Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I am now done with you and no longer will debate with you. Your admittance to not read a post because it is to long and to much information is amazing. couple that with your inability to atleast attempt a factual or statistical argument against anything stated has now made it impossible to debate you.
Good day.

Sadly, and probably, it appears this will be the wisest course of action.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Well, put me in my place and call me detritus! Thanks for setting me straight, Mr BeerGuy! How silly of a nurse with a major in hospital administration to think she could have an opinion here. You guys know everything about healthcare in America 'cause you learned it all from Rush, right? If anyone knows about HC in the US, it's Limbaugh. He has 12 doctors writing off his drug habit!
And, hey, I didn't mean to point out your bad grammar. I was just commenting on how cute it is to insult someone with a smiley face.
I must admit this site is different. I do realize I deserved JM's comment about my son. I should not have let slip such personal information. And, telling you guys my profession was an obvious mistake. The way that any information about each other is used to insult each other is intriguing. I'll bet this thread gets to 40 pages without any real substance!
Who said anything about your son? First mention I saw of him was when you brought it up out of nowhere and it seemed really odd because it had nothing to do with the flow of the conversation at that point. You seem to have done that again here. JM has been nothing but compassionate to you over that and I'll let you in on a little secret. I hadn't seen that post when I read the two you made attacking me. My response was well within the boundries of the UA but Journeyman edited out the nastyness and PMed me saying he wanted to cut you some slack and directed my to the post about your kid. I think you need to do some begging your pardon to the Journeyman.
You seem to follow a predictable pattern here. You claimed you were called Hitler, didn't happen. You backpeddled to you were compared to Hitler. That didn't happen. You then said your candidate was compared to Hitler. That didn't happen either yet you still asked for an appology when all that was pointed out to you.
You said all of the anti McCain posts were removed. I know of 1 of yours that was removed because it was linked to a site that violated the UA on language content and that was explained to you at least once. You then said your were called a liar 5 or 6 times. I've seen it once in regards to your claim about the removed posts and it was phrased "That is a lie". I went back a ways on a couple threads and I didn't see where anyone called you a liar. Not saying it didn't happen but I've been participating in these threads from the beginning and I can't think of any. Feel free to list the threads and post numbers if you want to show that really happened.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Is that like the SPOKEN racism when BHO read from the works of Pastor Wright? I heard it on the radio, from Barack's own mouth. Obama read from the sermon where Rev Wright points out cruise ships throw away more food than some towns eat. Then Obama read the "white greed" part. Now he parses words, and states he "does not agree with everything Rev Wright says". Apparently he agreed with it enough to read it. Don't argue "he just read someone elses words." to me. I think thare would be an uproar is McCain read passages Mein Kampf. Even if McCain said, "I don't agree with this, but..."
Imagine what would happen were a conservative to make a similar commen abot black folks.
Wright is a racist, I'm pretty sure Mrs Obama is an America-hating racist, and I'm thinking Barak is too the more I hear about him. I will not support him, not because his skin color is different, but because he is an America-hating socialist.
The Obama's are not racist... I also have no idea about what you are talking about...What did he read?... and what does reading something suggest you believe it? You can support whom ever you want, however; I will say you seem to be hung up on this issue, and regardless of what happens in the future or what the actual facts are... your mind is made up. African-Americans for the most part, especially that generation have a different experience than other Americans... They have fought in every American war, yet they were segregated... Point is that we all love this country... but many of us also recognize the faults of this country...and I think this is the point Wright was making..although he was emphasizing the faultsin this particular sermon... I wonder how many hundreds of sermons they went through to find these particular statements...probably thousands.. I believe Obama's speech spoke directly to the issues about Wright and to your personal feelings about race... I would read the transcript and I think you will come to a better understanding.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
The Obama's are not racist... I also have no idea about what you are talking about...What did he read?... and what does reading something suggest you believe it? You can support whom ever you want, however; I will say you seem to be hung up on this issue, and regardless of what happens in the future or what the actual facts are... your mind is made up. African-Americans for the most part, especially that generation have a different experience than other Americans... They have fought in every American war, yet they were segregated... Point is that we all love this country... but many of us also recognize the faults of this country...and I think this is the point Wright was making..although he was emphasizing the faultsin this particular sermon... I wonder how many hundreds of sermons they went through to find these particular statements...probably thousands.. I believe Obama's speech spoke directly to the issues about Wright and to your personal feelings about race... I would read the transcript and I think you will come to a better understanding.
I've watched and read it. And I think he is a typical black man.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Once again, if you, somehow, know more than the people who were in Vietnam with Kerry, serving with Kerry. I'd love for you to explain how, so would Kerry; heck he'd pay you 1 million dollars.
Everyone should know by now that that RNC (Bush) commercial about Kerry was untrue... Kerry messed up by not addressing it when it 1st started running, but again it was a false ad... Look it up...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I've watched and read it. And I think he is a typical black man.
I wasn't referencing you... but since you commented "What is a typical black man" and who are you refering to as being typical?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I wasn't referencing you... but since you commented "What is a typical black man" and who are you refering to as being typical?

