Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
But still no year a Democratic Congress passed a balanced budget? Come one, it's getting late.

See how you redirect the issue of republican wanting a balance budget and not delivering to democrats, again. I have never said democrats are perfect.. What I said, was republicans aren't and only one sitting recent president curbed deficit spending and republicans had soaring deficits.
It may take me some time, because I know in history we have had the national debt paid off once (that implies a balanced budget too), but the majority of the time we have carried some small debt and not always interest bearing debt as a nation. Not sure who or what the makeup was in parties. I let you know if I find it. - (not tonight - I am going to bed soon)
It was this fabrication of the republican party, is one of the things that moved me away from them.. Look at the numbers, they are all spenders, the republicans are 100 times worse than they have ever let on and then cut taxes making it even worse. A double hit to the debt.


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Originally Posted by zman1
Keep trying, you know the budget process. Where it starts and where it stops, correct? -- You also know what the market geniuses have done lately, that will cost us taxpayers - Corp Welfare program.
However, there is one geniuses you still belelive in, correct?
This was the period the Republicans had it all - Who can we blame - Let's lie and blame those tax and spend Democrats as usual...
Published: September 17, 2007
In an interview timed with the release of his memoir Monday, Mr. Greenspan sought to distance himself from the economic policies of President Bush and refute critics who say his policies at the Fed contributed to the housing bubble and bust that is now roiling the economy.
Mr. Greenspan unleashed bottled-up frustration about President Bush, Vice President ---- Cheney and Republican leaders in Congress who, he contends, put politics ahead of Republican goals like fiscal discipline and lower government spending.
I wonder what he is saying today - I'll try to find out and report back---
Funny unlike you he calls them "Republican goals like fiscal discipline and lower government spending." And since he is the authority on the subject.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Good, you're not saying anything about democrats this time -

You don't have to say anything you just have to quote them.
zman- Your alternative mind boggling. Vote democrat because the republicans over the last 8 years have spent money like democrats. You're argument is blown out of the water when you consider the expense that clinton tried to pass and failed. You still can't respond to who shut down the government in response to the amount clinton wanted to spend.
You make wild claims that the fed is failing, yet when they act in order to stable a financial institution you call it corporate welfare. You can't have both sides of the fence. Who is wishy washy it isn't me.


Active Member
You know Zmann, the more you post the more I doubt you were ever a Republican, at least not conservative.
Look at Oboy's spending proposals, More government handouts. Socialized medicine, demonizing business (while taking money from them hand over fist I might add) His support for all out handgun bans etc. I quite the Republican party when they started spending like the Democrat party, Expanded rather than eliminated uneeded federal agencies, didn't push for paycheck protection or right to work.
Just because I don't support the party doesn't mean I don't still support politicians who believe in the things I do. There are very few politicians in the Democrat party at the national level I could even consider supporting. The one with the most or at the very minimum one of the most liberal voting records wouldn't be the one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
See how you redirect the issue of republican wanting a balance budget and not delivering to democrats, again. I have never said democrats are perfect.. What I said, was republicans aren't and only one sitting recent president curbed deficit spending and republicans had soaring deficits.
It may take me some time, because I know in history we have had the national debt paid off once (that implies a balanced budget too), but the majority of the time we have carried some small debt and not always interest bearing debt as a nation. Not sure who or what the makeup was in parties. I let you know if I find it. - (not tonight - I am going to bed soon)
It was this fabrication of the republican party, is one of the things that moved me away from them.. Look at the numbers, they are all spenders, the republicans are 100 times worse than they have ever let on and then cut taxes making it even worse. A double hit to the debt.
I'll be interested to talk more about this after you have looked up the numbers.
I've never said the Republicans are perfect either. You know I've been critical of spending in this Administration. Still, both in policy and practice, history shows the Republican Party is more fiscally responsible.
As I pointed out, It was the Republican Party that fought Clinton and balanced the budget. The Federal Government was shut down twice during Clinton's Presidency when he initailly refused to sign the balanced budget submitted to him.


