Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Just what Obama needed, Today the new Black Panther Party endorsed him and had a page up on his website for a bit

This one they got ahead of. Still when they removed it they said blah, blah, blah and didn't allow organizations that promoted violence. Are the people running his campaign stuuuuuuupid? Why didn't they mention the racism ebdedded in the Panthers idealogy? Seems to me Obama needs to start worrying about offending the country in general rather than the black community.
It appears he is a hater magnet. He should resign forn the race and the US senate. .
Well....maybe he should hang in there...as he will only muster 40% of the vote on a good day in the general.
I've been on this racist for months now...and the chickens have come home to roost.


Active Member
More Change you can beleive in......No more special interest under Nobama...Whay a fake and fraud candidate...plus a racist
Michelle Obama's hospital: On senator's wish-list
By Mike Dorning | Washington Bureau
3:15 PM CDT, March 14, 2008
WASHINGTON - Among the pork-barrel spending requests Barack Obama has made since arriving in the U.S. Senate is $1 million for the hospital where his wife worked at the time and $8 million for weapons technology made by a big defense contractor with close ties to a major fundraiser.
Obama released on Thursday a list of all his requests for earmarked federal spending in 2005 and 2006. He already had released a list of spending requests made in 2007.
In among them was a request for $1 million in federal funding in 2006 for a new pavilion at the University of Chicago Hospitals, where his wife, Michelle Obama, was a vice president at the time. The request was not ultimately included when Congress passed spending legislation that year, according to the Obama campaign.
That same year, Obama requested $8 million in funding for "High Explosive Air Burst Technology" made by General Dynamics, a military contractor with close ties to a major fundraiser.
Obama's Illinois Finance Chairman, billionaire James S. Crown, a longtime Obama supporter who has raised at least $200,000 for his presidential campaign, is a director of General Dynamics, and his family has a large investment in the company. The request ultimately resulted in $1.3 million in funding for the project.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Belly up so your head can roll
Osama Bin Laden -Bush and Cheney can't find him in what almost 7 years? So much for the war on terrorism. Shhh don't say it too loud, they are looking in the wrong place. I would be happy to take care of this issue, send him my way IF you find him. I SERVED MY COUNTRY - I will assume you did, by your endless rhetoric? By the way, will you participate in the SOCIAL PROGRAMs - SS, Medicare when you retire or are you part-time socialist, with fulltime conservative views too

PS -McCain doesn't even know who the enemy is in Iraq without Lieberman whispering in his ear (shhh, John, it's the other guys). I hope Joe is his VP pick - this way we won't attack the wrong people in the future - if he becomes President that is... Or could just be from missing all those foreign policy votes in 2007. Could be age too?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
More Change you can beleive in.
I am now convinced - Clinton it is - Thanks Scooby Doo
Chill out, I am worried about you. You're going to have a heart attack with all this anger. You don't have to vote for Obama, you can vote for somebody else, I will let you. You can have internal peace now....


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Obama released on Thursday a list of all his requests for earmarked federal spending in 2005 and 2006. He already had released a list of spending requests made in 2007.
He stands for transparency, you fault him for that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Now we can agree on something
Though I refuse to believe that all are looking for a hammock and those that are, shouldn't distract from the majority that aren't. I say the same thing about the greedy corporate CEOs. I know they aren't all, there are a few that do care about their employees and the impact they have on them with decisions they make. I wish there were more of those....
There are a lotta people looking for that hammock but that is just a slice of the problem. I remember several years ago they tripped over one scam in the Miami area alone were cab drivers were running a multi million dollar a year scam on the medicare system alone.
Here's another shocking example
"An absolute disgrace’
One afternoon, we sat with an 82-year-old woman named Muriel Sherman. Someone stole her patient number, and in the last few years Medicare has been billed for tens of thousands of dollars in her name for treatments and medicines she never got and doesn't need.
On the books, it would appear she has AIDS and diabetes, is missing an eye, has artificial knees and elbows, needs a wheelchair and is taking enough medication to kill her on the spot – NONE of which is true.
Muriel is just furious, and has actually gone out on her own to confront the medical supply companies listed on her explanation of benefits (EOB) statements, to no avail. "It's an absolute disgrace that they put on all those things," she said.
Sadly, there are thousands more victims just like her, preyed upon by criminals stealing billions each year from American taxpayers. As experts debate how to fix this enormous problem, it's easy to think again about that alligator."
That is why I support more localized control. It's a lot easier to spot that kind of abuse on a smaller scale.


