Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
[QUOTE=gonefishcrazy;2548023 People who call Obama racists are actual racists themselves. .
You can call me a racist if that makes you feel better. I do call Nobama a racist..as I beleive him to be one. I do not beleive I have called one board poster a racist because they support NObama.
Much like those on the left that call others on the right racist at the SLIGHTEST word or action that may indicate some slight tie to racism......so to shall I when I see it...regardless if it is on the left or right.
We should all denounce racism and hate...including those that support it with their membership to institutions that sell this poison.
Nobama does not get a pass becuase he is part black and stands on the far left.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
In regards to Obama who represents all of America...what is best about America... he gets criticzied about statements or people he has no control over... ...
On ANY given SUnday....he could have walked out of that hate rally and stated he did not beleive in the hate whites, jews and Amreica mantra. He chose to stay and support it. He has control over his actions...and he did nothing...until the media FINALLY smoked him from the shadows of his church.
He then wanted to be the champion of race relations in this country. Before he even attempted to lecture America on racism...he should have started with his "uncle" pastor. When the church first honored the champion of hate...he should have stood up and denounced it. He only did so when it was reported in the media a couple months after the hater was crowned.
With the most LIBERAL voting record in 2007 of ALL US Senators...he can only represent the far left with his actions/voting record.
Let's talk about issues...lets talk about him achieving the most liberal far left Senate voting record in the country in 2007. How does this represent main stream America?
Let's talk about what Nobama has done...not his mantra which he has yet to do. So..I am to believe his "words" and ignore his actions?


Active Member
Yet more NObama tidbits.....another winner this guy alligns himself with..Rylan...you still feeling good about your cnadidate? I beleive you were pointing out how folks were taken advantage of by lenders....well...one is the finance chair for your candidate.
The head of the Obama campaign finance chair is Penny Pritzker. Before taking over Obama´s campaign finances, she headed up the borderline shady and failed Superior Bank. It collapsed in 2002. The bank engaged in deceptive and faulty lending, questionable accounting practices, and charged hidden fees. It made thousands of dubious loans to mostly poor, strapped homeowners. A disproportionate number of them were minority.
About the Superior Bank failure
The Chicago Sun-Times reported August 3, 2001:
Superior Bank, half-owned by the wealthy Pritzker family, was shut down by the FDIC Friday after a bailout plan by the Pritzkers, who own the Hyatt Hotel chain, and their partner, New York real estate developer Alvin Dworman, fell through. The bank failed because it had lost nearly all of its more than $2 billion of assets on bad loans to high-risk borrowers, federal regulators said.
The FDIC reopened the bank Monday as Superior Federal and is seeking a buyer and a new CEO.
Superior's failure could cost the FDIC $500 million or more--some observers now are pegging the loss at closer to $1 billion, one of the largest bank failures ever.
On September 11, 2001, Ellen Seidman, Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision, told the Senate Banking Committee:
Superior, which had assets of $1.8 billion as of June 30, 2001, became critically undercapitalized largely due to incorrect accounting treatment and aggressive assumptions for valuing complicated financial instruments known as residuals. "The risk from a concentration in residuals at Superior was exacerbated by a faulty accounting opinion by the institution’s external auditors that caused capital to be significantly overstated, and by management and board recalcitrance in acting on regulatory recommendations, directives and orders."
The New York Times reported December 11, 2001, that the Pritzkers had agreed to pay a "record $460 million" spread out over 15 years to the federal government to avoid being punished" for Superior Bank's failure. It was "the largest settlement ever in the failure of a banking institution. The failure itself is one of the largest in the last decade, one that some estimate could cost the government up to $1 billion."
"Regulators said Superior had collapsed because of poor lending practices and sloppy bookkeeping," Time wrote. "The bank specialized in loans to people with poor credit histories, a practice called subprime lending."
Time also reported that the Pritzkers, who "have a long and troubled history in the S.& L. business" and "once battled the Internal Revenue Service over estate taxes, ... also agreed to cede 90 percent of any money they might recover in separate litigation with the government."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I wish you would get of this... who cares who endorses who... Lets talk about how McCain and Hilary both have lobbiest on staff who are directly involved in the

