Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
The trip you mention was before Obama was a member... But this is sad... We already know who you are voting for... Affirmative Action?
.. Why did you vote democratic anyway, when it seems you are a Republican?... ...
He's for Affirmative Action Rylan... That's what I was implying.

darthtang aw

Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
It didn't take a month - I just looked at a scooby do quote recently and it reminded me of what the original post was on.
Perhaps, I will let you make a true
attempt to find it in his Issues section this time. There are tons of PDFs associated to most or addtional links at the bottom of the brief overviews. I can't do all your research for you. Failing to do a quality search for information and not finding anything quickly, doesn't mean the candidate doesn't have a position or stance on it. It's more of a reflection of the investigative abilities of the information searcher.
Ok, I just looked under the issues titled, Homeland security, Iraq, Additional issues and foreign affairs.
It is not addressed under any of these. So I ask you this, where on his website in his list of ISSUES is it. Don't give me a link to a speech he made once in 2007 of august.
I can give you speeches of many candidates that say something once and then never come back to the subject again or address it ever again.
where is it in his ISSUES? I have spent hours reading his issues. I actually like some of his ideas...not all, but some..


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
Let make it even more simple... were they there before we got there?
or another question...
Are we the reason why they are there?
how about another...
Is Al Qaeda in the USA, or in 50 or more countries currently?
*Yes- Even the reports you have often quoted admit Al Qaeda was in Iraq; They just state there was no operational tie between Saddam and Al Qaeda.
*Yes, partly as Iraq would be far more stable without them there
*Yes. And we are hunting them down in each one.
Those were pretty simple questions.
I just answered 3 of your questions. Now how about you answer mine?

