Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member

Originally Posted by stdreb27
Second heterdox means contrary to or different from an acknowledged standard. Thus, you could write a few morons out in left field this X. Ok it isn't that bad, but you get the way I read it.
Then, that would be a non mainstream
way of looking at the economy. Something like including energy cost and food cost in inflation indexes would be Hetrodox. Since it's mainstream, then it doesn't count.

Hetro = opposite/different, homo= same


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
They other point also is the Japanese population doesn't live buy the borrow and spend method Americans do. Civilian and government are pretty fiscal when it comes to using credit.
Business and employees have a stronger work ethic and loyalty to each other - The two way street, not a single one way street. Kind of like we used to be...


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
Then, that would be a non mainstream
way of looking at the economy. Something like including energy cost and food cost in inflation indexes would be Hetrodox. Since it's mainstream, then it doesn't count.

Hetro = opposite/different, homo= same
Actually food and energy costs are included in the total inflation figure, when accounting for the real figure(real being accounting for inflation such as real gdp). It is also used in computing the CPI. I'm not sure how acounting for fuel and Gas would be hetrodoxal?
For all you could ever want to know about the CPI.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Business and employees have a stronger work ethic and loyalty to each other - The two way street, not a single one way street. Kind of like we used to be...
There are several cultural differences that have allowed Japan to diverge from us into its own unique economy. That and they have no natural resources, which makes the job we did all the more spectacular.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Actually food and energy costs are included in the total inflation figure, when accounting for the real figure(real being accounting for inflation such as real gdp). It is also used in computing the CPI. I'm not sure how acounting for fuel and Gas would be hetrodoxal?
For all you could ever want to know about the CPI.
The core CPI, which excludes food and energy prices. Are you saying this is untrue or are you malipinating your postion now with mixing - I have read previous post of yours that are way earlier in the thread.
Forget the Bill O'Reilly SPIN zone - I have entered the stdreb - spin zone -LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
The core CPI, which excludes food and energy prices. Are you saying this is untrue or are you malipinating your postion now with mixing - I have read previous post of yours earlier in the thread.
They produce more than one number. Using different products, perhapse I should have been more clear. This is the current news release from the BLS. http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/cpi.pdf
Usually the number you see reported in the news is the number without food and energy prices. I was simply addressing the claim that acounting for food and energy prices was out of the norm. Because in fact it simply isn't the case. It is accounted for, you must keep in mind that economic models and indicators are built to isolate different variables in an attempt at quantifying them. They use different tools in order to determine a correlation of specific variables.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Business and employees have a stronger work ethic and loyalty to each other - The two way street, not a single one way street. Kind of like we used to be...

I will agree with that actually. I see this daily working part-time at Home depot. Wash my back I wash yours. I have this relationship with the management team, I will help them out when asked or even when not asked if I see something that isn't getting done. In return management appreciates this and gives me more freedom and more money as corporate allows them to. I hear people complaining about the special treatment I do sometimes get, but they ignore the fact that I come in on my days off if needed, I check the schedule and see when they are short handed and offer to help, I do jobs voluntarily that aren't in "job description" (because in the long run it makes my job easier if these things are done and everyone else's). I deal with the mad customer if I am able to solve the issue, even if it means I get yelled at by the customer for something I am not at fault for, because it helps the managers out as they only hear the bad 90% of the time so why tie them up with something I can take care of myself. Many people call this kissing ass, I call it doing my job to the best of my ability and then some.
In my case it is the two street. so many employees have their hand out saying give me money first then I will do things, in my case I just do it, then get the money. By my going the extra mile, not calling in, if I am late it is ignored (this doesn't happen often but when my business is busy I can't leave sometimes when I usually close so they work with me and never ask me to stay late just because I was late), if I don't get something done, I don't hear about it.
I have the two way street, but I have it because I BUILT IT!


