Obama supporters. I have one question


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And again...
It was a Republican Congress that balanced the budget in the 90's. Where is the Democratic balanced budget in 2008?


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Obama..cleverly I might add...appeared at the Chicago Tribune on Friday. In case you did not hear...he admitted he lied about the $ contributed by Rezko...it's 250K. THis did not get much play yet because his hater minister was taking up all the news time...my comments are in parenthesis.
From the Chicago Tribune.....3/16/08 John Kass..Sorry John..I couldn't resist inserting my editorial comments after reading....
..... I was left alone with a problem: Obama asks us to believe he can swim in the sewers of Illinois politics without catching a cold. He tells us that Rezko helped him scope out his dream house, yet Obama never thought he'd get a call from Tony saying his back was itchy.
"No," Obama said. "Because I had known him for a long time, and so I would have assumed I would have seen a pattern [of Rezko asking for favors] over the course of 15 years." ( That's right, it takes Nobama 20 years to figure something out...please see hater minister Wright tapes and excuses on Friday night given by Nobama)
I'm too old to believe in fairy tales.(me too)
At issue is the purchase of the Obama dream house on the South Side in 2005. The Rezkos bought the lot next door from the same owners on the same day, even as Tony was leprous with federal subpoenas. The Obamas paid $300,000 less than the asking price. The Rezkos paid the full list for the lot. Everybody was happy until Tony got indicted. ( natually, he may not have been present when those subpoenas were delivered....come on...give the guy some slack)
Was it a favor, with a bigger payout intended for later?( you do the math)
"No," Obama said again, reiterating that I was wrong for writing that he needed Rezko's help to buy his home. (Shame on you)
Obama said he asked Rezko about the federal investigations, if Rezko had any problems, and Tony said no, and Barack believed it. ( Hey, per Nobama...I never heard my minister in 20 years of conversations utter a discouraging word about whites, the US, jews or any other group....I bet you all feel confident now when he talks to our enemies around the world? He'll simply accept their "word")
What will he say when Vladimir Putin of Russia asks President Obama to believe him? ( See comment above.....Feeling confident now America?)
So I left half-satisfied, thinking Obama more naive than crooked, wondering what the Daleys of Chicago and the Kennedys of Massachusetts will do to him. ( I'm still stuck on the 20 year timeline...no time for trying to figure out this math word problem)
Obama was asked if coming out of the most politically corrupt city in America hinders his image as a reform candidate for the presidency. (I'm sure he soared high above it.....well, with the exception of Rezko, Ayers....picture looking clearer?)
"Look, Sen. [Hillary] Clinton comes out of New York, and there are apparently some issues there as well," he said, chuckling about the flameout of Clinton's superdelegate and soon-to-be-former-governor, Eliot Spitzer. "I think that all of you have been following my career for some time. I think that I have done a good job in rising politically in this environment, without being entangled in some of the traditional problems of Chicago politics. ( We understand Nobama...you are on the 20 year plan to figure potential powder keg problems out..).
"I know that there are those, like John Kass, who would like me to decry Chicago politics more frequently." (You were not in the state senate for 20 years..we understand your lack of frequency)
Just the corrupt parts, I said. (Umm...would that involve Rezko?)
"I'll leave that to his editorial commentary, but I think it's fair to say that I have conducted myself in my public office with great care and high ethical standards," he said. ( Define ethics please)


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
And again...
It was a Republican Congress that balanced the budget in the 90's. Where is the Democratic balanced budget in 2008?
Keep trying, you know the budget process. Where it starts and where it stops, correct? -- You also know what the market geniuses have done lately, that will cost us taxpayers - Corp Welfare program.
However, there is one geniuses you still belelive in, correct?
This was the period the Republicans had it all - Who can we blame - Let's lie and blame those tax and spend Democrats as usual...
Published: September 17, 2007
In an interview timed with the release of his memoir Monday, Mr. Greenspan sought to distance himself from the economic policies of President Bush and refute critics who say his policies at the Fed contributed to the housing bubble and bust that is now roiling the economy.
Mr. Greenspan unleashed bottled-up frustration about President Bush, Vice President ---- Cheney and Republican leaders in Congress who, he contends, put politics ahead of Republican goals like fiscal discipline and lower government spending.
I wonder what he is saying today - I'll try to find out and report back---


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I should correct that - thanks for pointing it out..
Another republican that has raised the national debt to new levels again and driven the economy into the ground. The president holds the reins/steering wheel of the country

I told you many times before. I have finally caught on to the republicans. I am slow, I admit my mistakes for voting for them in the past... You're a young man, in time you will too.
"If the Republicans will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop
telling the truth about them." - Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965)
So, you now believe socialism is the answer and the far left positions on ALL major issues?


