Obama supporters. I have one question


Originally Posted by bdhutier
I doubt she's ever read it, and I doubt even more that there's much to read.
I am proud of our communities disaster plans. The last drill we did, we had all three hospital chains, the local fire fighters and p[olice teams, the EMTs group, even had LifeFlight land.
So, do all your discussions with others with differing views than yours involve insults?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The Republican Party typically is historically more fiscally responsible. I agree the past 8 years it was not.
You are wrong. PBA's are perfromed differently in different states. That's why it is so disturbing Obombus refused to vote against them in Il. That's why a Federal Law was so important. I assume you did not realize different states had regulated it differently.
you are completely wrong on the economy. Historically raising taxes lowers federal revenue and stifles the economy.
We should fight wars to win. I'll say this again, Al Qaeda has not given up the fight. If we aren't fighting them in Iraq we'll be fighting them elsewhere. The answer to ending the war is to defeat them, not cut and run.

No, you are completely wrong on the economy. Todays financial mess is proof.
You are wrong about women wanting to kill babies, no matter what the regulations are. You are wrong to think a woman would carry a baby for that long, 'till her abdomen is showing and she feels the baby inside her and then kill it on a whim.
Your opinion on the war is not fact. It's a cliche.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
... We are not occupying their country. We are not being shot at and asked to leave.
Even after all the spending of the last 8 years, when the republicans could have made drastic cuts and the Dems did not have enough votes to over ride any veto, you still continue to believe your party wants to reduce spending? Bush signed every spending bill he was sent, not once did he request any cuts in spending. Not one veto to any spending bill.
I think you are talking out both sides of your axx.
Don't forget the Dems frequent use of the Filibuster to delay or refuse to pass legislation...
As for Iraq, Geez...
"Occupying their country...", "Being asked to leave"...
Those two statements sum it up. If you believe we are "occupying" I suggest you do a bit of traveling. Go to the former Eastern Block countries. Look at their history and see what an "occupation" looks like. Read up on how the German "occupation" of Denmark, France, Poland, and Norway worked. To say that our military is "occupying" Iraq is a direct insult to every man and woman fighting there today.
Show me a link from the Iraqi Government asking us to leave.... ONE freaking link.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
No, you are completely wrong on the economy. Todays financial mess is proof.
You are wrong about women wanting to kill babies, no matter what the regulations are. You are wrong to think a woman would carry a baby for that long, 'till her abdomen is showing and she feels the baby inside her and then kill it on a whim.
Your opinion on the war is not fact. It's a cliche.
Suzy, are you seriously trying to argue that women never had late term abortions out of convenience?
If you are correct, why did Obombus not support the bill in Il.?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
No, you are completely wrong on the economy. Todays financial mess is proof. ....
So, to clarify your point, are you saying Federal Revenue did not increase under the Bush tax cuts? Are you saying Federal Revenue did not increase under the Reagan tax cuts?


Active Member
"Abortion rights groups, including the National Organization for Women, the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League and Planned Parenthood, say that any move to advance a ban on late-term abortions is one step closer to reversing the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision which restricted individual states' abilities to regulate or ban abortions..." http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,33437,00.html
Interesting read Suzy. It would appear those groups in favor of abortion feel this law is a step closer to overturning Roe v Wade, yet you brush it off as insignificant...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
You show me they have a government. All they have now is a puppet show. When we do leave, what will be left will be their government. All they have now is what we told them to have. So, why even ask them? Let's just ask Faux news.
Here's your link.
Hmm, a link to an interview dating back 10 years from the time of our 2nd invasion of Iraq somehow convinces me we Iraq doesn't have a Government.
Well played.
As for the Iraqi's having a government:



Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Hmm, a link to an interview dating back 10 years from the time of our 2nd invasion of Iraq somehow convinces me we Iraq doesn't have a Government.
Well played.
As for the Iraqi's having a government:
OK so it wasn't just me looking at that and saying HUH?