Is Al Qaeda currently in Iraq?
CHICAGO (AP) - A young Barack Obama was searching for answers, and perhaps a place to belong, when he decided to visit a fast-growing church recommended by friends. What he heard left him in tears.
The Rev. Jeremiah Wright preached that day about suffering - about the seemingly endless problems of the world and of individuals. But he also talked about the importance of hope, the audacity of believing things can be made better.
"Hope is what saves us," Wright said.
That message moved Obama to embrace Trinity United Church of Christ, along with its philosophy of translating faith into action. But it's a side of Wright that has been overshadowed by his inflammatory remarks about everything from race relations to the Sept. 11 terror attacks.
The furor over Wright's remarks has provoked the greatest crisis for Obama's presidential campaign thus far, but Obama has refused to leave Trinity or sever his ties with Wright, saying there is much more to Wright and the church.
Asked Wednesday on MSNBC's "Hardball" if he thought the questions about his relationship with Wright were unfair, Obama said: "I think that's fair game in the sense that what my former pastor said was offensive. I think that in politics, whether I was white, black, Hispanic or Asian, somebody would be trying to use it against me. I do think that it is important to keep things in perspective."
Trinity is a predominantly black congregation in a mainline, mostly white denomination - the United Church of Christ. Its 8,000 members include politicians, doctors, lawyers and other leaders on Chicago's South Side.
The rapper Common, the former director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, the former director of the state Department of Professional Regulation, and at least one state representative are members of the church. Oprah Winfrey has attended services there.
The church offers a long list of services - housing and employment programs, scholarships, a ministry to people with HIV/AIDS - that mesh well with Obama's political philosophy.
"It's his deep faith in God and his desire to be an agent of change in the world. That's kind of the Trinity mantra," said the Rev. Michael Pfleger, a priest at a South Side Roman Catholic church.
Obama, 46, eventually joined Trinity and was baptized there. Wright performed his wedding ceremony and baptized Obama's two daughters. Years later, he took the theme of Wright's sermon as the title for a book, "The Audacity of Hope."
Most Americans know Wright only from video excerpts of sermons in which he says God should damn the United States for its racism, accuses the government of spreading AIDS and suggests the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks were retribution for the country's past wrongs. Obama's long connection with Wright has raised doubts among some voters about Obama's beliefs and judgment.
His Democratic rival, Hillary Rodham Clinton, said she would have left the church if it had been her pastor saying such things. Obama denounced the most inflammatory of Wright's comments, which he said he didn't know about until recently. But he acknowledges, without providing any detail, hearing Wright make other controversial remarks.
In response the controversy generated by Wright's remarks, leaders of the national United Church of Christ and the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA are calling for a nationwide "sacred conversation" about race. United Church of Christ leaders are also asking ministers in the church's 5,700 congregations, seminaries and other ministry settings to preach about race on Sunday, May 18.
Obama argues it would be wrong for people to judge Wright solely on a handful of remarks. He has tried to place Wright's comments in the context of anger from a black man who came of age in a time of segregation and civil rights turmoil.
In his first book, "Dreams from My Father," which includes Obama's account of his tearful visit to Trinity, Obama described the impact of working closely with South Side churches as a community organizer in the late 1980s. A religious skeptic, he was moved by their devotion and by the support that churches provided their members.
Friends urged Obama to consider joining a church, often mentioning Trinity. Mike Kruglik, a co-worker at the time, said joining helped Obama connect to the local pastors who were vital to his organizing efforts and that Trinity, where many professionals were doing community work, was a logical choice.
"It was very well within the mainstream of the community. It wasn't radical at all," said John Owens, another organizer who worked with Obama at the time.
Jerry Kellman, who hired Obama as a community organizer and is now a lay minister for Chicago's Catholic archdiocese, said Trinity offered a kind of home for Obama, particularly after he got engaged and was planning a family. Its members ranged from the wealthy and well-educated to families just scraping by, he said.
"When Barack joined the church, he wasn't giving his allegiance to Wright. He was joining a community," Kellman said.
Trinity, like other United Church of Christ churches, relies heavily on the membership to make decisions through boards and committees, he added. Even as senior pastor, Wright did not single-handedly control Trinity's direction.
Trinity was an early leader in ministering to people with HIV and AIDS. It offers housing and employment programs to people in need. It has scholarship programs and services for cancer patients, domestic abuse victims, drug addicts and more.
Members are expected to volunteer for one or more of these ministries. They usually announce their choice on the same day they're baptized, said Jane Fisler Hoffman, a United Church of Christ minister who joined Trinity.
"There's this kind of constant encouragement to live your faith, learn your faith," she said.
The church proclaims itself "unashamedly black and unapologetically Christian." It supports charity work in Africa, gives some of its ministries Swahili names, uses Africa-themed decorations.
People familiar with Trinity compare its emphasis on African culture to the way some Catholic churches play up Irish or Italian roots. And they emphatically reject the accusations in widely circulated e-mails that the church is separatist or turns away white members.
"That's such a bunch of hooey," said Hoffman, who is white.
She tells the story of a group of young Germans visiting the church. Wright met with them before the service and prayed with them in German, she said. Later, he delivered part of his sermon in German and the choir sang in German.
"To me, it's a testimony that this is not a church that rejects people of other cultures and races," she said.
She and others say Wright is far from the hothead he may appear to be in video excerpts. They describe him as a serious biblical scholar who thinks carefully about issues.
"Wright is one of the most respected pastors in the African-American church in the United States," said Kellman, who nevertheless says Wright "blew it" in a few sermons.
Pfleger, one of Chicago's most outspoken members of the clergy, said Wright and Obama are similar in their intellectual approach. "They examine things, they study things. They are not quick to make judgments," he said.
Wright's sermons, even when they included strong critiques of racism and inequality in America, were always grounded in the Bible, church members said. Wright sometimes used harsh, painful language, his supporters acknowledge, but mostly he was well within a black tradition of emotional, social commentary.
"It's just speaking a different language to a slightly different culture," said Dwight Hopkins, a Trinity member and a theology professor at the University of Chicago, "and I can see how someone in the suburbs in the high Episcopal church would see those snippets as angry."


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The link doesn't work.
That is weird - When I click the link in my post it works. When I click the link in your quote it doesn't
That is if you're really interested in what the candidate says in written or voice word, more than media soundbite clips of what others say. Then you can find it if the link isn't working for you. Sure their are now terrorist in Iraq - Sunni, Shia, AQ.
This was the CIA - "intelligence community" 2005 - for what ever that is worth...
Iraq has replaced Afghanistan as the training ground for the next generation of "professionalized" terrorists, according to a report released yesterday by the National Intelligence Council, the CIA director's think tank.
President Bush has frequently described the Iraq war as an integral part of U.S. efforts to combat terrorism. But the council's report suggests the conflict has also helped terrorists
by creating a haven for them in the chaos of war.
Before the U.S. invasion, the CIA said Saddam Hussein had only circumstantial
ties with several al Qaeda members. Osama bin Laden rejected the idea of forming an alliance with Hussein and viewed him as an enemy of the jihadist movement because the Iraqi leader rejected radical Islamic ideals and ran a secular government.


