Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member

Originally Posted by Suzy
[ Lower taxes, maybe. My taxes are still significant, yet my country owes $ 9 trillion dollars to China and others. How has lowering taxes during this administrations tenure helped our country today?
What!?! Your party has done nothing except appease it's base by passing a law that prevents a procedure that is so rare, and it excludes the time it is used: To save the life of the mother. You tell me one thing Republicans have done to outlaw or reduce abortion in America.
What success? As long as we have 200,000 tropps there, they a have a tiny bit of perceived success, at least something Faux can show as success. Cheney said it would be a quadmire, so did the rest of the world. Now, we made our bed and we have to pay for decades. Success? Yeah, right.
I understand. We can't call it what it is until the Dems take over....$2 bucks a share....
You state your opinion as fact. It is not.
First off, you and I agree on spending. I appreciate you admitting you were previously wrong on the parties and their tax stances.
Suzy, here are facts.
Abortion-Partial Birth Abortion ban bill. This is the first Fedral Law passed restricting abortions since Roe v Wade
. You might right this off as insignificant, but remember; Your candidate voted "present" on banning partial birth abortion (Il. Senate) AND did not support a law requiring Doctors to try to save the life of a baby born during a botched PBA. (again Il. Senate). The Dems wanted foreign aid in the 2008 budget to include money for foreign agencies that provide abortions worldwide. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22299150/ In addition, the Senate Democrats blocked the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act. Further, President Bush signed the Unborn Victom of Violence Act. What has Senator Obama done for the pro Life movement?
Successes in Iraq- http//www.theotheriraq.org , no attacks on USA soil since 9-11, thousands of Al Qaeda fighters killed in Iraq, over 20 attacks stopped on our homeland, leadership being hunted and killed in Afghanistan and Iraq, in addition, see the attached pics taken from briefing January 18, 2008.
Again I ask... under which president did the stock market reach it's record high?
All facts.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I never challenged your claim to be a MD, but I now do. You stated you have seen insurance that cover end of life care for patients over 65, I asked for a link. It is BS. You claim that Democrats are going to ration Medicare services. If you were really a doctor, you would know that services are being cut NOW. Over 60 % of MDs are refusing the new rates.
Why don't you talk about Medicare cutting out Adenosine scans ? An ER Doc who is unaware of that major change? What about the discussion to eliminate CTs? I would think an EMERGENCY physician who knows "Door to CT time" would be concerned about these impending (during a time when REPUBLICANS could intervene) cuts.
Hey, I think you should chill. Wait a few months, then you can claim it is the Democrats fault, and maybe some one will believe you

Kaiser Parmanente offers coverage for those over 65 for one example.
The way I remember the "no new taxes" history, Bush was drummed out of office as the ecomomy was poor.
Funny, I've never had a problem getting a CT or nuke medicine scan. Read your above quote, I'm not claiming Democrats in particular will ration health care, I'm claiming under socialized national healthcare it will be rationed. Democrats are serving that particular cool aid. I'd say the same thing if Republicans were serving the National Health care cool aid. Then below that you give an example of a socialized democrat program ( FDR's medicare/ssi) that is rationing health care. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Actually, ultrasound will likely replace many CT's in trauma, decreasing the even mosre important door to OR time.
Melniker LA, Leibner E, McKenney MG, et al. Randomized controlled clinical trial of point-of-care, limited ultrasonography for trauma in the emergency department: the first sonography outcomes assessment program trial. Ann Emerg Med. 2006;48(3):227-235.
Yes, some MD's are refusing the pay cuts from Medicare. Those levels are below the break-even point, and we've taken pay-cut after paycut. Then the private insurance companies base their pay schedules off medicare, so they decrease their pay. This ain't a perfect world. I have bills to pay, and I would like a good income for my years of hard work. It's sad when the local auto mechanic charges a higher hourly rate than many physicians.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
When was the last time I chose to live in a house, built below sea level, in a city surrounded on 3 sides by water in a coast line prone to hurricanes? And, to top it off, I chose to not follow the MANDANTORY evacuation orders?
Our home is built on a fault line. Our entire city is. Are you saying when the big one hits, we're on our own for the first week or so? We live in a country that has no federal emergency response when our local government response team is hit?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy

I make my own decisions about my life, my job, my car speed, ect. I do not need some one else telling me how I should act or conduct my life. I think Obama is like that too. He doesn't need some one else to tell him his values, and priorities and what his beliefs should be. He is a grown, strong man with good values and morals.
He is not a racist.
So, you decide how fast to drive? What about posted speed limits? Do you also decide if you are too drunk to drive? Are you above that law too?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I appreciate you admitting you were previously wrong on the parties and their tax stances.
I appreciate you admitting your party spends our money like a drunken sailor.
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Suzy, here are facts.
Abortion-Partial Birth Abortion ban bill.
Here are a few more facts: Partial birth abortion is only used when a baby cannot live outside it's mother's womb. I asked our Medical director (at the time), who is a OBGYN how often she had to use this procedure. She told of the 4 x's in her career that she offered it to the mother, the mother choose to deliver the baby and have the baby die in her arms.
I choose to believe that most mothers would do this. I cannot imagine a woman can feel her baby kick and squirm in her belly, a woman who has spent months living with the child inside her would choose other wise.
Here is what I call success: Carter started the WIC program when a commission of people probing the issue found one of the reasons women have abortions is because they can't afford to feed another child. Abortions rates went down.
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Successes in Iraq-
Can we keep this war going for 100 years? Sure, we might say the surge is working. Political gains are slow. How long can we afford to stay in a war with the troop levels as high as they are? How can you say it is success if we can never leave?
Originally Posted by 1journeyman

Again I ask... under which president did the stock market reach it's record high?
Well, of course it is the last president. Did our gains keep up with inflation? How many years did it take to get back to before he was in office? And, we had record surpluses yet now we have record debt.
We know the economy will begin to turn around in the next administration. Who ever gets elected will raise taxes. Maybe they won't tell us that now (Read my lips) but they will. The debt will begin to go down, consumer confidence will go up and it will slowly go back up.
Just like the first time our debt hit a trillion dollars.
Originally Posted by 1journeyman

All facts.


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Kaiser Parmanente offers coverage for those over 65 for one example.
As a secondary, not primary. A Medicare replacement HMO. Our federal tax money still pays the majority of end of life care. The majority of all health care spending.
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
The way I remember the "no new taxes" history, Bush was drummed out of office as the ecomomy was poor.
But, he started the turn around when he raised taxes. Clinton finished it and kicked it up!
Originally Posted by oscardeuce

Funny, I've never had a problem getting a CT or nuke medicine scan. Read your above quote, I'm not claiming Democrats in particular will ration health care, I'm claiming under socialized national healthcare it will be rationed. Democrats are serving that particular cool aid. I'd say the same thing if Republicans were serving the National Health care cool aid. Then below that you give an example of a socialized democrat program ( FDR's medicare/ssi) that is rationing health care. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Thus far. It's coming. No matter whose kool aid we drink.
Of course we have to ration something. How many uninsured patients do you see in your ER daily?
Originally Posted by oscardeuce

Yes, some MD's are refusing the pay cuts from Medicare. Those levels are below the break-even point, and we've taken pay-cut after paycut. Then the private insurance companies base their pay schedules off medicare, so they decrease their pay. This ain't a perfect world. I have bills to pay, and I would like a good income for my years of hard work. It's sad when the local auto mechanic charges a higher hourly rate than many physicians.
Seems like you would be one of the guys at the front of the line looking for a solution....


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
So, you decide how fast to drive? What about posted speed limits? Do you also decide if you are too drunk to drive? Are you above that law too?
Speed limits are really just suggestions!
The point I am making is that I don't need a pastor/preacher/ bishop/priest to tell me what is right and wrong. I know what is right and I do what is right.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Our home is built on a fault line. Our entire city is. Are you saying when the big one hits, we're on our own for the first week or so? We live in a country that has no federal emergency response when our local government response team is hit?
The way the law is written your local and state government have to ask the federal government to come in and help. They can't just walk in without an invitation.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Our home is built on a fault line. Our entire city is. Are you saying when the big one hits, we're on our own for the first week or so? We live in a country that has no federal emergency response when our local government response team is hit?
You'd be on your own the first couple days just like NO was. Your local police and fire department are already there. FEMA's role is to coordinate additional personel and resources from other areas. Ask yourself this, why was the same FEMA management able to do such a good job in Florida months earlier after it's hurricane damage?
Well lets see. Nagin waffled back and forth on making the evacuation mandatory for days, he left city owned school buses there to flood rather than utilizing them to provide transportation for residents known by the city to lack transportation. Nagin also refused the offer of use a train that was being moved out of the area by amtrack so it wasn't damaged in the storm (when even Amtrack gets it right and you don't there is no excuse)
The governor refused to allow federal personel in ahead of the storm. She also refused to allow Red Cross and Salvation Army caravans in the area the day after the storm. The supplies they were carrying would have certainly made the conditions at the super dome better.
At least the governor had sense enough not to run again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Our home is built on a fault line. Our entire city is. Are you saying when the big one hits, we're on our own for the first week or so? We live in a country that has no federal emergency response when our local government response team is hit?