Active Member
There is no doubt that McCain knows which terrorist Iran supports based on a long history of remarks on the subject so him mispeaking on the campaign trail doesn't concern me anything like Obama's plan. He proposes we pull out of Iraq and hope Al Qeada doesn't use that as an opportunity to take control of the country and then just reinvade if they do. Real smart foriegn policy there


So, we have almost 30 pages of why we don't like Senator Obama.I can think of quite a few reasons why I like him.
He doesn't have ties to any former hawks from previous administrations. It seems he has no Cheney, no Wolfowitz, no Rumsfeld who will join his staff and take over with their own agenda from decades past. He will be able to choose advisors from the most intelligent people in our country. Hopefully, he will be able to see through those who might try to use his position to their own gain, and the detriment of our country.
Actually, having no Cheney or Wolfowitz is enough for me, but there is another cool bonus with Obama. In our history, we have only elected rich white guys as our president. Choosing an ethnic president will show the rest of the world, and more importantly our own citizens, that we are not a collective group of racists. We can get over that part of our history once and for all. Of course, there will be some who continue to be racists (and make references to Farakan, Wright and the like), but electing a black guy will go a long way to changing the image that we all are.
Plus, he is the next generation. McCain's generation was great, but they do have their own baggage. It's time to let another generation look at the issues we have today, with a different perspective than what we dealt with last millenium.
So that is 3 reasons off the top of my head. Not even mentioning the part about him being tall, and sexy. How would it be to have a president representing us that could go to foreign countries and make speeches without stuttering and having that goofy look when he walks into a locked door?


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
To all part time conservatives, not just you reef...
What I suggest is all republicans Belly-Up on their true beliefs. Don't take hand outs - Disabled, deal with it and find a job doing something, don't be a victim... They also, should refuse to take out Student Loans backed by the government, refuse to take Social Security, refuse to take Medicare, refuse to take Medicare prescriptions, refuse a VA home loan backing. Stand up for what you believe, don't participate and take the hand out - just because you paid taxes earlier into the programs, Stand Up and refuse to put your hand out!!!!. Refuse government sponsored retirements. Little less lip and LEAD BY EXAMPLE, Social programs are evil. Let business off the hook and the government - be your self made man or woman, nobody owes you anything, including state government. Tell your parents and grand parents to do the same... No Corp Welfare either.
I wonder how many AARP folks were once and still are republicans - Just DO-IT. Lead by Example.

I'll refuse to take medicare quite happily. As soon as the government stops taking MY money to pay for "my" medicare. I've never taken a federal loan, Not even FHA. I've supported my family, and about 3 others. I've worked 80 hour weeks so some lazy bum can stay home and not work. I do not mind helping those truely disabled, but that is the exception rather than the rule is seems. Not as many votes. I've been a conservative since day one. My dad was one of the most conservative members of the Ohio House of Representatives. He avoided lobbyist pay-offs like the plague. He voted for lower taxes, and less spending. He was awarded the "Watchdog of the Treasury 4 times.
I agree, both sides are spending too much. They are buying their way into office with give-aways. They spend too much time in office, and amass too much power. Can we survive when people simply vote for the biggest handout?
The federal government does owe us something. Common defense. Obama would sacrifice that to pay for move evil social programs. Obama /Clinton would be happy to buy their way into office, and sacrifice the Constitutional role of the federal government in the process.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Not even mentioning the part about him being tall, and sexy. How would it be to have a president representing us that could go to foreign countries and make speeches without stuttering and having that goofy look when he walks into a locked door?