He was pointing out how Obama used the term "typical white person".


Active Member
Finally -- I won't hold my breath through. There is still a lot of money that needs to be grafted from American citizens by the 1 %'ers before we put an end to it. First step to recovery though, is admitting you have a problem....
Treasury chief wants to overhaul how financial firms are regulated. Among the ideas: Widening Fed's reach and creating a U.S. regulator for

The plan would also give the central bank greater oversight of investment banks and previously unregulated entities like hedge funds and private equity firms that have wielded growing influence in financial markets in recent years.
But the Treasury chief was cautious to warn that changes could take "many years to complete."


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Finally -- I won't hold my breath through. There is still a lot of money that needs to be grafted from American citizens by the 1 %'ers before we put an end to it. First step to recovery though, is admitting you have a problem....
Treasury chief wants to overhaul how financial firms are regulated. Among the ideas: Widening Fed's reach and creating a U.S. regulator for

The plan would also give the central bank greater oversight of investment banks and previously unregulated entities like hedge funds and private equity firms that have wielded growing influence in financial markets in recent years.
But the Treasury chief was cautious to warn that changes could take "many years to complete."
Didn't japan try this in the early 80's? I'm going to have to look and see what simularities there are. I just don't remember it working.
George Will made a great point when he asked, "What is preditory lending?"


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Didn't japan try this in the early 80's? I'm going to have to look and see what simularities there are. I just don't remember it working.
George Will made a great point when he asked, "What is preditory lending?"
More Government control.... Yeay... cause that always works.
1 step closer to Socialism.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Everyone should know by now that that RNC (Bush) commercial about Kerry was untrue... Kerry messed up by not addressing it when it 1st started running, but again it was a false ad... Look it up...
What RNC/Bush ad? You mean the 501 C-3 group that exposed Kerry for lying though his teeth in the early 70's about Viet Nam?
I know a lot of people who were friends of my older brothers that were there. While they certainly weren't church going pillars of society I serious doubt any of them would have done the crap Kerry claims to have seen and heard about. They talked about stuff like trying to avoid having the enemy surrender by striking fast and hard rather than breaking fire and offering them the chance to give up, burning out villages and fields because the VC were hiding in the civillian populations so by burning them out the civillians had to move somewhere else. Some other stuff about how prisoners were mistreated to some point.
My point is these guys weren't trying to paint a rosie picture of themselves and what went on so they had no reason to lie. They never talked about hearing or seeing any of the attrocoties Kerry claimed. As I got older I asked a few different vets about that stuff. Best answer I ever heard was along the lines of "war is a mother ******, you do stuff your not proud of to stay alive blah blah blah". He went on to say he is sure some of that stuff went on but he had never seen or heard of it so it couldn't be as wide spread "and performed on a day to day basis" as was claimed by Kerry
OK, enough of this detour into the weeds


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
More Government control.... Yeay... cause that always works.
1 step closer to Socialism.
And having no regulation does work? Well for a limited few it works super fantastic, at a cost of the majority... That's how socialism works too for the top of the food chain.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Didn't japan try this in the early 80's? I'm going to have to look and see what simularities there are. I just don't remember it working.
George Will made a great point when he asked, "What is preditory lending?"

