Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
We can see what the war and our foreign policy has done with gas prices...It is a direct coorelation. In the last year prices have risen by $0.73 a gallon and over $30 a barrel. Its not demand that is raising the prices....I believe that the powers that be are controling the supply and its not because of a lack of it......
Again, please back this up with facts.


lower taxes is BS, despite history showing quite the contrary. Lower taxes, maybe. My taxes are still significant, yet my country owes $ 9 trillion dollars to China and others. How has lowering taxes during this administrations tenure helped our country today?
You've talked about how important the abortion issue is to you, yet then state neither party has done anything about it; Ignoring, of course, the "Right to Life" stance of the Republican party and the laws passed in favor of giving the unborn more rights during this Adminstration.

What!?! Your party has done nothing except appease it's base by passing a law that prevents a procedure that is so rare, and it excludes the time it is used: To save the life of the mother. You tell me one thing Republicans have done to outlaw or reduce abortion in America.
You call the "wars" a failure and site casualties, yet ignore the successes and fact that we lost close to 3,000 people in a single day to terrorists on 9-11.

What success? As long as we have 200,000 tropps there, they a have a tiny bit of perceived success, at least something Faux can show as success. Cheney said it would be a quadmire, so did the rest of the world. Now, we made our bed and we have to pay for decades. Success? Yeah, right.
You call the current economy trash, while ignoring the records set during this Administration's economy

I understand. We can't call it what it is until the Dems take over....$2 bucks a share....
I'm glad our "facts" interest you.

You state your opinion as fact. It is not.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1

I was reading on CNN... Apparently, Obama is going to address this whole race issue. ...
That's only about 19 years too late.
It doesn't matter what he says now. He's been associated with this hater for 20 years. He's allowed his children and wife to be indoctrinated by the Hate.
Unless he can come up with a staggering explanation to justify ignoring the hatred preached by his "rev" against White Americans, Jews (American and otherwise), and our Country, it's simply too little too late to overlook.
Rylan, if McCain went to a church for 20 years run by the KKK how would you feel about him?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Just to clarify; Which Adminstration saw record Federal Revenues, record private home ownerships, and record stock market highs?
Hey, how long did it take for the DOW to get back to where Clinton had it? 4, 5 years or so? Now, we are losing the few gains we got during Bushs terms. Hopefully, we won't lose the entire 8 years before he is done. Has that ever been done in our history? Eight years with stagnant gains?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Please give me the name of a single American held the way you describe.
Please explain what law is allowing the US Government to spy on it's citizens more than previously allowed by the courts.
The Patriotic Act. Check it out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
... My bishop comes to my house to give me a spiel, my husband says we have to let him come because he is our neighbor. But, do I care what he says? It's his opinion, and doesn't affect me or what I believe.
I make my own decisions about my life, my job, my car speed, ect. I do not need some one else telling me how I should act or conduct my life. I think Obama is like that too. He doesn't need some one else to tell him his values, and priorities and what his beliefs should be. He is a grown, strong man with good values and morals.
He is not a racist.
Obama says he is a Christian who believes the Bible. The Bible makes it clear as to the authoritative roll of the "Pastor" in the church. You can't say you believe the Bible then fail to acknowledge what the Bible teaches regarding church government imho.
Even if you can, you can't ignore the fact that Obama calls the "rev" his mentor. Nor can you ignore the fact that Obama had him as a political advisor.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
He's been associated with this hater for 20 years.
Only a few would try this man guilt by association, and they won't have voted for him anyway. If the RNC uses this, it may backfire...
I am kinda pumped to hear his speech. I'll set the TIVO now!


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Democrats had control of the House of Representatives from the mid 50 until 1995. You really want to compare the spending records? ...
We'll see, but unfortunately I doubt it. I have tried pointing out multiple times that the Republican Congress is responsible for the balanced budgets in the 90's... to no avail thus far.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Obama says he is a Christian who believes the Bible. The Bible makes it clear as to the authoritative roll of the "Pastor" in the church. You can't say you believe the Bible then fail to acknowledge what the Bible teaches regarding church government imho.
Even if you can, you can't ignore the fact that Obama calls the "rev" his mentor. Nor can you ignore the fact that Obama had him as a political advisor.
Of course you
can't. You wouldn't have voted for him anyway, so no loss to him. But, will the Mods and any Dems care? We'll see.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
.... If Bush screwed up the fed response....
The ironic thing is, the same critics of the Feds not overstepping their authority in the Katrina response are the same folks saying the Feds are now overstepping their Constitutional authority in wiretapping and holding foreign terror suspects.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
We'll see, but unfortunately I doubt it. I have tried pointing out multiple times that the Republican Congress is responsible for the balanced budgets in the 90's... to no avail thus far.
You spin it however you want. The average American is going to see the spending of the last 8 tears and give credit where credit is due....
We gotta get these Reps out. They spend money like a new hobbyist at an SPS frag fest! They spend money like they can just print more whenever they want!
Oh, wait. They can print more whenever they want. There goes our cheap China Walmart stuff.....


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The ironic thing is, the same critics of the Feds not overstepping their authority in the Katrina response are the same folks saying the Feds are now overstepping their Constitutional authority in wiretapping and holding foreign terror suspects.

Spin, spin, spin.......
Hey, when was the last time you spent 4 days on your roof? I hear it's a hoot...


Hey, guys, I just got my last warning from Journeyman. He wants to keep it calm here. So, have fun with your sounding board!


Active Member
Sen. Barack Obamakhan (D/Black Nationalist Il.) Today announced his plan to pay for promised new programs should Americans actually be foolish enough to elect him.
Obamakhan announced a proposal to collect up to one trillion dollars in uncollected taxes from the funds hoarded in children's piggy banks. "I intend to make these offspring of privelage pay their fair share" Obamakhan said. When asked for comment Obama confidante and spiritual advisor Jeremiah Wright (Racist Pig Il.) said "It's about time these little white devils were made to pay for the oppression they have visited on our people". Another long time Obamakhan advisor Momar Khadaffi (Murderous Tyrant Libya) said "This is another example of the visionary approach our brother will apply to insure those victims of the imperialist American regime get their fair share. What is this piggy bank you talk of?"


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Only a few would try this man guilt by association, and they won't have voted for him anyway. If the RNC uses this, it may backfire...
I am kinda pumped to hear his speech. I'll set the TIVO now!
This is not a casual acquaintance, it is a long time freind and lead pastor of his church. Obama claims a personal relationship with this man who he refers to as his spiritual advisor and moral sounding board. Guilt by association? You lefties try that line and Obama might lose bad enough that McCain's coattails will get the Senate back for the Republicans


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Just to clarify; Which Adminstration saw record Federal Revenues, record private home ownerships, and record stock market highs?
The international sellout party
Let me get this politically correct - "The White Greed Party"


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Spin, spin, spin.......
Hey, when was the last time you spent 4 days on your roof? I hear it's a hoot...
When was the last time I chose to live in a house, built below sea level, in a city surrounded on 3 sides by water in a coast line prone to hurricanes? And, to top it off, I chose to not follow the MANDANTORY evacuation orders?