Active Member
Obama's Worn-Out Economic Ideas
By Thomas Sowell
Senator Obama is being hailed as the newest and freshest face on the American political scene. But he is advocating some of the oldest fallacies, just as if it was the 1960s again, or as if he has learned nothing and forgotten nothing since then.
He thinks higher teacher pay is the answer to the abysmal failures of our education system, which is already far more expensive than the education provided in countries whose students have for decades consistently outperformed ours on international tests.
Senator Obama is for making college "affordable," as if he has never considered that government subsidies push up tuition, just as government subsidies push up agricultural prices, the price of medical care and other prices.
He is also for "alternative fuels," without the slightest thought about the prices of those fuels or the implications of those prices. All this is the old liberal agenda from years past, old wine in new bottles, a new face with old ideas that have been tried and failed repeatedly over the past generation.
Senator Obama is not unique among politicians who want to control prices, as if that is controlling the underlying reality behind the prices.
There is much current political interest in so-called "predatory lending" -- the charging of high interest rates for loans to poor people or to people with low credit ratings.
Nothing will be easier politically than passing laws to limit interest rates or make it harder for lenders to recover their money -- and nothing will cause credit to dry up faster to low-income people, forcing some of them to have to turn to illegal loan sharks, who have their own methods of collecting.
The underlying reality that politicians do not want to face is that here, too, prices convey a reality that is not subject to political control. That reality is that it is far riskier to lend to some people than to others.
That is why the price of a loan -- the interest rate -- is far higher to some people than to others. Far from making extra profits on riskier loans, many lenders have lost millions of dollars on such loans and some have gone bankrupt.
But politics is not about facts. It is about what politicians can get people to believe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Keep trying, you know the budget process. Where it starts and where it stops, correct? -- ---
I do.
Look up who and what was responsible for the US government shutting down in 95-96.
If President clinton wanted a blanced budget he could have started in 92 when the Dems were still in power.
As I've posted many, many times, I'm against the increased spending of the past 8 years. I'm even more against giant programs like UHC which will put an even greater debt on the Nation.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
So, you now believe socialism is the answer and the far left positions on ALL major issues?

"If the Republicans will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop
telling the truth about them." - Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965)


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
As I've posted many, many times, I'm against the increased spending of the past 8 years.
I think the lie here is that the republicans want a balanced budget - They had it all and they didn't. You can say it till you're blue in the face - It's not ture. They do, but the last 8 years don't count? There is no grey area here or anyone to blame, that is what was new...
"If the Republicans will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop
telling the truth about them." - Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965)


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
"If the Republicans will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop
telling the truth about them." - Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965)
I understand it is hard to defend Nobama's far left voting reocrd...he's even far to the left of the socialist he supported. I do admire the perfect score he received as being the most liberal senator in 2007. he even passed Ted Kennedy.
I'm hiding my wallet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
"If the Republicans will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop
telling the truth about them." - Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965)
"Taxing your way to prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket trying to lift himself up by the handle." Churchill
"The best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals" Lenin
"A heavy progressive or graduated income tax" Second plank of the Communist Manifesto
"HIV was invented by the US government to kill black people" "Rev" Wright


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I think the lie here is that the republicans want a balanced budget - They had it all and they didn't. You can say it till you're blue in the face - It's not ture. They do, but the last 8 years don't count? There is no grey area here or anyone to blame, that is what was new...
"If the Republicans will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop
telling the truth about them." - Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965)
No.. the Republican Party wants a blanced budget. The leaders for the last 8 years did not produce one. Mccain, btw, is far more fiscally Conservative than either Hillary or Obama.
Show me a year when a Democratic Congress submitted a blanced budget? After all, in the past 60 years the Democrats were in control of Congress far more than the Republicans.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
"Taxing your way to prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket trying to lift himself up by the handle." Churchill
"The best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals" Lenin
"A heavy progressive or graduated income tax" Second plank of the Communist Manifesto
"HIV was invented by the US government to kill black people" "Rev" Wright

Good, you're not saying anything about democrats this time -


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Which is it, wishy or washy -- I see just wishy washy.
Nope, not at all.
"Conservatives" in the Republican Party want to cut spending.
President Bush did many things that I agree with. Spending is not one of them.
As I asked already, however, I can show you where a Republican Congress passed a balanced budget; Can you show me where a Democratic Congress did the same?


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Nice try -LOL
Was David Kaczynski a republican?
I know Timothy Mcvay was a registerd republican...
Ayers, the terrorist (Weather Underground ) is supporting Nobama and the campaign claims they are 'friendly"...,..After the 9/11 attacks he stated he wished they could have done more regarding their terrorism....
maybe Ayers will be the Sec of Defense in the Nobama presidency.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Nice try -LOL
Was Ted Kaczynski a republican?
I know Timothy Mcvay was a registerd republican...
Isn't Senator Kennedy a Democrat? (Chappaquiddick)
Seriously, we could play this game all night.
I'll ask again, can you refer me to the year a Democratic Congress passed a balanced budget?


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Nice try -LOL
Was Ted Kaczynski a republican?
I know Timothy Mcvay was a registerd republican...
“I don't regret setting bombs; I feel we didn't do enough,” Ayers told the New York Times in 2001.