Active Member
Great...yeat another Obama supporter and hater...this guy is a supporter and that Obama website claimed to be proud of his support. How many haters and racists is this guy tied to? Look for this to possibly break wide open tomorrow....
I've also recently discoverd this regarding another "reverend" supporting Nobama......are you beginning to see a pattern?
Father Michael Pfleger, Obama Mentor, Farrakhan Supporter, Homicidal Left Wing Activist
You can think of Father Michael Pfleger as the white Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Not only does Father Michael Pfleger have a longstanding association with Wright and his Church, he has longstanding ties to Louis Farrakhan, so much so that Farrakhan has even spoken at Father Michael Pfleger's St. Sabina church.
Like Wright, Father Michael Pfleger has close ties to Barack Obama and Father Michael Pfleger's endorsement appears on Obama's faith endorsements page, where Jeremiah Wright's used to be... before he became too much of an embarrassment.
Father Michael Pfleger however has gained notoriety for more than his embrace of Farrakhan, he also became infamous when at a rally with Jesse "Hymietown" Jackson, he threatened to "snuff" politicians who supported gun rights.
Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina’s Church, went way over the top this week. During a protest against Chuck’s Gun Shop, Father Pfleger twice threatened to “snuff out” the shop’s owner and threatened the same fate for legislators who oppose his position on gun control.
“We’re gonna find you and snuff you out,” Fleger said about the gun shop owner, likening the man to a “rat.” He later repeated his threat to “snuff out” the owner.
“We’re gonna snuff out legislators who are voting [garbled] against our gun laws and we’re coming for you because we are not going to sit idly.”
With that kind of violent mindset and hateful rhetoric, it's no surprise that Father Michael Pfleger is so close to Louis Farrakhan. Or that he's used violent rhetoric when threatening critics of Obama.
So Father Pfleger is out with a warning: "Do not touch this man," he says, "for if you do, you will answer to us all."
Or that he's tried to carry water for him. Father Michael Pfleger like Jeremiah Wright has a close relationship to Farrakhan and a close relationship to Obama. A closer one than he does to his own Cardinal Francis George who has questioned whether he should even be a priest and at one point reassigned him entirely.
Father Michael Pfleger ministers to Saint Sabina, an African American Catholic church a short distance from the Nation's main mosque, Mosque Maryam.
I've known the minister (Farrakhan) both as someone who I have great respect for as a prophetic voice, as a mentor but also as a friend and as a brother. We've become very close friends over the years. Our families have been close; he's shared dinner at my house as I have at his many, many times. He has preached from our pulpit here
at this church on three different occasions. We've worked together on issues not only for this community but in the city and in the nation.
Not content with hosting one rabid racist and anti-semite, Father Michael Pfleger also turned St. Sabina into a forum for Al Sharpton, who was responsible for a number of murders of Jews and non-Jews. Harry Belafonte showed up at St. Sabina also to blame America for 9/11. .
"We move about the world arrogantly, calling wars when we want, overthrowing governments when we want. There is a price to be paid for it — look at 9/11.
Sept. 11 "wasn't just Bin Laden. Bin Laden didn't come from the abstract. He came from somewhere, and if you look where ... you'll see America's hand of villainy."
Pfleger defended the Nation of Islam repeatedly and insulted Jewish critics of NOI as "narrow minded" Father Michael Pfleger also invited Kareem Irfan, former chairman of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago to speak on the anniversary of 9/11. Kareem Irfan is infamous for excusing beheadings by terrorists and is an ISNA member, a Saudi subsidized Wahhabi group with close ties to terrorism.
In September 2002, Father Pfleger led a rally at the Dirksen Federal Building condemning the destruction of Arafat's compound
Obama and Pfleger share a longstanding relationship of 20 years, like Obama and Wright. And like Wright, Michael Pfleger is described as Obama's moral compass.
Friends and advisers, such as the Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina Roman Catholic Church in the Auburn- Gresham community on the South Side, who has known Obama for the better part of 20 years, help him keep that compass set, he says.


