Obama supporters. I have one question


Well, I guess just like my 3.97 GPA in nursing means I know nothing about how healthcare works. I've been called a liar 6 or 7 times, just because I don't agree with the right wing bs. So, welcome to my world on SWF!


Originally Posted by stdreb27
There is little reason in trying to separate a person from the religion of liberalism.
I'll try to respect your religious views from now on and not disprove them anymore.
No, I don't want to be separated from reality anymore than Limbaugh wants to be separated from his drugs! But, thanks for thinking about me! You make me think of the Mormon missionaries who want to save me from my heathonism! Thanks, but no thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
No, I don't want to be separated from reality anymore than Limbaugh wants to be separated from his drugs! But, thanks for thinking about me! You make me think of the Mormon missionaries who want to save me from my heathonism! Thanks, but no thanks.

once again, please explain to us "uninformed" people how the republicans racked up 10 trillion dollars of debt.
And don't forget to explain to us how Bill Clinton left with no debt.


Well, it is kinda complicated but here is how they did it:
First, they lowered taxes so we had less money to pay for the services we were getting. Then they added more services!
Under Clinton, we two separate parties handling the moola. One wanted something, the other said no. If we have one party running everything, who is there to say no? The Republicans spent money like it was on fire, and no one could stop them.
Didn't Alaska get a freeway to nowhere or something?
I love how you guys add the little smiley dancing guys, and the little rolling red smiley faces to your fun little comments. It makes it seem so much more commanding of the English language!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Maybe if I research Faux news, I can found out why I am so ignorant, right?
Get real. I am not going to believe a thing that comes out of anyones keyboard that obviously has no clue about how our economy works. Try to blame anyone else for the failed policy of the last 8 years, maybe some teenagers who read this will believe you. But, I don't think many will. Everyone can see the banks going under, entire neighborhoods cranking up their credit card loans before they file bankruptcy, and the raging war on their TVs. You guys keep talking points, maybe you can keep convincing yourself of the myths of the failed policies of the last administration. Really, it's all just to justify your vote for Dubbya to begin with.
Really, most of the country doesn't blame you for voting for all these failed policies. Some of us do though. But to keep pushing it at this point, with all the evidence to the contrary, is really astonishing. YOU call ME ignorant? Really......
Hey you are the one telling me I don't know what I'm talking about. There is no agenda is explaining the difference between a national debt and a federal deficit. But you admit you wouldn't listen anyway. The really funny thing is if you actually did know, you still would have other good arguments to support your Church of Liberalism.
Originally Posted by Jmick

Anyone have any numbers on how much our debt to China has grown under the Bush administration?
I don't know, but I do know who granted them MFN status. Basically giving them free reign to do whatever in our markets. It wasn't a republican. (which is something the prez can do) Unlike some of the claims pundits want to attribute to various presidents.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I love how you guys add the little smiley dancing guys, and the little rolling red smiley faces to your fun little comments. It makes it seem so much more commanding of the English language!
Ouch, yeah. As opposed to. "It makes it seem so much more commanding of the English Language!" If you are going to make fun of my grammer, please use good grammer. After all economics is a math degree not an english degree. But generally, use of an anaphora requires an anticedent. Or do you not believe that either, after all a conservative did say it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Anyone have any numbers on how much our debt to China has grown under the Bush administration?
By the Constitution, the House of Representatives controls the purse. I agree with Suzy, both sides spend too much. The way to a seat is to spend more as more Americans have their hands out. In general fiscal conservatives are Rupublicans, but there are a few Dems out ther too. We need people who will not vote with their hands out, that is a pipe dream. No democracy can survive the voters voting for more money.
Remember there are 2 side, E+R. Expense ( spending) and revenue (taxes. Are any of the current candidates running on a Decreasing E platform? No, Obama and Clinton are really spending out of control. Like Hillary said "I have so many ideas, America cannot afford them all." That is not responsible spending.
I want a small conservative gov't. A gov't willing to get the most for it's buck, and spend wisely. No $10,000 tiolet seats, yet give us an advanced strong military.
If Clinton or Obama win they will be the first to the left of Wilson in a long time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Ouch, yeah. As opposed to. "It makes it seem so much more commanding of the English Language!" If you are going to make fun of my grammer, please use good grammer. After all economics is a math degree not an english degree. But generally, use of an anaphora requires an anticedent. Or do you not believe that either, after all a conservative did say it.