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
The core CPI, which excludes food and energy prices. Are you saying this is untrue or are you malipinating your postion now with mixing - I have read previous post of yours that are way earlier in the thread.
Forget the Bill O'Reilly SPIN zone - I have entered the stdreb - spin zone -LOL
Well perhapse I should have been more clear, they produce two different numbers the core CPI which does not include energy and food, but the normal CPI does.
You really should follow the link to the horses mouth.
7. What goods and services does the CPI cover?
The CPI represents all goods and services purchased for consumption by the reference population (U or W) BLS has classified all expenditure items into more than 200 categories, arranged into eight major groups. Major groups and examples of categories in each are as follows:
FOOD AND BEVERAGES (breakfast cereal, milk, coffee, chicken, wine, service meals and snacks)
HOUSING (rent of primary residence, owners' equivalent rent, fuel oil, bedroom furniture)
APPAREL (men's shirts and sweaters, women's dresses, jewelry)
TRANSPORTATION (new vehicles, airline fares, gasoline, motor vehicle insurance)
MEDICAL CARE (prescription drugs and medical supplies, physicians' services, eyeglasses and eye care, hospital services)
RECREATION (televisions, pets and pet products, sports equipment, admissions);
EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION (college tuition, postage, telephone services, computer software and accessories);
OTHER GOODS AND SERVICES (tobacco and smoking products, haircuts and other personal services, funeral expenses).
Also included within these major groups are various government-charged user fees, such as water and sewerage charges, auto registration fees, and vehicle tolls. In addition, the CPI includes taxes (such as sales and excise taxes) that are directly associated with the prices of specific goods and services. However, the CPI excludes taxes (such as income and Social Security taxes) not directly associated with the purchase of consumer goods and services.
The CPI does not include investment items, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and life insurance. (These items relate to savings and not to day-to-day consumption expenses.)
For each of the more than 200 item categories, using scientific statistical procedures, the Bureau has chosen samples of several hundred specific items within selected business establishments frequented by consumers to represent the thousands of varieties available in the marketplace. For example, in a given supermarket, the Bureau may choose a plastic bag of golden delicious apples, U.S. extra fancy grade, weighing 4.4 pounds to represent the Apples category.
http://www.bls.gov/cpi/cpifaq.htm#Question_1 And come on you can't depend on a jouralism student to actually understand supply and demand. When you are on the BLS website you can sign up to recieve all the economic releases that way you can actually see the numbers that these jouralism students try to write about.
Whether you agree with it or not, the fed isn't really concerned about inflation. As noted by the insane federal funds rate cuts they have been making. Personally I think they shouldn't be worrying about the slowing growth-rate as much as they should be watching inflation. Inflation is way harder to deal with vs a slowing growth rate of real gdp.
Besides if you are going to argue about the horse at least talk to the horse. And check out the earlier link to the BLS (who releases the CPI and other indexes) it pretty much lays it out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I will agree with that actually. I see this daily working part-time at Home depot. Wash my back I wash yours. I have this relationship with the management team, I will help them out when asked or even when not asked if I see something that isn't getting done. In return management appreciates this and gives me more freedom and more money as corporate allows them to. I hear people complaining about the special treatment I do sometimes get, but they ignore the fact that I come in on my days off if needed, I check the schedule and see when they are short handed and offer to help, I do jobs voluntarily that aren't in "job description" (because in the long run it makes my job easier if these things are done and everyone else's). I deal with the mad customer if I am able to solve the issue, even if it means I get yelled at by the customer for something I am not at fault for, because it helps the managers out as they only hear the bad 90% of the time so why tie them up with something I can take care of myself. Many people call this kissing ass, I call it doing my job to the best of my ability and then some.
In my case it is the two street. so many employees have their hand out saying give me money first then I will do things, in my case I just do it, then get the money. By my going the extra mile, not calling in, if I am late it is ignored (this doesn't happen often but when my business is busy I can't leave sometimes when I usually close so they work with me and never ask me to stay late just because I was late), if I don't get something done, I don't hear about it.
I have the two way street, but I have it because I BUILT IT!
dang it you mean actually work, and treat people like people. Who would have thunk it. I had a simular relationship at work. But sadly when it came time to choose they chose company line over me. It is funny because now they are taking her for all she is worth. What comes around goes around. And that company is in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Besides if you are going to argue about the horse at least talk to the horse. And check out the earlier link to the BLS (who releases the CPI and other indexes) it pretty much lays it out.
No, what started it was me making a comment about inflation way earlier in the thread and you were correcting me that the Core index doesn't count food or energy, so inflation is flat. This was just my response to your change in position, it was easier to find a news article than the post. The same exchange on PPI and CPI schooling you gave me, I believe....

