Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
If you don't want to be called a liberal then don't be a liberal.
Obama said: "What I'm certain about is that people are disenchanted with a highly ideological Republican Party that believes tax cuts are the answer to every problem, and lack of regulation and oversight is always going to generate economic growth, and unilateral intervention around the world is the best approach to foreign policy. So there's no doubt the pendulum is swinging."
sounds like one if I've ever heard one. The follow up for this is and more government is the answer.


Active Member
I do find it funny how they are trying to promote Obama as a uniting force. He is a idealogue from the left. Do you serious think a candidate that gets consistent support from the World Workers Party and Democrat Socialists of American and get conservatives or even moderate Republicans too? Its just rediculous the way the press ignors these issues..


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
There is no doubt that McCain knows which terrorist Iran supports based on a long history of remarks on the subject so him mispeaking on the campaign trail doesn't concern me anything like Obama's plan. He proposes we pull out of Iraq and hope Al Qeada doesn't use that as an opportunity to take control of the country and then just reinvade if they do. Real smart foriegn policy there

I don't know... it raises the question about how much he knows... "Iran is training Al Qaeda" ????? Thats more that a misspeak..


Active Member
I was waiting for this... I finally saw the Wright's sermon in context last night... and the 15 sec clip definitely does this man a deservice... Regardless if you agree with them or not... they have been portrayed inaccuratly in the media and on YouTube... In regards to the "God Curse America" ... and 911 blast... He is basically saying that America has killed hundreds of thousands of people in the name of a flawed foreign policy and basically that America is acting as if they are the god of the world... That our history has been a nation "Under God" and that now in this day we are a nation that is moving away from God with the debates about evolution and God in schools, the removing of the Ten Commandments from public buildings, basically just becoming a God-less nation... and that because of our inclusion of God in our nation we have been able to become the greatest nation on earth, but if we continue to move from God... it will be God D--- America, instead of God Bless America... He never himself cursed America...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I don't know... it raises the question about how much he knows... "Iran is training Al Qaeda" ????? Thats more that a misspeak..
When the man has discussed the issue many times before without making such a mistake it would be considered a mispeak. McCain didn't hesitate to correct himself when Lieberman pointed it out to him.
When Obama said "If we find Al Qeada is building a power bas in Iraq we can return and deal with them" wasn't a mispeak. It was a demonstration of his lack of understanding of the situation at hand. He is assuming if US troops leave Iraq Al Qeada will too. Thats scarry


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I was waiting for this... I finally saw the Wright's sermon in context last night... and the 15 sec clip definitely does this man a deservice... Regardless if you agree with them or not... they have been portrayed inaccuratly in the media and on YouTube... In regards to the "God Curse America" ... and 911 blast... He is basically saying that America has killed hundreds of thousands of people in the name of a flawed foreign policy and basically that America is acting as if they are the god of the world... That our history has been a nation "Under God" and that now in this day we are a nation that is moving away from God with the debates about evolution and God in schools, the removing of the Ten Commandments from public buildings, basically just becoming a God-less nation... and that because of our inclusion of God in our nation we have been able to become the greatest nation on earth, but if we continue to move from God... it will be God D--- America, instead of God Bless America... He never himself cursed America...
I listened to the whole load of crap he spewed and I far as I am concerned it makes him look even worse. Gotta wonder why anyone would want their children exposed to that stuff in "church"


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I was waiting for this... I finally saw the Wright's sermon in context last night... and the 15 sec clip definitely does this man a deservice... Regardless if you agree with them or not... they have been portrayed inaccuratly in the media and on YouTube... In regards to the "God Curse America" ... and 911 blast... He is basically saying that America has killed hundreds of thousands of people in the name of a flawed foreign policy and basically that America is acting as if they are the god of the world... That our history has been a nation "Under God" and that now in this day we are a nation that is moving away from God with the debates about evolution and God in schools, the removing of the Ten Commandments from public buildings, basically just becoming a God-less nation... and that because of our inclusion of God in our nation we have been able to become the greatest nation on earth, but if we continue to move from God... it will be God D--- America, instead of God Bless America... He never himself cursed America...
lol, I've heard the whole thing too, It fits perfectly in the context of what he was saying. And what he was saying is perfectly summarized in the "god d--- america" bite.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
I don't know... it raises the question about how much he knows... "Iran is training Al Qaeda" ????? Thats more that a misspeak..
I highly
suspect they are.
Iran is the largest sponsor of terrorist groups worldwide.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I was waiting for this... I finally saw the Wright's sermon in context last night... and the 15 sec clip definitely does this man a deservice... Regardless if you agree with them or not... they have been portrayed inaccuratly in the media and on YouTube... In regards to the "God Curse America" ... and 911 blast... He is basically saying that America has killed hundreds of thousands of people in the name of a flawed foreign policy and basically that America is acting as if they are the god of the world... That our history has been a nation "Under God" and that now in this day we are a nation that is moving away from God with the debates about evolution and God in schools, the removing of the Ten Commandments from public buildings, basically just becoming a God-less nation... and that because of our inclusion of God in our nation we have been able to become the greatest nation on earth, but if we continue to move from God... it will be God D--- America, instead of God Bless America... He never himself cursed America...

