Obama supporters. I have one question

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Well lets take two that aren't issues
2nd Amendment - won't change
Human Dignity- these aren't issues today that need acknowledged as key issues.
Economy -- talks about taxes, but I am not satisfied with that... there are other issues to why our economy is in a recession
Education- He mentions public school and that parents should have the right to send kids wherever... but its more to it.
Environment- basically we can't ignore global warming
What about our dependency on oil... the creation of jobs, social security, rural development, national service, college education, civil rights, Darfur, homeownership, home loan fraud and foreclosures, retirement, rebuilding our infrastructure... These are some of the things I find on Obama's site that I can be informed about and see that the next admin will have a plan to address these issues.
Hmmmm...because these aren't issues to me.
I own my home and was smart enough to make sure the loan was affordable for myself and did not by a home bigger than I could truly afford.
Social security does not concern me as I have saved my own money and used a TSP plan. I will educate my kids on this as well. So if my money I Pay in now ends up covering my father and I never see any of it I am fine.
college education, my kids will do will in school and keep their grades high so they can get scholarships or grants if they want to go or work for it. What does the govt need to do?
Civil rights...last I checked everyone had the same rights. Regardless of race, creed or ---.
rebuilding the infrastructure, such as roads and bridges? This is a state issue not federal.
creation of jobs......hm...doesn't concern me, I have two by choice and as I work hard am not in fear of lossing either. As for my kids, this follows college education. and anyone unemployed can be emplyeed tomorrow with full benefits, free housing and receive 10-20% discounts in most corporate chains....join the military.
No, I feel sorry for anyone that these issue are a concern for them....as they should not be....if they had personal responsibility.

darthtang aw

Active Member
dependency on oil......we wouldn't have if we didn't have to close off over 1,000 wells because they pumped under 10 gallons a day. If we drilled in anwar and off shore a bit more and if we built a few new refineries instead of closing almost 200 of them down a decade or so ago.
we could be self sufficient, but folks like obama don't want to be. we could be self suficient until we found an alternative source.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
One thing I find interesting is all the racist presidents we had in the past whom we treat with such honor... presidents who directly oppressed minorities with their policies...who kept slaves... our suggested the movie "Birth of a Nation" was unfournately a true depection of blacks.
In regards to Obama who represents all of America...what is best about America... he gets criticzied about statements or people he has no control over... about actions that took place 30 years ago, or people who endorse him who's husband commited a crime or someone who has said inapproriate things in the past... these are not people he sought out, but people who believe in his plan for America... Obama hasn't been involved in a scandal, he hasn't been convicted or charged with a crime. He hasn't been investigated for improper behavior... If you want to judge someone on their actions or behavior...judge the person...
Represents all America, yeah, right

Obama gets criticized for spending years in a church that doesn't teach unity and embraces wastes of skin like Farrakhan. Obama wants to have a non negotiable committment to another nation or continent he should move there.
No improper behavior? What did he say HIMSELF about the sweetheart land deal with Rezko?


Active Member
Lets' also not forget in Nobama's first book he referred to white people as cigar smoking crackers.
Don't know if you caught it but the Pfleger story has now surfaced as predicted.
Nobama is a disgrace to the country and the US Senate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
One thing I find interesting is all the racist presidents we had in the past whom we treat with such honor... presidents who directly oppressed minorities with their policies...who kept slaves... our suggested the movie "Birth of a Nation" was unfournately a true depection of blacks.
In regards to Obama who represents all of America...what is best about America... he gets criticzied about statements or people he has no control over... about actions that took place 30 years ago, or people who endorse him who's husband commited a crime or someone who has said inapproriate things in the past... these are not people he sought out, but people who believe in his plan for America... Obama hasn't been involved in a scandal, he hasn't been convicted or charged with a crime. He hasn't been investigated for improper behavior... If you want to judge someone on their actions or behavior...judge the person...
Nobama seeks to turn the hands of the clock back to the times of hate and separation. Just look at the teachings of his church.
Judgement and association