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
dang it you mean actually work, and treat people like people. Who would have thunk it. I had a simular relationship at work. But sadly when it came time to choose they chose company line over me. It is funny because now they are taking her for all she is worth. What comes around goes around. And that company is in the tank.
They did a few layoffs some part timers and some full timers that had been there longer than I. The main difference was they didn't work and I did. When it comes to individuals stores the store managers and ASM's have the say in who stays, how goes, and who gets promotions. 4 times in the last 6 months they have tried to give me a promotion and get me full time in a managerial role. I keep turning them down. I have no problem accepting the job, my time constraints don't allow it though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I heard one idea behind this which was Obama needed this church to gain standing in the "Black Community". Seems to me there could be something to that. Wasn't he raised about as far away from the "black community" as one can get?
As Fr. Michael Pfleger describes it, Obama joined a Church in order to gain credibility during his organizing days
Remember that name..it's just beginning to surface. Nobama will most likely be dealing with this 'Rev" in the near future. This is another supporter.
Here is some info of what Nobama was doing regaridng the racist haters
From the NewsMax.com Staff
For the story behind the story...
Monday, June 4, 2007 4:08 p.m. EDT
Obama Includes Controversial Ministers
Presidential hopeful Barack Obama has launched a religious outreach Web site that contains testimonials from three controversial clerics — including a minister who blames 9/11 on the U.S.
The three are Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., senior pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago; Rev. J. Alfred Smith Sr., senior pastor of Allen Temple Baptist Church in Oakland, Calif.; and Rev. Michael Pfleger, a Roman Catholic priest in Chicago.
Reacting to Sunday’s launch of the Web site, www.faith.barackobama.com, Catholic League President Bill Donohue declared: "Rev. Wright was scheduled to give the invocation at the forum of Obama’s presidential announcement on February 10, but the night before the event Obama rescinded the bid: The Illinois senator knew that his spiritual advisor was so divisive that he would cloud the ceremonies.
"The black liberation theologian has a record of giving racially inflammatory sermons and has even said that Zionism has an element of ‘white racism.’ He also blamed the attacks of 9/11 on American foreign policy.”
Readers of NewsMax magazine’s May issue already knew of the connection between Wright and Obama — and Oprah Winfrey as well.
The issue’s cover story, "Obama and the Oprah Factor,” disclosed that Wright served as a "spiritual mentor” to a young Obama, and Obama wrote on the church’s Web site that while kneeling in the church: "I submitted myself to [God’s] will, and dedicated myself to discovering his truth.”
Obama has said that the title of his 2006 book, "The Audacity of Hope,” came from a Wright sermon.
The story also revealed that Oprah Winfrey attended services at Wright’s church after she moved to Chicago in 1984.
Donohue had this to say about the other two clerics on Obama’s site: "Rev. Smith was honored by the notoriously violent Black Panther Party of Oakland in 1975, and in 1990 was given a community award by the Nation of Islam, an anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic and anti-gay group.
"Rev. Pfleger has allowed Nation of Islam chief Louis Farrakhan to preach in his church; he has been arrested for defacing billboards; he has paid prostitutes to worship at his church; and only last week he staged an anti-gun rally in front of a gun store where he exhorted the crowd to hunt down the owner ‘like a rat’ and ‘snuff’ him.”
Donohue added: "While Obama is not responsible for the record of these three clergymen, he is responsible for giving them the opportunity to prominently display their testimonials on his religious outreach Web site. If these are the kinds of clergymen he admires, perhaps it’s best he shut down his new Web site and start all over again. It will take more than ‘God talk’ to get Obama out of this jam.”


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
dang it you mean actually work, and treat people like people. Who would have thunk it.....
What comes around goes around. And that company is in the tank.
It could have been a short term economic based business decision and nothing more. Just part of potential cost reduction for shareholders. Since sadly women still today don't make on average what men make for the same position. It could have as easily been a foreign H1B work visa person too. Or could have just be outsourced to the H1B person's country of origin, real savings and benefit to the shareholders...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Well, thats your experience... Have you ever been to a black chuch?... Do you even go to church?... Have you heard other 'controversial' ministers such as Hagee and Pat Roberson?
I have sat in a black majority church led by a black minister..and NEVER heard that hate speech poison being spewed from the pulpuit. The pastor back home for my folks was black. He NEVER stated any of that hate Wright spewed from the pulpit. He is now living in CA as hurricane katrina displaced him and his church was destroyed. I am white and so are my folks... we have always had close ties to the balck community.
I for one have sat in a mostly black church on several occassions...and never did I hear such hate and racist views.
I found the message to be positive....not negative and it was spiritually based. I did not hear the governemnt intentionally created the AIDS virus...intentionally sold drugs to the black community, etc, etc. I'm not certain which book of the Bible covers that garbage.
Most of the black pastors I listened to back home would be about the age of Wright at the time.
I would call the church my folks belonged to...and others that I have gone to led by black ministers as mainstream.
The balck minister remains very close to my family.
By the way...he thinks Wright is way wrong.