Right, local response first, then your state, then the feds come in after being requested.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Right, local response first, then your state, then the feds come in after being requested.
There was an article siting afrom a close aid to that Kathleen Blanco that reported that the Bush administration called Blanco and offered to put national guard in before the storm. She refused and later said "he isn't going get credit for this."


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
First off, you and I agree on spending. I appreciate you admitting you were previously wrong on the parties and their tax stances.
Suzy, here are facts.
Abortion-Partial Birth Abortion ban bill. This is the first Fedral Law passed restricting abortions since Roe v Wade
. You might right this off as insignificant, but remember; Your candidate voted "present" on banning partial birth abortion (Il. Senate) AND did not support a law requiring Doctors to try to save the life of a baby born during a botched PBA. (again Il. Senate). The Dems wanted foreign aid in the 2008 budget to include money for foreign agencies that provide abortions worldwide. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22299150/ In addition, the Senate Democrats blocked the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act. Further, President Bush signed the Unborn Victom of Violence Act. What has Senator Obama done for the pro Life movement?
Successes in Iraq- http//www.theotheriraq.org , no attacks on USA soil since 9-11, thousands of Al Qaeda fighters killed in Iraq, over 20 attacks stopped on our homeland, leadership being hunted and killed in Afghanistan and Iraq, in addition, see the attached pics taken from briefing January 18, 2008.
Again I ask... under which president did the stock market reach it's record high?
All facts.
Nice spinning!


Active Member
"As a secondary, not primary. A Medicare replacement HMO. Our federal tax money still pays the majority of end of life care. The majority of all health care spending."
All that changes in the next year as Kaiser goes to medicare risk. The gov't is off-loading some of the risk onto the insurers. Some people chose KP as primary with MC secondary.
Ah, remember the good old days when our money was backed by gold. The dollar had real value then.Then FDR said "you can't own that ". Then under Kennedy we stopped redemption of the silver certificate. Now on the fiat system there is no intrinsic value, and the dollar falls, inflation rises. OUr economy has been on a roller coaster since. Things look bad, print more money. Yes, both sides are guilty of this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
There was an article siting afrom a close aid to that Kathleen Blanco that reported that the Bush administration called Blanco and offered to put national guard in before the storm. She refused and later said "he isn't going get credit for this."
I heard that, but cannot confirm.
On the other hand, it is stupid to put your supplies, equipment and people in the line of fire. Then you add rescuers to the victims. You never enter the red zone if at all possible, and if you do you enter it you enter with minimal assets to minimize your losses.


Active Member
Obama is done. Gotta respect him for not tossing his friend under the bus but that was what it was going to take to put and end to this. I still think he takes the Democrat nomination but unless McCain makes a pretty serious mistake he will be the next president.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
I heard that, but cannot confirm.
On the other hand, it is stupid to put your supplies, equipment and people in the line of fire. Then you add rescuers to the victims. You never enter the red zone if at all possible, and if you do you enter it you enter with minimal assets to minimize your losses.
Come on it is just 100 mph winds some rain and a secret government plan to kill all the blacks in New Orleans.
On a more serious note, I'd read the article but it was one of those unamed source articles so I don't hold to much weight to it. But it was better sourced that alot of these hit pieces proclamed as fact about republicans.


Active Member
Did anyone like how he linked Wright to a conservative principle? And his solution for racism is spectacular, make the whites victims too.


Active Member
This whole debate just makes him even more a black candidate. He needs to be seen as a candidate who happens to be black to win the general. This just doesn't do it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
This whole debate just makes him even more a black candidate. He needs to be seen as a candidate who happens to be black to win the general. This just doesn't do it.
This guy is an uber liberal, and doesn't have any understanding of basic basic economics. And this speach illustraited that quite well.


Active Member
For those of us of the non liberal persuassion this is truely amazing. The left bias in the majority of the news media has actually worked to our favor. First the NY Times runs a hit piece on McCain that even sensible Liberals attacked as totally unacceptable and gained McCain a lot of sympathy. Their love affair with Obama delayed any serious scrutiney of him or his record until he has the nomination all but sewn up. Had this story broke 6 months ago Hillary and edwards would be fighting it out. Now they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. If Obama wins the nomination the "Reagan Democrats" and many moderates run to McCain. Add to that the POed Clinton voters in Florida and Michigan who wont vote for Obama. Not a good situation.
If the super delegates shift the election to Hillary a heck of a lot of black voters and the fringe left will vote for the green party or just stay home. Also isn't going to play well with younger voters. If you would have told me a year ago the republican candidate would be in a great position to win I'd said you were crazy. I think God must be a Republican