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
One thing I find interesting is all the racist presidents we had in the past whom we treat with such honor... presidents who directly oppressed minorities with their policies...who kept slaves... our suggested the movie "Birth of a Nation" was unfournately a true depection of blacks.
And it's amazing that a presidential candidate that supports racist hate speech is a serious candidate for the presidency today.
We should ALL denounce racism and hatred and call those out that support same.
Also, belonging to an institution that supports Hamas is SHAMEFUL.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
The is not about endorsements, is my point... you act as if everything that is conservative is good... there are people on both sides with agendas... I choose to ignore this stuff and vote based on the candidate... not who or who doesn't endorse them... All the comments lately have nothing to do with policy or the direction of this country...
Endorsements are everything. You want to believe everything Obama tells you be my guest. He says he wants to represent everyone. His voting record says otherwise. You understand he has socialists/marxists supporting him? You don't get the support of those groups being a centrist.
As far as conservative I do think what my view of conservatism is all good. Unfortunatly there isn't a party that practices it. For me it means limited government AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL. Read the tenth amendment and then the constitution keeping the tenth in mind and you will have a better idea where I am coming from. In a bizzare way it puts me in the liberal camp because I don't feel the federal government has the right to interfer in our personal lives in most cases.
The crap of people trying to shove their moral views on the rest of us I have never agreed with.


Active Member
gonefishcrazy;2548023 said:
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
He can't even get in the bus and drive the unifying message around the block his church occupies. He is a fraud and a fake.
I take it you got a copy of every sermon for the last 20 years? People who call Obama racists are actual racists themselves. You must attend that church to know what he can and can't do. Fraud and a fake pretty much cums up your statement. To make this man a racist because of a few statements his pastor made is ridiculous. Anyway, on a more positive note, OBAMA 2008.
To once again set the record straight...the hate speech was uncovered on dvd's/tapes the church was hocking.
My opinion alone is that Obama is a racist and/or a supporter of racism.
I have no problems standing alone.
However, I do believe most that support Nobama ARE NOT racist. Most are simply hung up on the tap dance show.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
Everybody posting basically knows who they are going to be voting for , for whatever the reason.To say he's not presidentia materia because of his pastor is crazy. AS a black woman anytime somebody acknowedges the word KKK thats total disrespect to me, my family, and friends.Wright did not hang white people, torture and kill white people , if a white person went to that church they would not send them away, so to even compare thats inhumane.
How could a non racist person even compare the KKK to normal people?
Did you see the show that HUCKABEE was on where he said he partially understand some of the things Wright said.
I can only think what those poor little kids sitting in the pews must think about thiercountry. For him to accuse the USA of intentoinally creating the AIDS virus and injecting it in the black community is sick.
hate is hate...you can wrap it up in a nice package and excuse it away if you so choose. You can create any number of reasons to accept a watered down versionof hate...or turn your head and eyes away from it and dismiss it.
We should all denounce racism and hate at any and all levels. I'm sure I could find some good deeds David Duke has done....but I would NEVER support him and/or his message.
I find it amusing how easy hate and racism is dismissed when it comes from the far left. It's excused away .
I'll not excuse it...even if the mainstream media refuses to look at it...I'll not let it go unchallenged.
many of us on this board were way ahead of the Wright story. You'll be dealing with Pfleger next.


Active Member
To all the Nobama supporters...why did he refer to whites in his first book as cigar somking "crackers".? Is the term cracker racist? Is that the message of unity?


Active Member
To the Nobama supporters..what are your views regarding Nobama's 20 year membership church printing the Hamas terrorist manifesto in the official church bulletin last summer?


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To the Nobama supporters...how can someone with the most liberal far left voting record in 2007 unite the country? Most in the US are closer to the center...so how does his voting record support his mantra?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
You just keep on adding charges...don't you

In someways that statement is true... I know many people dislike some of the political type leaders that come out of the black community such as Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan, and whomever else... I'll state again that these gentlemen don't represent us as a whole... we do at times disagree with their position or message...however; they have a place in our community and have done a lot of good... So no you don't have to be black, but you do need the ability to understand where we have been and the unique challenges we face as a whole to understand these things... so it is not an excuse for us, but more of an excuse for those that are unwilling or unable to understand...which may be because of ignorance, carelessness, or just a lack of empathy.
The more I learn the more I have to add on.... That's not my fault

Rylan, I'm from the South. "We" were greatly oppressed after the "Yanks" "occupied" our Nation after we lawfully withdrew from the Union. So, I have every right to argue over the ills of how we were treated. I could point to racist white leaders like David Duke and say how "you just have to be from the South to understand...
You know what though? That's crap and I'd never do it. I don't care how much "good" a racist does, he's still a Racist.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
Joy Behar from the view stated that in college she took up psychology and this is what she learned from it,not exact words . When your the person who have been through whatever(blacks,slavery,hangings,killed), you can't be perceived as racists on the other hand when you have not gone through what blacks have but you still hate them and want to kill them and feel your greater than they are, then your racist. ....
First off, Joy Behar's an idiot.
Second, this isn't just about race... Remember, the "Rev" also said the US Government created the AIDS virus and allow drugs into the Black community to kill blacks and that we are terrorists who shouldn't be surprised when we are attacked and that we should apologize for bombing Hiroshima... (among many other things...)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Compare it to McCain... you can also look at the Iraq section of Issues to get more information on the overall plan and issues in regards to Iraq.Afghanistan,Pakistan
Lets look at McCain... I don't even see a mention of Afghanistan or Pakistan in relation to Iraq or Terrorism. Of course I could go through every speech, but who has time to do that?
LOL, that's because McCain is too busy actually going into Iraq and seeing first hand what is going on...
You can tell what McCain believes because of his voting record, the many bills he has sponsored, and his interviews and answers he has given... All things lacking with Obama.


