Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
that is funny, I did actually. Paid for school with hard work and long hours. No school loans, no federal aid. Now if only we could only pay for the programs we use...
thinking about it more....
This actually is inspirational, I am currently paying for my two sons college in cash and can't claim it on taxes. I should make them pay for it, good call. They work but it's just for their car insurance ( I provided the cars ) and spending cash.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
To all part time conservatives, not just you reef...
What I suggest is all republicans Belly-Up on their true beliefs. Don't take hand outs - Disabled, deal with it and find a job doing something, don't be a victim... They also, should refuse to take out Student Loans backed by the government, refuse to take Social Security, refuse to take Medicare, refuse to take Medicare prescriptions, refuse a VA home loan backing. Stand up for what you believe, don't participate and take the hand out - just because you paid taxes earlier into the programs, Stand Up and refuse to put your hand out!!!!. Refuse government sponsored retirements. Little less lip and LEAD BY EXAMPLE, Social programs are evil. Let business off the hook and the government - be your self made man or woman, nobody owes you anything, including state government. Tell your parents and grand parents to do the same... No Corp Welfare either.
I wonder how many AARP folks were once and still are republicans - Just DO-IT. Lead by Example.
Only an idiot would refuse to take social security, medicare, Disability etc. when you paid into it. If your car gets stolen you wouldn't think about not making your insurance company pay for it would you?
Close but no cigar Z


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
thinking about it more....
This actually is inspirational, I am currently paying for my two sons college in cash and can't claim it on taxes. I should make them pay for it, good call. They work but it's just for their car insurance ( I provided the cars ) and spending cash.
I bought my own car too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
thinking about it more....
This actually is inspirational, I am currently paying for my two sons college in cash and can't claim it on taxes. I should make them pay for it, good call. They work but it's just for their car insurance ( I provided the cars ) and spending cash.
I bought my own car too. And a 180 gallon fish tank with my spare well with grocery money.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
thinking about it more....
This actually is inspirational, I am currently paying for my two sons college in cash and can't claim it on taxes. I should make them pay for it, good call. They work but it's just for their car insurance ( I provided the cars ) and spending cash.
(on a tax note) as far as I know, all schools will send you a tax form stating how much you paid them regardless of the form of payment. And if you efile (depending on your income) you really don't have to prove the amount you paid. It isn't very much of a break like 1500 bucks but it did mean I paid a couple hundred less in taxes every year.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
(on a tax note) as far as I know, all schools will send you a tax form stating how much you paid them regardless of the form of payment..
It is adjusted gross income based, not sure what the cut off is. I just know we haven't been able to claim it per our CPA...


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Only an idiot would refuse to take social security, medicare, Disability etc...... If your car gets stolen you wouldn't think about not making your insurance company pay for it would you?....
Nice connection, Socialist = social programs from the government for the greater good and private insurance, they are one in the same
. Like I said, part-time conservatives.
Just Lead, don't follow the socialist path... Practice what you preach.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Nice connection, Socialist = social programs from the government for the greater good and private insurance, they are one in the same
. Like I said, part-time conservatives.
Just Lead, don't follow the socialist path... Practice what you preach.
Thats still the best you can come up with? If the government wants to refund all the FICA taxes I've paid over the years with interest I'll gladly opt out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
2 fired over Obama passport file breach
Third employee at State disciplined over accessing candidate’s records
Run amuck government - Another invasion into privacy - You think we were under a dictatorship
Too bad the republican standard of holding those people accountable wasn't applied when the Clintcons got caught with over 900 FBI files on their political enimies. That was rather Nixonian.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Thats still the best you can come up with? If the government wants to refund all the FICA taxes I've paid over the years with interest I'll gladly opt out.
I am for social security (and social programs) - There are people that are disabled that worked and there are those that are born disabled and never worked, both need to be taken care of by those that can. Also there are kids working parent/s that die that are still minors that need taken care of and their schooling. So I don't mind paying the taxes because they are for more than JUST ME, an able body worker. I don't begrudge the disabled or handicap. What I have issue with, are those that do and claim these are socialist values like that's a bad thing to help the less fortunate. There is a bigger picture than JUST ME and what I can get out of it attitude. Just remember the taxes you pay for SS isn't just for you...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
It appears they are Obama fans...
What a way to provide good cover... Something like -- I wasn't committing a bank burglary Officer, I just found the backdoor open and was standing guard...