Active Member
I always have felt in him this consciousness that, at the end of the day, with all of us, you've got to face God," Pfleger says of Obama. "Faith is key to his life, no question about it. It is central to who he is, and not just in his work in the political field, but as a man, as a black man, as a husband, as a father.... I don't think he could easily divorce his faith from who he is."
The Rev. Michael Pfleger has been closely involved in Obama's campaign, hosting faith forums for Obama and Obama, like Farrakhan, found Pfleger's St. Sabina's pulpit convenient for his political agitation, in violation of election laws.
The Rev. Michael Pfleger contributed to Obama's campaign and in turn Obama redirected a $225,000 grant to St. Sabina.
One of those long-time supporters was Rev. Michael Pfleger, the politically active leader of St. Sabina Church. He gave Obama's campaign $1,500 between 1995 and 2001, including $200 in April 2001, about three months after Obama announced $225,000 in grants to St. Sabina programs.
And so one hand washes another and one radical kicks back to another.
As Fr. Michael Pfleger describes it, Obama joined a Church in order to gain credibility during his organizing days. The same might apply to Pfleger himself who appears to be as much of a Priest as Rabbi Michael Lerner is a Rabbi. His pulpit is a convenient forum for his left wing political agenda. Much like Obama's supposed Christian faith.
After his mother was remarried, to an Indonesian Muslim, and the family moved to Indonesia, Obama went first to a Catholic academy and then a public Muslim school open to students of all beliefs.
But he was largely indifferent toward religion until he moved to Chicago in 1985 for a job organizing impoverished South Side residents in campaigns for better jobs, schools, and housing. As the recent college graduate went from church to church to enlist clergy in his causes, he heard an oft-repeated refrain: What church do you belong to?
"He really came here with a very strong passion about how can we change things, and he understood the churches as being a vehicle for doing that," recalls the Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of the Saint Sabina Church, a Catholic church on the South Side, who has known Obama since his early days in Chicago. But he also "realized that with some churches there would be a credibility issue if he were organizing churches but didn't have a home church."
It helps with that Presidential run too. Unfortunately the clergy Obama has chosen to closely associate himself with seem to repeatedly focus on men like Jeremiah Wright and Michael Pfleger, whose anti-american politics coincide with his and who embrace Farrakhan. It becomes too much of a coincidence for Obama to try and pretend that his closest spiritual mentors hold different beliefs than he does that he was not aware of. Not when they were and are this up front.
For credibility's sake Obama is willing to join a church. And for credibility's sake, he's willing to disavow the churches he's joined when they become politically inconvenient. With Rev. Michael Pfleger, it's no longer possible to play the defensive race card. It only remains to admit the truth.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'll be interested to talk more about this after you have looked up the numbers.
I've never said the Republicans are perfect either. You know I've been critical of spending in this Administration. Still, both in policy and practice, history shows the Republican Party is more fiscally responsible.
As I pointed out, It was the Republican Party that fought Clinton and balanced the budget. The Federal Government was shut down twice during Clinton's Presidency when he initailly refused to sign the balanced budget submitted to him.
You also must consider democrats usually shrink the military and move spending to social programs and waste. When a republican comes in following a democrat...he must build the (spend) military back up to acceptable limits for security.
EG...CLinton shrunk the military by about 40%.


Active Member
Just what Obama needed, Today the new Black Panther Party endorsed him and had a page up on his website for a bit

This one they got ahead of. Still when they removed it they said blah, blah, blah and didn't allow organizations that promoted violence. Are the people running his campaign stuuuuuuupid? Why didn't they mention the racism ebdedded in the Panthers idealogy? Seems to me Obama needs to start worrying about offending the country in general rather than the black community.