overall Obama is the better person in my opinion.
he has a lot to say on illegal immigration witch is one of our biggest problems in why our economy is doing so bad. to tighten up our boarders, even get national guard involved & make it where every employer (like the law just passed in Arizona) MUST be filed (legal) to work & the bus. owner will be held responsible & will be ENFORCED. & wants to look & invest more into alternative energy sources thus creating more jobs esp. for engineers etc etc
hillary wants to make Medicare free.. hm.. wheres that money guna come from?!?! yet she has no plan on how to make up for the costs. som1 in my business class who had cancer last year said she got the opportunity to meet hillary in a room with only about 50 other cancer patients and she was extremely rude and snobby, refused to even stay for 5 minutes to listen to what anyone had to say to her. she also wants to help illegal immigrants and pretty much connect the us w/ mexico. r u kiddin me?! bad idea! we are overpopulated as it is. she has some good points about raising pay for teachers, and enforcing more education after H.S. but so does Obama..

hillary! lol


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Suzy, are you seriously trying to argue that women never had late term abortions out of convenience?
If you are correct, why did Obombus not support the bill in Il.?
Yes. I am saying that. Dead serious. Look around at the women you know. Could one of them do this to an almost full term baby, who is moving in her womb? You want to believe that our country is full of evil creepy women more than you want to believe your party is using this issue.
SENATOR OBAMA did not support the bill the the same reason your party did nothing about the issue when the could have. It is a fund raiser.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
So, to clarify your point, are you saying Federal Revenue did not increase under the Bush tax cuts? Are you saying Federal Revenue did not increase under the Reagan tax cuts?
Of course it did. It was over 6 years. Did it increase at the rate it did before he was in? Our revenue goes up no matter who is in, just like gas prices, food prices go up. Are you saying the rates of increases after a tax cut are higher that when we actually pay our bills?
Who is going to pay that 9 trillion, JM? Another tax cut so revenues will skyrocket like they are now?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
"Abortion rights groups, including the National Organization for Women, the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League and Planned Parenthood, say that any move to advance a ban on late-term abortions is one step closer to reversing the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision which restricted individual states' abilities to regulate or ban abortions..." http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,33437,00.html
Interesting read Suzy. It would appear those groups in favor of abortion feel this law is a step closer to overturning Roe v Wade, yet you brush it off as insignificant...
Well, what if the people who SAY they want to overturn RVW didn't actually pass a bill to try? 6 years of complete control and we get a bill that affects zippo. Strong work, I say.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Hmm, a link to an interview dating back 10 years from the time of our 2nd invasion of Iraq somehow convinces me we Iraq doesn't have a Government.
Well played.
As for the Iraqi's having a government:
Great. They voted. So, now they will stand up and make their country work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Alex4286
overall Obama is the better person in my opinion.
he has a lot to say on illegal immigration witch is one of our biggest problems in why our economy is doing so bad. to tighten up our boarders, even get national guard involved & make it where every employer (like the law just passed in Arizona) MUST be filed (legal) to work & the bus. owner will be held responsible & will be ENFORCED. & wants to look & invest more into alternative energy sources thus creating more jobs esp. for engineers etc etc
hillary wants to make Medicare free.. hm.. wheres that money guna come from?!?! yet she has no plan on how to make up for the costs. som1 in my business class who had cancer last year said she got the opportunity to meet hillary in a room with only about 50 other cancer patients and she was extremely rude and snobby, refused to even stay for 5 minutes to listen to what anyone had to say to her. she also wants to help illegal immigrants and pretty much connect the us w/ mexico. r u kiddin me?! bad idea! we are overpopulated as it is. she has some good points about raising pay for teachers, and enforcing more education after H.S. but so does Obama..

hillary! lol
Obama wants to give illegal immigrants driver's licenses. At least Hillary backed off that idea. I dont see that as doing anything much but making it harder to catch those already in the country illegally. Obama's healthcare proposal isn't a whole lot different than her's.


Originally Posted by reefraff
Obama wants to give illegal immigrants driver's licenses. At least Hillary backed off that idea. I dont see that as doing anything much of anything but making it harder to catch those already in the country illegally. Obama's healthcare proposal isn't a whole lot different than her's.
Does your candidate have a proposal for either of these issues?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Hey, I'm just saying we should have listened to the experts and never invaded. He was right: we have a quadmire.
There was a reason not to invade back then. It was the terms daddy bush accepted to put together the colalition to kick Iraq out of Kuwait. Turns out it was a horrible idea. Should have let a "stray" missile accidentally take out Hussien. Be a lot more Kurds and sheites in Iraq today.