Active Member
Great promo material Gnefishcrazy.
Unfortunately it doesn't address Obama's relationship and apparent agreement with his "friend" and "mentor", the Church's publication of terrorist literature, or the church's endorsement of Farrakhan.
Sorry. Basically saying "you have to be black to understand" is not a valid excuse.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Ok, I just looked under the issues titled
, Homeland security, Iraq, Additional issues and foreign affairs.

It's vary easy -- Click Issues, Click Foreign Policy, then seach the page for INFORMATION - you will see on the page a link for "For More
Information about Barack's Plan", click the READ the speech on Counter-terrorism and diplomacy. It's right there
A plan is a plan, whether you want to twist it into something else or not.......


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
That is weird - When I click the link in my post it works. When I click the link in your quote it doesn't
That is if you're really interested in what the candidate says in written or voice word, more than media soundbite clips of what others say. Then you can find it if the link isn't working for you. Sure their are now terrorist in Iraq - Sunni, Shia, AQ.
This was the CIA - "intelligence community" 2005 - for what ever that is worth...
Iraq has replaced Afghanistan as the training ground for the next generation of "professionalized" terrorists, according to a report released yesterday by the National Intelligence Council, the CIA director's think tank.
President Bush has frequently described the Iraq war as an integral part of U.S. efforts to combat terrorism. But the council's report suggests the conflict has also helped terrorists
by creating a haven for them in the chaos of war.
Before the U.S. invasion, the CIA said Saddam Hussein had only circumstantial
ties with several al Qaeda members. Osama bin Laden rejected the idea of forming an alliance with Hussein and viewed him as an enemy of the jihadist movement because the Iraqi leader rejected radical Islamic ideals and ran a secular government.
That is very weird... this link works.
First let me comment on your statements, then I'll address Obama's statements.
So you admit Al Qaeda is in Iraq. Why then should we leave?
Here we go:
"We did not finish the job against al Qaeda in Afghanistan. We did not develop new capabilities to defeat a new enemy, or launch a comprehensive strategy to dry up the terrorists' base of support. We did not reaffirm our basic values, or secure our homeland..."
We are still in Afghanistan... we are still fighting. You can't take tanks into the mountains of Afghanistan (ask the Soviets). NATO is in Afghanistan... How should we have "finished"? It's funny he talks about us not creating new capabilities. We all know that is a blatant lie. Furthermore, Obombus wants to cut military spending on technology
... Going to be kind of tough to continue to develop new capabilities with outdated equipment.
"Patriotism as the possession of one political party."
Sadly I agree.
"The diplomacy of refusing to talk to other countries." Show me where talking to dictators worked in the 20th century? Didn't work with Hirohito? Hitler? Kadaffi? Stalin? Lenin? Pol Pot? Kim jung Ill? Saddam? Over 100 million people died in the 20th cenutry because we sat around and tried to talk to Dictators.
"I pleaded that we "finish the fight with bin Ladin and al Qaeda."
Yet he wants to run away now that we are fighting Al Qaeda.
"Congress became co-author of a catastrophic war. And we went off to fight on the wrong battlefield, with no appreciation of how many enemies we would create, and no plan for how to get out."
Catastrophic war? From a military standpoint Iraq has been a brilliant success. Wrong battlefield? We're fighting the enemy in the "heart of the Middle East". Enemies created? Guess what, Al Qaeda themselves have admitted they can't get enough recruits and that their tactics have created too many Iraqi enemies... Plan to get out? What General in his right mind plans a war with a retreat mapped out?
Zman, how much of this speech do you want me to parse? I can go through the entire thing and shread it word for word if you wish.
Everybody posting basically knows who they are going to be voting for , for whatever the reason.To say he's not presidentia materia because of his pastor is crazy. AS a black woman anytime somebody acknowedges the word KKK thats total disrespect to me, my family, and friends.Wright did not hang white people, torture and kill white people , if a white person went to that church they would not send them away, so to even compare thats inhumane.
How could a non racist person even compare the KKK to normal people?
Did you see the show that HUCKABEE was on where he said he partially understand some of the things Wright said.