Active Member
Let's not forget the ties Nobama has to terrorists. he went to the house of Ayers...weather underground terrorist to seek his support and his campaign claims they remian "friendly". ....plus his church provided a platform for Hamas and honored the US champion of hate .
Those are direct links to support of terrorism...on top of the support for the racist hate speech from his "pastor", plus the hate speech from his good friand FAther Pfleger and honoring the champion of hate.
Nobama is a disgrace to this country.


Active Member
Originally Posted by luv4jc123
Something just seems off with this guy, and I agree, I don't want to vote for Hilary but I'm not going to vote for a guy that I think is somehow going to sabotage our country. I don't understand why better people aren't running for this position, but ?
Folks have bought into the Mr Change mantra. They refuse to look at his far left voting record..and seek to give him a pass on supporting racist hate speech for 20 years. Only after he was smoked out of his pew...did he even begin to talk about his " pastor".
Folks can defend it if they so choose...but there is ZERO defense for someone that would stand up claiming the US intentionally infected the blacK community with AIDS. That is the rambling of one sick individual.
I'm still waitng for a Nobama supporter to defend the printing of the Hamas Manifesto in the church bulletin.
Those that support Nobama want the rest of the country to ignore this. Why? Becuase there is no defending an individual that supports terrorism through his mebership in an institution that provides a platform for enemies of the US and our allies.
Let's talk about issues...let's talk about why Nobama supports terrorism thorugh his membership in his 'church".
Maybe he and his minister and close friends really have a hidden agenda.
Do the math...racist US hating church...ties to US domestic terrorism.....church supports Hamas plus honors the champion of hate. One cannot exucse this away.
This should make folks uncomfortable.


Active Member
From the Washington Times..I guess this black reverend is a racist too......
The liberation theology and the black-values system to which his membership ascribe is a clear commitment to the social and spiritual enhancement of only the black race," the Rev. Corey J. Hodges, who is black, wrote last year in the Salt Lake Tribune. "Even more troubling is Wright's use of the pulpit to perpetuate racial division."
For years, Mr. Wright delivered sermons and endorsed articles in the church bulletin that called the United States and Israel racist regimes.
The bulletin's "pastor's page" included essays that said Israel and South Africa "worked on an ethnic bomb that kills blacks and Arabs," compared Israel to Nazi Germany and quoted leaders of the terrorist group Hamas calling Israel a "deformed modern apartheid state."
In a bulletin last year, Mr. Wright lashed out at the news media for scrutinizing the church, blaming "racist United States of America" and "white arrogance" for distracting the country from more important issues, such as the Iraq war and Hurricane Katrina victims.


Active Member
From ABC News...please note in SUPPORT of MY claim that the videotapes were SOLD by the church as reported here......
The alleged "racist" nature of the United States government has been a recurring theme in sermon after sermon by Obama's longtime pastor.
Other sermons reviewed by ABC News, from videotapes sold by the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, reflect Rev. Wright's repeated attacks on the U.S. government as a "racist and arrogant superpower" that does not value its black citizens.
In one sermon in October 2005, Rev. Wright addressed the racial elements at play in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
"The winds of Katrina blew the cover off America. The hurricane exposed the hypocrisy," Rev. Wright said, "protecting white folks' property took priority over saving black folks' lives." He continued, "This storm called Katrina says far more about a racist government than it does about the wrath of God."
In April 2003, Rev. Wright told his congregation that "the United States government has failed the vast majority of our citizens of African descent."
"For every one Oprah, a billionaire, you've got five million blacks who are out of work," he said. "For every one Colin Powell, a millionaire, you've got 10 million blacks who cannot read. For every one Condoskeeza [sic] Rice, you've got one million in prison. For every one Tiger Woods, who needs to get beat, at the Masters, with his cap-blazing hips, playing on a course that discriminates against women. For every one Tiger Woods, we got 10,000 black kids who will never see a golf course."