Active Member
September 2005 Trumpet, in which Rev. Wright wrote: 'Conservative fanatics line up on the side of al-Qaeda or they line up behind George Bush. Both are terrorists! Both believe that war is the answer. Both believe in murdering innocent people…'."
Hmmm....more interesting comments surface.


Active Member
Obama's Pro-Hamas Church
Posted 3/25/2008
Election 2008: It's bad enough that Barack Obama's church took sick joy in 9/11 for "racist white America" supporting "Zionists." Now we learn it also is a mouthpiece for anti-Israeli terrorists.

Read More: Election 2008 | Global War On Terror

Last July, Trinity United Church of Christ reprinted a Hamas manifesto written by a terrorist fugitive wanted by the FBI. It was published across two pages of the "Pastor's Page" section of the church bulletin.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright's name is copyrighted at the bottom of the pages. For those who don't know, Wright is the anti-American, anti-Israeli bigot that Obama has consorted with for the past two decades.
In his newsletter, the preacher gives Mousa Abu Marzook a platform to justify the Palestinian terrorist group's denial of Israel's right to exist, while defending strikes against Israeli targets.
Marzook is identified in the church bulletin only as the "deputy of the political bureau of Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement."
In fact, Marzook was kicked out of the U.S. several years ago after the U.S. declared him a specially designated terrorist.
The Palestinian was indicted in 2004 for conspiring to funnel millions to Hamas to carry out kidnappings, bombings and other attacks on Israel. Believed to be hiding in Syria, he remains a fugitive.
Even if Wright didn't know Marzook was wanted by the government, Hamas has been designated a terrorist group since 1995, blacklisted by a Democrat administration.
Wright had to have known from headlines that Hamas targets innocent civilians in pizza parlors and buses for suicide bombings, eviscerating children and elderly with fireballs laced with nails and ball bearings. These are not warriors, but terrorists.
Obama, for his part, says he is shocked— shocked! — that his church would support Hamas.
"I certainly wasn't in church when that outrageously wrong piece was reprinted in the bulletin," he said in a carefully worded statement that denies only his attendance and not his prior knowledge of the bulletin.
The Democratic front-runner for president seems to think if he just claims "not present," he won't be linked to his longtime church's radicalism.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
No, what started it was me making a comment about inflation way earlier in the thread and you were correcting me that the Core index doesn't count food or energy, so inflation is flat. This was just my response to your change in position, it was easier to find a news article than the post. The same exchange on PPI and CPI schooling you gave me, I believe....
There was no change in position. I'm not sure what you are getting at.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
It could have been a short term economic based business decision and nothing more. Just part of potential cost reduction for shareholders. Since sadly women still today don't make on average what men make for the same position. It could have as easily been a foreign H1B work visa person too. Or could have just be outsourced to the H1B person's country of origin, real savings and benefit to the shareholders...
To make a really long story short. The company had/has a lousy business model. And promised things they didn't plan to deliver. And she (an american) (all wages were based on a values given to performance) given a set of circumstances chose to reward people based on who whined the most vs perfomance. The company overextended their credit, while maintaining this romantic notion of what they used to be. Failing to realise what they really were selling. I should have seen it before I got in. But I got the money i needed and got out. At least at this job they don't claim to care about the employee. I can handle that.


Active Member
I'm curious at what point the "I didn't know that was going on" excuse begins to become a liability.
If you are a "regular" attendee of a church for 20+ years and didn't know what much of the world knew about your church, nor did you realize your friend and mentor whom you appointed as an Advisor was as radical as he is, nor did you realize and investigate even after the news started reporting this... Are you really qualified to lead the greatest Superpower in the world?
The spin currently is "1 sermon being taken out of context", despite more and more evidence, more and more quotes from multiple sermons, now writings, etc. Seriously, at what point does "not knowing" show a larger character flaw than knowing all of this?


Active Member
Obama says he didn't know the questionaire he made notes on in 1996 said he was in favor of an all out handgun ban, opposed any parental involvement for underaged girls unless "maybe if they were 12 or 13. The organization said in a personal interview about his questionaire he never refuted any of the answers.
Obama says he didn't know Rezko was a theif and slum lord despite being friends with him for years.
Obama says he didn't know one of his largest fundraisers was also a member of the largest stockholding families in Maytag while at the same time he was complaining about Maytage closing plants in Illinois and shipping the jobs to Mexico
Obama says he didn't know his pastor and spiritual advisor of more than 20 years was a racist.
Seems to me Obama doesn't know enough to be president.