Active Member
"Because of a war in Iraq that should never have been authorized and should never have been waged, we are now less safe than we were before 9/11."
Really? I gotta tell ya, I haven't noticed any planes crashing into buildings since we went into Iraq. I have noticed over 20 Al Qaeda plots in the US being defeated before they were carried off. How exactly can you say we are less safe?
"the threat to our homeland from al Qaeda is "persistent and evolving."
Gee, no kidding? So shouldn't we keep fighting them in their backyard to keep them too busy to plan the next attack here?
"Iraq is a training ground for terror, torn apart by civil war" Torn apart by Civil War, huh? Interesting, considering ethnic violence in Iraq is at an all time low in 2008... If Iraq is currently a training ground for terrorists today, isn't that more reason to stay?
"Israel is besieged by emboldened enemies" Ya, like Hamas. I wonder if the enemy is emboldened at all because Barak's church prints their propoganda?!!!

"Iran is now presenting the broadest strategic challenge to the United States in the Middle East in a generation". Someone buy Obama a globe real quick. Hey look, the greatest military in the world now occupies countries on 2 sides of Iran... Strategic challenge?...
"Groups affiliated with or inspired by al Qaeda operate worldwide"
Been that way for 20 years...
"Six years after 9/11, we are again in the midst of a "summer of threat," with bin Ladin and many more terrorists determined to strike in the United States"
Completely stupid statement. No evidence of that whatsoever. so what, they were only half determined to strike the USA before 9-11? What, now they are really serious because we invaded Iraq?
"What's more, in the dark halls of Abu Ghraib and the detention cells of Guantanamo, we have compromised our most precious values" Sorry, "we"? Abu Ghraib was a group of rogue soldiers that were tried and punished... To the best of my knowledge my most precious values were never compromised at Guantanamo. My most precious values are compromised every day in abortion clinics in this country, where of course Obama doesn't even bat an eye when he votes against parental notification and against partial birth abortion bans. The man has no right whatsoever to try to tell me his values are anything near my own; They are not.
Thanks for the link Zman. It's a gold mine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
Everybody posting basically knows who they are going to be voting for , for whatever the reason.To say he's not presidentia materia because of his pastor is crazy. AS a black woman anytime somebody acknowedges the word KKK thats total disrespect to me, my family, and friends.Wright did not hang white people, torture and kill white people , if a white person went to that church they would not send them away, so to even compare thats inhumane.
How could a non racist person even compare the KKK to normal people?
Did you see the show that HUCKABEE was on where he said he partially understand some of the things Wright said.
Not his "pastor". His "friend", "mentor", ADVISOR and "pastor"...
Racism is racism. It doesn't matter what color the person is who spews it from their mouth. It's still racism and it's wrong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
That is very weird... this link works.
First let me comment on your statements, then I'll address Obama's statements.
So you admit Al Qaeda is in Iraq. Why then should we leave?
Here we go:
"We did not finish the job against al Qaeda in Afghanistan."
"We are still in Afghanistan... we are still fighting."
See you both are correct- we didn't finish and are still fighing.

"Patriotism as the possession of one political party."
Sadly I agree.
Sadly I disagree with you and affirms what Obama said...

"The diplomacy of refusing to talk to other countries." Show me where talking to dictators worked in the 20th century? Didn't work with Hirohito? Hitler? Kadaffi? Stalin? Lenin? Pol Pot? Kim jung Ill? Saddam? Over 100 million people died in the 20th cenutry because we sat around and tried to talk to Dictators.
Iran has a democracy/elections
Just not the people we want elected.

