neither party has done anything about it; Ignoring, of course, the "Right to Life" stance of the Republican party and the laws passed in favor of giving the unborn more rights during this Adminstration. You call the "wars" a failure and site casualties, yet ignore the successes and fact that we lost close to 3,000 people in a single day to terrorists on 9-11. You call the current economy trash, while ignoring the records set during this Administration's economy... The list goes on.
I'm glad our "facts" interest you. Your "facts" mystify me. They seem to be invisible....


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Thinking about it further....
From one Clinton to a Bush = "It's the economy, stupid".
Daddy Bush, Baby Bush, and McCainBush. I am starting to make a connection to the Economy and Bush Doctrine. I hate to see that McCain has a automatic renewal to that failed subscription.
Vote Obama, Clinton, anybody other than a third term of Bush...
Just to clarify; Which Adminstration saw record Federal Revenues, record private home ownerships, and record stock market highs?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
And your "facts" are where exactly?
You've said the Republican party standing for lower taxes is BS, despite history showing quite the contrary. You've talked about how important the abortion issue is to you, yet then state neither party has done anything about it; Ignoring, of course, the "Right to Life" stance of the Republican party and the laws passed in favor of giving the unborn more rights during this Adminstration. You call the "wars" a failure and site casualties, yet ignore the successes and fact that we lost close to 3,000 people in a single day to terrorists on 9-11. You call the current economy trash, while ignoring the records set during this Administration's economy... The list goes on.
I'm glad our "facts" interest you. Your "facts" mystify me. They seem to be invisible....
Of course it isn't backed up in fact. It doesn't have to be It is just radical claims over and over, you don't have to be right if your the loudest and talk the most. The beautiful thing about being a conservative is that I don't have to twist anything, I don't have to scream and yell. I'm right, history proves it, logic proves it, and the facts will back up all my opinions. The beautiful thing about suzy is that the average person will read the fringe rhetoric and recognize it for what it is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
... Weird thing I see? You think your party is protecting the constitution! Our country can now spy on it's citizens, have prisoners held indefinately and they don't get a lawyer. Really, what constitution are you talking about? You've been able to convince your room mate that the Reds want to protect our Constitution?
Please give me the name of a single American held the way you describe.
Please explain what law is allowing the US Government to spy on it's citizens more than previously allowed by the courts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
She has a point... we all know that there have been several violations in the past... but there have been a few things that have occured during these last 8 years that can be considered unconstitutional...
As posted above, please post some examples.