Rylan, which sermon? This isn't one single sermon we're talking about.


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I highly
suspect they are.
Iran is the largest sponsor of terrorist groups worldwide.
The statement was a false one... notice Lieberman interupting him...

I wonder what he said exactly...


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
When the man has discussed the issue many times before without making such a mistake it would be considered a mispeak. McCain didn't hesitate to correct himself when Lieberman pointed it out to him.
When Obama said "If we find Al Qeada is building a power bas in Iraq we can return and deal with them" wasn't a mispeak. It was a demonstration of his lack of understanding of the situation at hand. He is assuming if US troops leave Iraq Al Qeada will too. Thats scarry
Well they weren't there before...they came because that is where the US is.. I can't rule out them trying to start a base there... but this is something that the Iraq authorities w/ some US support should be dealing with.... much of the insurgency is due to our presence... I think we need to scale back our role and begin a phase out...while maitaining the borders..


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I listened to the whole load of crap he spewed and I far as I am concerned it makes him look even worse. Gotta wonder why anyone would want their children exposed to that stuff in "church"
I disagree, what he has said is no different than many other pastors... Regardless if you agree with him or not.... I don't believe his sermon deserves the criticism it has been recieving as hateful and racist. As I stated he did not curse America... but said that if America continues down the road of sin and taking "God" out of America... than instead of God bless America it will be God d--- America... and we will continue to be out of favor with God and more bad things will happen... not because He is causing these things to happen, but because God will not intercede on our behalf.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I disagree, what he has said is no different than many other pastors... Regardless if you agree with him or not.... I don't believe his sermon deserves the criticism it has been recieving as hateful and racist. As I stated he did not curse America... but said that if America continues down the road of sin and taking "God" out of America... than instead of God bless America it will be God d--- America... and we will continue to be out of favor with God and more bad things will happen... not because He is causing these things to happen, but because God will not intercede on our behalf.
funny if he ment that there would have been a God will d--- america


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I disagree, what he has said is no different than many other pastors... Regardless if you agree with him or not.... I don't believe his sermon deserves the criticism it has been recieving as hateful and racist. As I stated he did not curse America... but said that if America continues down the road of sin and taking "God" out of America... than instead of God bless America it will be God d--- America... and we will continue to be out of favor with God and more bad things will happen... not because He is causing these things to happen, but because God will not intercede on our behalf.
This wasn't the sermon that revealed his racism. This demonstrated his anti American point of view. I am not worried about the God D america stuff. It's him trying to draw a moral comparision to some of our actions to those of the terrorists. Yeah, generations ago we did some nasty stuff but he went into Japan, Panama and bombing his good buddy Kadafi's house.
The fact he would grant an award to Farrakhan shows him to at least be willing to look the other way when a racist happens to hold his point of view on other issue. Hows own words about the KKK and white america demonstrates him to hold those same views.
I have zero respect for anyone who would attend a church that man preeched at. If it isn't realy bad Why did Oparah distance hereself from the church in 1990?
As goofy as Falwell used to get at least he did stick with biblical teachings whether you agreed with his interpretation of it or not


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Well they weren't there before.....
you've had this corrected numerous times. Al qaeda did have a presence in Iraq. They did not have an "operational" relationship.
As you said, they are there now. Why do you think they would magically go away when we start withdrawing? Where would they go?
Pulling out will lead to more US casualties. The surge has proven that increased numbers make the country more secure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
The statement was a false one... notice Lieberman interupting him...

I wonder what he said exactly...
Unfortunately it would appear McCain's "mispeak" and my assumption are backed up by General Petraeus http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,341108,00.html
"Gen. David Petraeus, commanding general of the Multi-National Forces in Iraq, says he has evidence that Iran trained, equipped and funded insurgents who fired a volley of mortars and rockets at the protected Green Zone in Baghdad. Petraeus, in an interview Monday with the BBC, said Iran's Quds Force, a branch of the Revolutionary Guards, was behind the insurgent attack. "The rockets that were launched at the Green Zone yesterday, for example... were Iranian-provided, Iranian-made rockets," he said, adding that the groups that fired them were funded and trained by the Quds Force...."


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Unfortunately it would appear McCain's "mispeak" and my assumption are backed up by General Petraeus http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,341108,00.html
"Gen. David Petraeus, commanding general of the Multi-National Forces in Iraq, says he has evidence that Iran trained, equipped and funded insurgents who fired a volley of mortars and rockets at the protected Green Zone in Baghdad. Petraeus, in an interview Monday with the BBC, said Iran's Quds Force, a branch of the Revolutionary Guards, was behind the insurgent attack. "The rockets that were launched at the Green Zone yesterday, for example... were Iranian-provided, Iranian-made rockets," he said, adding that the groups that fired them were funded and trained by the Quds Force...."

So the insurgents are Al Qaeda?