I got a real pretty bridge in a real pretty swamp to sell you.


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
. I've worked 80 hour weeks so some lazy bum can stay home and not work. .
I think are are many myths around about our social programs. No able bodied person gets paid to stay home.
Those who choose not to work get to live under the viaduct and beg for money to buy cheap wine and get food from the Salvation Army food court....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I think are are many myths around about our social programs. No able bodied person gets paid to stay home.
I can think of one of my friends right now. Staying at home and getting the "Check"


So, how is he cheating us? Why don't you do the right thing and turn him in?
Tell us details of how your friend is able to get a check to pay him to do nothing?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I think are are many myths around about our social programs. No able bodied person gets paid to stay home.
Those who choose not to work get to live under the viaduct and beg for money to buy cheap wine and get food from the Salvation Army food court....
I turned on someone who was on total disability from a back injury. Supposed to be in so much pain he could not work at all. He came to see me for arm and chest pain. It seems he works out 3-5 days a week and was benching 250 lbs.
Many able bodied people receive gov't money for doing nothing. If you think otherwise, you don't work in healthcare. I've seen the "poor" on welfare. They have pagers, nice cell phones, with what appears to be unlimited minutes, because they are always on them. Their things are better than mine. I'm thinking of becomeing "poor" so I can upgrade my phone, and have more time to spend with my family instead if working 12 hours and brinign home 5 hours of pay.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
So, how is he cheating us? Why don't you do the right thing and turn him in?
Tell us details of how your friend is able to get a check to pay him to do nothing?
It is called welfare, "all you have to do is not make any money." As he put it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
.. He will be able to choose advisors from the most intelligent people in our country.
would you consider "Rev" Wright one of the most intelligent people in our country? Obama's character judgment is flawed, at best.
Originally Posted by Suzy
... there is another cool bonus with Obama. In our history, we have only elected rich white guys as our president. Choosing an ethnic president will show the rest of the world, and more importantly our own citizens, that we are not a collective group of racists. We can get over that part of our history once and for all. Of course, there will be some who continue to be racists (and make references to Farakan, Wright and the like), but electing a black guy will go a long way to changing the image that we all
That's a great qualification for being President of the world's only superpower; Your skin color. Not that it matters, of course. Al Qaeda will still kill Americans around the world, Europe will still wax and wane on their love for us, and China will still be acting to leech off of our economy while millions pour into our country illegally.
I personally am over "that part of history". Just as I am over my ancestors being oppressed in europe for their beliefs, my ancestors in Romania being crushed by the Communists, and my forefathers being oppressed by Spain. I don't need to vote for a man of a certain skin tone to get absolution for something I was in no way a part of or responsible for. Nor would I expect anyone else to.
Originally Posted by Suzy

.. Plus, he is the next generation. McCain's generation was great, but they do have their own baggage....
LOL, McCain has baggage? Have you missed the last week in the media? Obama could open a luggage showroom...
Originally Posted by Suzy

... How would it be to have a president representing us that could go to foreign countries and make speeches without stuttering and having that goofy look when he walks into a locked door?
In the words of Roosevelt, "Speak softly and carry a big stick". It doesn't matter how flowery your speech is if there is nothing backing it up. President Bush, admittedly, is not gifted in gab. When he speaks, however, world leaders listen. Libya gave up it's WMD program, Pakistan cleaned house and sided with us, France and Germany elected politicians who ran on a more Pro-American position, etc.


Active Member
Last time we elected a president who had no ties to previous administration and was from the "next" gerenation we got 4 years of Jimmy Carter who without doubt will go down as having the worst presidency in the last 80 or so years.


Originally Posted by reefraff
Last time we elected a president who had no ties to previous administration and was from the "next" gerenation we got 4 years of Jimmy Carter who without doubt will go down as having the worst presidency in the last 80 or so years.
Interesting you bring that up, since Jimmy's an Israel-hater, and Obama's been attending a church for the last 20 years which preaches against Israel...