This quote from Suzy explains a lot
"Well, I guess just like my 3.97 GPA in nursing means I know nothing about how healthcare works. I've been called a liar 6 or 7 times, just because I don't agree with the right wing bs. So, welcome to my world on SWF!"
I guess they don't need those healthcare administration programs in universities anymore cause the nurses know it all. I would think someone capable of a 3.0 in advanced basket weaving could come up with a better argument than to nit pick someone's grammer, let alone someone who supposedly has a 3.97 in nursing.
(oh damn, there goes another one of them funny little faces again)

darthtang aw

Active Member
Suzy, ok here is the explanation.
Since based off your posts I know you don't full understand this. And that is not your fault. This is not something that is taught normally and most news channels/ shows, regardles if it is "faux news" or "Juan stewart", will not explain so many americans believe then to be one in the same.
A budget deficit is the amount by which the federal government's outlays exceed its revenue in a given year.
The National Debt is the federal government's total indebtedness at a moment in time. It is the accumulation of previous deficits plus outstanding interest.
The difference is the same as the difference between flows and stocks. An analogy is to think of water filling into a pool. The rate at which the water is pouring out of the spicket is comparable to the budget deficit. The total amount of water in the pool at any point in time is the national debt. How much debt are we in? Currently, we have approximately a $9 trillion national debt. This amounts to 40,000 dollars per person living in the U.S. Roughly that is.
In 2007 the federal budget deficit was 163 billion dollars.This is just 1.2 percent of the economy. As a percentage of the economy, the deficit is now lower than the average of the last forty years. Tax cuts work to promote economic growth, and that economic activity brings in higher revenues to the Federal treasury. This year tax revenues grew by $161 billion to reach $2.568 trillion, the highest level of Federal revenues ever recorded. That's an increase of 6.7 percent. And it builds on the 14.5 percent and 11.8 percent increase in revenues during the last two years.
Now more information for you to think about. A myth regarding the national debt. And why the "panic" behind them is not needed.
This was a major theme of Ross Perot when he was running for the Presidency in 1992, and the democratic party and even republicans of today. There is some truth to this statement, but not much. This statement conjures up an image that the younger generations has this huge tax bill hanging over their heads which must be paid off entirely. But countries never die (or at least they never plan on dying). Therefore, there is no reason why our children and their children's children cannot keep passing on the debt forever. In fact, so long as the economy continues to grow, future generations can continue to pass on ever-larger debts. Simarlarly, if I lived forever, I would never have to pay off my credit card debt entirely - just service the monthly interest payments.
Moreover, payers and recipients of the debt are both primarily U.S. citizens, so income is simply redistributed from one group to another. Suppose someone was elected President and decided to pay off the national debt once and for all over a period of say, 5 years. How would he do it? He would have to raise taxes and cut spending so that we ran significant surpluses (on the order of $2 trillion per year). The government would then take the funds directly from the tax payers and indirectly from the citizens who lose the benefits they used to receive from government services, and pay off the bond holders. Does the money leave the country? No. It is simply transferred from all tax payers to the bond holders. In fact, many bond holders may find that the value of their bonds were offset by the higher taxes and/or lower level of government services.
There is one case where the net burden argment may hold some weight. Right now, about 40% of US debt is held by foreign investors. To the extent that future generations must pay off this debt, and the income leaves the country, future generations are burdened with the current generation's run-up in debt. Fortunately for the US, dollar is weak right now compared to past years and until it strenghtens those foreignb countries that own thee portion of the debt would lose money if they chose be paid back for it and stand to actualkly make money by allowing us to make our payments. It is like a

company with a 30 year loan. 200,000 dollar house at the end of 30 years becomes a 1.2 million dollar pay off. which would you take? 200,000 now or over the coure of 30 years receive 1.2 million?

darthtang aw

Active Member
also for your reading pleasure from wikipedia.
The US budget deficit has been declining for the last three years and the Congressional Budget Office projects a surplus by 2012. [16] When the U.S. Government has a surplus, it may pay down its outstanding debt. It does this by paying back the principal of the outstanding bonds redeemed for payment while not issuing new bonds. The U.S. Government could also purchase its own outstanding securities on the open market if it was searching for a way to use a surplus to reduce outstanding debt that was not due for redemption in a given year. [10] [11]
Jmick to answer your question right now today China owns roughly 1.4 trillion of the US National debt.


Originally Posted by reefraff
This quote from Suzy explains a lot
"Well, I guess just like my 3.97 GPA in nursing means I know nothing about how healthcare works. I've been called a liar 6 or 7 times, just because I don't agree with the right wing bs. So, welcome to my world on SWF!"
I guess they don't need those healthcare administration programs in universities anymore cause the nurses know it all. I would think someone capable of a 3.0 in advanced basket weaving could come up with a better argument than to nit pick someone's grammer, let alone someone who supposedly has a 3.97 in nursing.
(oh damn, there goes another one of them funny little faces again)
Well, put me in my place and call me detritus! Thanks for setting me straight, Mr BeerGuy! How silly of a nurse with a major in hospital administration to think she could have an opinion here. You guys know everything about healthcare in America 'cause you learned it all from Rush, right? If anyone knows about HC in the US, it's Limbaugh. He has 12 doctors writing off his drug habit!
And, hey, I didn't mean to point out your bad grammar. I was just commenting on how cute it is to insult someone with a smiley face.
I must admit this site is different. I do realize I deserved JM's comment about my son. I should not have let slip such personal information. And, telling you guys my profession was an obvious mistake. The way that any information about each other is used to insult each other is intriguing. I'll bet this thread gets to 40 pages without any real substance!