"I pleaded that we "finish the fight with bin Ladin and al Qaeda."
Yet he wants to run away now that we are fighting Al Qaeda.
In Afghanistan or Pakistan

"Congress became co-author of a catastrophic war. And we went off to fight on the wrong battlefield, with no appreciation of how many enemies we would create, and no plan for how to get out."
Catastrophic war? From a military standpoint Iraq has been a brilliant success. Wrong battlefield? We're fighting the enemy in the "heart of the Middle East". Enemies created? Guess what, Al Qaeda themselves have admitted they can't get enough recruits and that their tactics have created too many Iraqi enemies..
. Per who CIA
Plan to get out? What General in his right mind plans a war with a retreat mapped out? Then, what is the plan
bankrupt the country
Like the soviets



Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
"Because of a war in Iraq that should never have been authorized and should never have been waged, we are now less safe than we were before 9/11."
Really? I gotta tell ya, I haven't noticed any planes crashing into buildings since we went into Iraq. I would have never made that connection, the Iraq war saved us from planes
I have noticed over 20 Al Qaeda plots in the US being defeated before they were carried off.
"the threat to our homeland from al Qaeda is "persistent and evolving."
Gee, no kidding? So shouldn't we keep fighting them in their backyard to keep them too busy to plan the next attack here? Or Afghanistan or Pakistan

"Iraq is a training ground for terror, torn apart by civil war" Torn apart by Civil War, huh? Interesting, considering ethnic violence in Iraq is at an all time low in 2008... If Iraq is currently a training ground for terrorists today, isn't that more reason to stay? Like you said many times, they followed us there, maybe they will follow us back to Afghanistan full force. Like the CIA said - the council's report suggests the conflict has also helped terrorists by creating a haven for them in the chaos of war.

"Iran is now presenting the broadest strategic challenge to the United States in the Middle East in a generation". Someone buy Obama a globe real quick. Hey look, the greatest military in the world now occupies countries on 2 sides of Iran... Strategic challenge? See you confuse tactical with strategic, a common mistake by a lot of people...

"Groups affiliated with or inspired by al Qaeda operate worldwide"
Been that way for 20 years... Why?

"Six years after 9/11, we are again in the midst of a "summer of threat," with bin Ladin and many more terrorists determined to strike in the United States"
Completely stupid statement. No evidence of that whatsoever. so what, they were only half determined to strike the USA before 9-11? What, now they are really serious because we invaded Iraq? Just more propaganded for recuitment

Thanks for the link Zman. It's a gold mine.
You are Welcome -- you could have found it on your own though. Glad to see you considering him as a choice of yours.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Great promo material Gnefishcrazy.
Unfortunately it doesn't address Obama's relationship and apparent agreement with his "friend" and "mentor", the Church's publication of terrorist literature, or the church's endorsement of Farrakhan.
Sorry. Basically saying "you have to be black to understand" is not a valid excuse.
You just keep on adding charges...don't you

In someways that statement is true... I know many people dislike some of the political type leaders that come out of the black community such as Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan, and whomever else... I'll state again that these gentlemen don't represent us as a whole... we do at times disagree with their position or message...however; they have a place in our community and have done a lot of good... So no you don't have to be black, but you do need the ability to understand where we have been and the unique challenges we face as a whole to understand these things... so it is not an excuse for us, but more of an excuse for those that are unwilling or unable to understand...which may be because of ignorance, carelessness, or just a lack of empathy.

darthtang aw

Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1

It's vary easy -- Click Issues, Click Foreign Policy, then seach the page for INFORMATION - you will see on the page a link for "For More
Information about Barack's Plan", click the READ the speech on Counter-terrorism and diplomacy. It's right there
A plan is a plan, whether you want to twist it into something else or not.......

Ok, I did that and this is all I find.
Still don't see anything


Active Member

Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Ok, I did that and this is all I find.
Still don't see anything