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I am for social security (and social programs) - There are people that are disabled that worked and there are those that are born disabled and never worked and both need to be taken care of by those that can. Also there are kids parents that die that are still minors that need taken care of and their schooling. So I don't mind paying the taxes because they are for more than JUST ME, an able body worker. I don't begrudge the disabled or handicap. What I have issue with, are those that do and claim these are socialist values like that's a bad thing to help the less fortunate. There is a bigger picture than JUST ME and what I can get out of it attitude. Just remember the taxes you pay for SS isn't just for you...
And when did I say SS was a bad thing? It should have been lock boxed cause the government started squandering the money collected for it from day one but other than that I have no issue with it. But I'll be damned if I am paying for it and not use it.
On the other hand as a full time conservative I unlike you believe in personal responsibility. Any able bodied (and mind) adult should be required to work a minimum of 50 hours a week if they are receiving government assistance for housing, medical care, food stamps etc. If a person isn't suffering from a temporary setback and is asking others to help support their family I see nothing wrong with forcing them to work full time plus a little.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
And when did I say SS was a bad thing..
It's a social program, it takes care of more people than who pay into it. I must have made an error. You do agree with some social programs, just not all. That's why I was calling this type of person a part-time conservative. Sorry, I should have said part-time socialist, with fulltime conservative views. My BAD.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
It's a social program, it takes care of more people than who pay into it. I must have made an error. You do agree with some social programs, just not all. That's why I was calling this type of person a part-time conservative. Sorry, I should have said part-time socialist, with fulltime conservative views. My BAD.

I don't mind a saftey net as long as it doesn't turn into a hammock. Medicaid and medicare should be turned over to the states. Not to cut it but to get control of the fraud and waste. Its pretty different from region to region right now anyway. Might as well get the bennefit of having the localized oversight too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I don't mind a saftey net as long as it doesn't turn into a hammock.
Now we can agree on something
Though I refuse to believe that all are looking for a hammock and those that are, shouldn't distract from the majority that aren't. I say the same thing about the greedy corporate CEOs. I know they aren't all, there are a few that do care about their employees and the impact they have on them with decisions they make. I wish there were more of those....


Active Member
As I have stated..I beleive Nobama to be a racist......
Yes, that is in Obama's book, according to Sean Hannity who took the time to read his books, Audacity of Hope, and Dreams of my Father. I personally dont want to read his books, but I sure would love to post the quote that has white people being described as "Cigar Smoking Crackers"!


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
To all part time conservatives, not just you reef...
What I suggest is all republicans Belly-Up on their true beliefs. Don't take hand outs - Disabled, deal with it and find a job doing something, don't be a victim... They also, should refuse to take out Student Loans backed by the government, refuse to take Social Security, refuse to take Medicare, refuse to take Medicare prescriptions, refuse a VA home loan backing. Stand up for what you believe, don't participate and take the hand out - just because you paid taxes earlier into the programs, Stand Up and refuse to put your hand out!!!!. Refuse government sponsored retirements. Little less lip and LEAD BY EXAMPLE, Social programs are evil. Let business off the hook and the government - be your self made man or woman, nobody owes you anything, including state government. Tell your parents and grand parents to do the same... No Corp Welfare either.
I wonder how many AARP folks were once and still are republicans - Just DO-IT. Lead by Example.
Since Nobama and most liberals are for surrendering to the terrosits...no national defense for the far left should the cut and runners win the white house in the general...when then terrorists arrive the military will simply lead them to the far left liberal areas of the country for the beheadings....Who knows...yours might be the first to roll.
After all..why should you or any other liberal recieve ANY benefit from the military. You are the chanters of surrender. Just like you state...lead by example and step up so your head can roll.
You can battle the enemy with some hope and change bombs.
Belly up so your head can roll