Thanks for explaining that, Darth. Being able to fully understand how the US is not on the verge of a recession is great! And, seeing how it is all the Dems fault for the state of the Union now is cool, too. I didn't actually read it though. Us silly liberals really can't keep our attention span going that long!
So, can you make it into a short 30 second commercial to run in August? Because now that I know how Republicans are completely innocent of anything being done the last 8 years, I think you should inform the rest of the country. There might be a few million who are going to vote to change it up a bit, and we wouldn't want those stupid libs to have any more seats in the Senate (seeing how you are getting Liberman), or the House, or even (EGAD) the Presidency!
It might take more than one commercial, though....Better come up with a good swift boat lie, too. Looks like Obama weathered this first one well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
It might take more than one commercial, though....Better come up with a good swift boat lie, too. Looks like Obama weathered this first one well.
Once again, if you can prove the swiftboaters lied, John Kerry would pay you 1 million dollars. Why don't you take him up on it?
If anyone is slandering in an attempt to discredit someone it isn't us. Besides didn't the guy get into rehab and hasn't been reported that he's had a problem since? I would think you as the "healthcare professional" would have a little sympathy for someone who was in that much pain. If you were to be honest you'd include the little tidbit when you attack the guy.


Well, if one of the original swiftboaters had actually served with Kerry, that would make their claims more credible. I really wish Kerry would have stooped the the RNC level, and made a commercial with the people that did serve with him. The guys who served with his when he was so highly decorated.
But, that is how SBA works. Inuendo, mislead, mis quote. Look at this recent attack: Some are using "the only ethnic guy who has ever run for POTUS is a racist" SBA. Of course, this SBA will only work for some who want to have a legitimate reason to not vote for him, and let them vote for a guy who is going give illegal aliens amnesty because he is the lesser of two evils. I think that will work againsdt the party, though. There are people who would not vote for a black guy or a democrat no matter what. But, there are those middle group types who don't want racism to be an issue anymore. Playing up his race might backfire. We'll see.
But, back to the State of the Union. I thought of the perfect bumper sticker for the RNC. Because the last eight years is not their fault, it's the Democrats fault, right?
"Don't blame us, we didn't do anything


Originally Posted by stdreb27
If anyone is slandering in an attempt to discredit someone it isn't us. Besides didn't the guy get into rehab and hasn't been reported that he's had a problem since? .
Oh, I do feel sorry for him. I think it is great that he is so far in his rehabilitation that he is able to use the pain of others against them!
Poor Rush. But, it isn't like he is doing illegal drugs, huh?
He's a hypocrite first class.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Suzy
Well, if one of the original swiftboaters had actually served with Kerry, that would make their claims more credible. I really wish Kerry would have stooped the the RNC level, and made a commercial with the people that did serve with him. The guys who served with his when he was so highly decorated.
But, that is how SBA works. Inuendo, mislead, mis quote. Look at this recent attack: Some are using "the only ethnic guy who has ever run for POTUS is a racist" SBA. Of course, this SBA will only work for some who want to have a legitimate reason to not vote for him, and let them vote for a guy who is going give illegal aliens amnesty because he is the lesser of two evils. I think that will work againsdt the party, though. There are people who would not vote for a black guy or a democrat no matter what. But, there are those middle group types who don't want racism to be an issue anymore. Playing up his race might backfire. We'll see.
But, back to the State of the Union. I thought of the perfect bumper sticker for the RNC. Because the last eight years is not their fault, it's the Democrats fault, right?
"Don't blame us, we didn't do anything
Once again, if you, somehow, know more than the people who were in Vietnam with Kerry, serving with Kerry. I'd love for you to explain how, so would Kerry; heck he'd pay you 1 million dollars.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Thanks for explaining that, Darth. Being able to fully understand how the US is not on the verge of a recession is great! And, seeing how it is all the Dems fault for the state of the Union now is cool, too. I didn't actually read it though. Us silly liberals really can't keep our attention span going that long!
So, can you make it into a short 30 second commercial to run in August? Because now that I know how Republicans are completely innocent of anything being done the last 8 years, I think you should inform the rest of the country. There might be a few million who are going to vote to change it up a bit, and we wouldn't want those stupid libs to have any more seats in the Senate (seeing how you are getting Liberman), or the House, or even (EGAD) the Presidency!
It might take more than one commercial, though....Better come up with a good swift boat lie, too. Looks like Obama weathered this first one well.
I am now done with you and no longer will debate with you. Your admittance to not read a post because it is to long and to much information is amazing. couple that with your inability to atleast attempt a factual or statistical argument against anything stated has now made it impossible to debate you.
Good day.