I guess I will try one more time to HOLD YOUR HAND.
1. Click Issues
2. Click Foreign Policy
3. Seach the page for INFORMATION
4. You will see on the page links for "For More Information about Barack's Plan
5. Click the READ
the speech on Counter-Terrorism and Diplomacy. It's right there.
7. Close window when finished - or read other items
8. Come to SWF - Claim that you can't find it again through the Issues Foreign Policy - page
9. Zman1 gives up on Darthtang AW and tells him, Journey is quoting from in two previous posts - he found it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
Jerry Kellman, who hired Obama as a community organizer and is now a lay minister for Chicago's Catholic archdiocese, said Trinity offered a kind of home for Obama, particularly after he got engaged and was planning a family. Its members ranged from the wealthy and well-educated to families just scraping by, he said.
"When Barack joined the church, he wasn't giving his allegiance to Wright. He was joining a community," Kellman said.
Trinity, like other United Church of Christ churches, relies heavily on the membership to make decisions through boards and committees, he added. Even as senior pastor, Wright did not single-handedly control Trinity's direction.
Trinity was an early leader in ministering to people with HIV and AIDS. It offers housing and employment programs to people in need. It has scholarship programs and services for cancer patients, domestic abuse victims, drug addicts and more.
Members are expected to volunteer for one or more of these ministries. They usually announce their choice on the same day they're baptized, said Jane Fisler Hoffman, a United Church of Christ minister who joined Trinity.
"There's this kind of constant encouragement to live your faith, learn your faith," she said.
The church proclaims itself "unashamedly black and unapologetically Christian." It supports charity work in Africa, gives some of its ministries Swahili names, uses Africa-themed decorations.
People familiar with Trinity compare its emphasis on African culture to the way some Catholic churches play up Irish or Italian roots. And they emphatically reject the accusations in widely circulated e-mails that the church is separatist or turns away white members.
"That's such a bunch of hooey," said Hoffman, who is white.
She tells the story of a group of young Germans visiting the church. Wright met with them before the service and prayed with them in German, she said. Later, he delivered part of his sermon in German and the choir sang in German.
"To me, it's a testimony that this is not a church that rejects people of other cultures and races," she said.
She and others say Wright is far from the hothead he may appear to be in video excerpts. They describe him as a serious biblical scholar who thinks carefully about issues.
"Wright is one of the most respected pastors in the African-American church in the United States," said Kellman, who nevertheless says Wright "blew it" in a few sermons.
Pfleger, one of Chicago's most outspoken members of the clergy, said Wright and Obama are similar in their intellectual approach. "They examine things, they study things. They are not quick to make judgments," he said.
Wright's sermons, even when they included strong critiques of racism and inequality in America, were always grounded in the Bible, church members said. Wright sometimes used harsh, painful language, his supporters acknowledge, but mostly he was well within a black tradition of emotional, social commentary.
"It's just speaking a different language to a slightly different culture," said Dwight Hopkins, a Trinity member and a theology professor at the University of Chicago, "and I can see how someone in the suburbs in the high Episcopal church would see those snippets as angry."

No matter what you say, people like Journey, Darth, Reefraff, Streb, will be those people who are angry. This should be an issue that people can get past. Neither Obama or his wife are racist... I have a greater respect of him because he acknowledged his pastor's wrongs while not denouncing him... and he spoke very intelligently on an issue that no one else is willing to touch. This attack did in part accomplish its goal, by putting race back into the election and giving Barack's newest electorial base, white males, reason to question his candidatcy... But it failed in derailing his campaign.... He still is a viable candidate who is still favored to win the election. People need to be smart on who they vote for... and stop following the distractions that make us loose focus on what really is important.


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
I guess I will try one more time to HOLD YOUR HAND.
1. Click Issues
2. Click Foreign Policy
3. Seach the page for INFORMATION
4. You will see on the page links for "For More Information about Barack's Plan
5. Click the READ
the speech on Counter-Terrorism and Diplomacy. It's right there.
7. Close window when finished - or read other items
8. Come to SWF - Claim that you can't find it again through the Issues Foreign Policy - page
9. Zman1 gives up on Darthtang AW and tells him, Journey is quoting from in two previous posts - he found it.

I agree, these guys are always saying Obama is just a suit with no substance.. However when you compare literature or their websites... Obama has much more substance on the issues than McCain as well as more issues. There is also a full PDF at the bottom that goes into further detail...
They some how convienently ignore or pass over it.
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Not his "pastor". His "friend", "mentor", ADVISOR and "pastor"...
Racism is racism. It doesn't matter what color the person is who spews it from their mouth. It's still racism and it's wrong.
You are right, racism is racism no matter what color your skin is. KKK is above and beyond anything and anybody.
Joy Behar from the view stated that in college she took up psychology and this is what she learned from it,not exact words . When your the person who have been through whatever(blacks,slavery,hangings,killed), you can't be perceived as racists on the other hand when you have not gone through what blacks have but you still hate them and want to kill them and feel your greater than they are, then your racist.
HUCKABEE said, Quote, " If I had went through what Wright have went through I too might have had a chip on my shouder. When people get upset, sometimes you are going to say things that might be offensive and rude, not an excuse but to have all the other things you have done right in your life be the highlight of your life is crazy. We all have gotten mad for smaller things and have said and did things we regret.