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Originally Posted by Veeraj87
In my opinion people do have a tainted image of America, and all this is not helping, neither is our war in Iraq. I know there are a ton of conservatives on this page that will beg to differ, but the outward appearance of teh United States of America is terrible, we have killed out own share of innocent people, its like telling people to forget the holocaust, dude people DIED, nobodys just going to forget that, the media over here totally makes our woes look so bad and so hurtful, think of a third world country like iraq who has ECONOMIC SANCTIONS placed against them, they cant get clean water in the cities, and do you think our military or country gives a crap about all those kids that can get clean water and die of diarrhea. No because americans are known to be pompous people, who only think inwardly, what about subsidizing out corn and selling it to mexico and making it cost less than the corn grown in their own town. im not even lieing but its sad and its wrong, to why do these people feel this way, they have a right to feel it, we continue doing dumb things abroad not solving the problem, WHERE IS OSAMA? i havent heard a thing about him. Obama is the closest real thing to the change this country really needs, hes been more honest with his stuff than Hillary, i have a friend that works for her and she is known to play dirty, and lets face it if the Repubs win we got more war, and unless you want to be paying more for gas and other products, hope ur making alot of money. but more then obama, i gotta stand up for the African American history its because of comments like that, that hush hush what has happened, you think we keep 911 hush hush NO?
How can you vote to put libs in charge of our country if they don't even believe in it?


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Originally Posted by reefraff
You know Zmann, the more you post the more I doubt you were ever a Republican, at least not conservative.
To all part time conservatives, not just you reef...
What I suggest is all republicans Belly-Up on their true beliefs. Don't take hand outs - Disabled, deal with it and find a job doing something, don't be a victim... They also, should refuse to take out Student Loans backed by the government, refuse to take Social Security, refuse to take Medicare, refuse to take Medicare prescriptions, refuse a VA home loan backing. Stand up for what you believe, don't participate and take the hand out - just because you paid taxes earlier into the programs, Stand Up and refuse to put your hand out!!!!. Refuse government sponsored retirements. Little less lip and LEAD BY EXAMPLE, Social programs are evil. Let business off the hook and the government - be your self made man or woman, nobody owes you anything, including state government. Tell your parents and grand parents to do the same... No Corp Welfare either.
I wonder how many AARP folks were once and still are republicans - Just DO-IT. Lead by Example.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
To all part time conservatives, not just you reef...
What I suggest is all republicans Belly-Up on their true beliefs. Don't take hand outs - Disabled, deal with it and find a job doing something, don't be a victim... They also, should refuse to take out Student Loans backed by the government, refuse to take Social Security, refuse to take Medicare, refuse to take Medicare prescriptions. Stand up for what you believe, don't participate and take the hand out - just be cause you paid taxes earlier into the programs, Stand Up and refuse to put your hand out!!!!. Refuse government sponsored retirements. Little less lip and LEAD BY EXAMPLE, Social programs are evil. Let business off the hook and the government - be your self made man or woman, nobody owes you anything, including state government. Tell your parents and grand parents to do the same... No Corp Welfare either.
I wonder how many AARP folfs were once and still are republicans - Just DO-IT. Lead by Example.
that is funny, I did actually. Paid for school with hard work and long hours. No school loans, no federal aid. Now if only we could only pay for the programs we use...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
that is funny, I did actually. Paid for school with hard work and long hours. No school loans, no federal aid. Now if only we could only pay for the programs we use...
Yep at 24, you have a long way to go - But convince your parents and grand parents to do the same too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Yep at 24 you have a long way to go - But convince your parents and grand parents to do the same too.
Actually when my grandparents nationalized they had to sign a waver saying they wouldn't be a burdon to the state, and well it is kind of hard for them to be a burden since they aren't around anymore. But even before then our family privately funded their healthcare. And my parents well, they don't receive any funding either. It is all what they make.

If a moron 24 year old kid out of college can survive while the government is leaching off of him, I'd think someone like you would be able to as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
And my parents well, they don't receive any funding either. It is all what they make.

Good to hear your folks won't participate in programs when they finally REACH the SS retirement age
. My mother won't either, nor did two of four grandparents...