Yes, they did try. Their course was the same we are on -- We should have caught it earlier
They are ahead of us on the curve...
Sliding stock and real estate prices marked the end of the "bubble economy" of the late 1980s, and ushered in a decade of stagnant economic growth.
Heterodox economists tend to claim that Japan is far stronger economically than is usually appreciated. Some mainstream economists acknowledge that Japan, which unlike most Western countries has maintained its industrial base, and has vast capital reserves, currently has a strong economic outlook.
Given its heavy dependence on imported energy, Japan has aimed to diversify its sources. Since the oil shocks of the 1970s, Japan has reduced dependence on petroleum as a source of energy from more than 75% in 1973 to about 57% at present. Other important energy sources are coal, liquefied natural gas, nuclear power, and hydropower. Demand for oil is also dampened by higher government taxes on automobile engines over 2000 cc, as well as on gasoline itself, currently 54 yen per liter sold retail. Kerosene is also used extensively for home heating in portable heaters, especially farther north. Many taxi companies run their fleets on liquefied gas with tanks in the car trunks. A recent success towards greater fuel economy was the introduction of mass-produced Hybrid vehicles.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
And having no regulation does work? Well for a limited few it works super fantastic, at a cost of the majority... That's how socialism works too for the top of the food chain.
What is "not working" right now? Businesses that got greedy are in trouble, and consumers who are stupid and got greedy are in trouble. Looks to me like it's working just fine.

you can't legislate away greed or stupidity. All regulation will do is raise interest rates and punish the intelligent buyers out there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Yes, they did try. Their course was the same we are on -- We should have caught it earlier
They are ahead of us on the curve...
Sliding stock and real estate prices marked the end of the "bubble economy" of the late 1980s, and ushered in a decade of stagnant economic growth.
Heterodox economists tend to claim that Japan is far stronger economically than is usually appreciated. Some mainstream economists acknowledge that Japan, which unlike most Western countries has maintained its industrial base, and has vast capital reserves, currently has a strong economic outlook.
Given its heavy dependence on imported energy, Japan has aimed to diversify its sources. Since the oil shocks of the 1970s, Japan has reduced dependence on petroleum as a source of energy from more than 75% in 1973 to about 57% at present. Other important energy sources are coal, liquefied natural gas, nuclear power, and hydropower. Demand for oil is also dampened by higher government taxes on automobile engines over 2000 cc, as well as on gasoline itself, currently 54 yen per liter sold retail. Kerosene is also used extensively for home heating in portable heaters, especially farther north. Many taxi companies run their fleets on liquefied gas with tanks in the car trunks. A recent success towards greater fuel economy was the introduction of mass-produced Hybrid vehicles.
this is funny do you know what they are refering to when they say Heterodox economists?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
this is funny do you know what they are refering to when they say Heterodox economists?
Your favorite word "Socialist" anytime private business and government work together it always falls in the socialist realm for you!!!
I will let you define it for me -


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Your favorite word "Socialist" anytime private business and government work together it always falls in the socialist realm for you!!!
I will let you define it for me -
Well, no, sort of, lets address a couple of things, first my definition of socialism is not anytime private business and government work together. My definition is - any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership or administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. Websters says it way better than I ever word. Or
is my liberty.
Second heterdox means contrary to or different from an acknowledged standard. Thus, you could write a few morons out in left field this X. Ok it isn't that bad, but you get the way I read it.
If you read the rest of the article you pulled that from you should realise that the "cozy" relationship between government and Industry is not what you libs might think. The Government running the industry, but the industry running the government.
You might also explore the "maintained its industrial base, and has vast capital reserves". Because it doesn't mean the government helped the employee. A more traditional freedman approach to the subject could (and I'm not saying this definitively because their is debate among people who do know more about this stuff than me hence "could") and many times concludes that the low interference by government in the private sector, has allowed the more efficient private sector to address many of the social type programs. If anything lack of liberal ideology such as organized labor and vast government funded socialistic programs have allowed these sectors continued growth.
You might also remember that after we bombed them off the planet during WWII the "evil americans" "imposed" our evil capitalistic will on the japanese. And rebuilt them into a pretty dang good economy. Something that will happen in Iraq unless you libs get your way.
There are some problems with their economy, and America emerged as the clear leader in that regard during the 80's and 90's into today. One of the key differences being they did address much of their problems by regulations while we deregulated much of our economic sector. The funny thing is they are did alot of that and saw their economy rebound.

darthtang aw

Active Member
They other point also is the Japanese population doesn't live buy the borrow and spend method Americans do. Civilian and government are pretty fiscal when it comes to using credit.