Crisis with these banks who were commiting fraud... Billing these banks almost a million each. This should be a concern... not some democrat's husband... What are the real issues?
Lets talk about lobbyist and Nobama...
Other K Street players working to build momentum for Obama are former Sen. Tom Daschle (D-S.D.), a consultant for Alston & Bird; Broderick Johnson, president of Bryan Cave Strategies LLC; Mark Keam, the lead Democratic lobbyist at Verizon; Jimmy Williams, vice president of government affairs for the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America; Thomas Walls, vice president of federal public affairs at McGuireWoods Consulting; and Francis Grab, senior manager at Washington Council Ernst & Young.
Lobbyists tend to be cautious creatures. Evidence that they are flocking to Obama’s camp shows that his campaign has gained substantial momentum among the politically sophisticated.
Some of Obama’s K Street boosters keep their support a secret to uphold Obama’s image as a Washington outsider untainted by D.C.’s influence business.
When Obama declared his presidential candidacy in February, he said he would re-engage Americans disenchanted with business-as-usual in Washington who had turned away from politics.
“And as people have looked away in disillusionment and frustration, we know what’s filled the void,” said Obama. “The cynics, and the lobbyists, and the special interests who’ve turned our government into a game only they can afford to play. They write the checks and you get stuck with the bills, they get the access while you get to write a letter; they think they own this government, but we’re here today to take it back. The time for that politics is over. It’s time to turn the page.”
In a fundraising e-mail distributed yesterday, Obama emphasized his stance against taking money from lobbyists and PACs.
Two lobbyists who are supporting another candidate and spoke to The Hill on condition of anonymity said that Obama’s campaign contacted them asking to be put in touch with their networks of business clients and acquaintances.
One of the lobbyists, who supports Clinton, said that Shomik Dutta, a fundraiser for Obama’s campaign, called to ask if the lobbyist’s wife would be interested in making a political contribution.
“I was quite taken aback,” he said. “He was very direct in saying that you’re a lobbyist and we don’t want contributions from lobbyists. But your wife can contribute and we like your network.”
Some lobbyists who favor Obama want to stay below the radar to avoid retaliation from rivals such as Clinton, Biden, and Dodd.
One lobbyist who has worked hard for Obama behind the scenes, according to two pro-Obama lobbyists, denied that he was in the Illinois senator’s camp when queried by The Hill. The shy lobbyist wanted to keep his allegiance secret because he represents a New York-based company and his job could be harmed if he alienated Clinton, explained a fellow Obama partisan.
Other pro-Obama lobbyists are open about their plans to help him become president.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I wish you would get of this... who cares who endorses who... Lets talk about how McCain and Hilary both have lobbiest on staff who are directly involved in the

Crisis with these banks who were commiting fraud... Billing these banks almost a million each. This should be a concern... not some democrat's husband... What are the real issues?
Three political aides on Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) payroll were registered lobbyists for dozens of corporations, including Wal-Mart, British Petroleum and Lockheed Martin, while they received payments from his campaign, according to public documents.
The presence of political operatives with long client lists on Obama’s campaign contrasts with his long-held stand of campaigning against the influence of special interests. Obama has even refused to accept contributions from lobbyists or political action committees (PACs).
Rylan...please see my post on Nobamas campaign chair...and the bank practices. ANd you seek to throw stones at the other candidates?
Like I have stated...Mr CHange is a racist supporter fake and fraud.


Active Member
More lobbyist working for NObama.....
Teal Baker, who received her first payment from Obama’s campaign on June 13, represented 18 corporations between Jan. 1 and June 30 of this year while working as a lobbyist for Podesta Group, a K Street powerhouse. Clients paid Podesta Group over $2 million during those six months for Baker and her colleagues to represent them, according to documents filed with the Senate Office of Public Records.
Clients such as Oshkosh Truck and Pinkerton Consulting paid more than $700,000 for Emmett Beliveau and his colleagues at Patton Boggs to represent them during the first half of 2007. Beliveau received a $3,050 payment from Obama’s campaign for advance work on Feb. 21, a campaign finance report shows.
Brandon Hurlbut, Obama’s liaison to veterans, union members and senior citizens in New Hampshire, represented clients such as the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies and the Allegheny County Housing Authority from January to June, according to public records. Six clients paid B&D Consulting $380,000 for Hurlbut to lobby their causes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
He's only made one appearance since... Obama has said that Wright has looked over his remarks and expressed some regret over his words... I can't remember exactly what he said but he did acknowledge that they could be viewed as divisive, which wasn't his intention.
Nobama said it? What's wrong with Wright...his mouth was screaming the hate...now he can't utter a word for himself?
As I recall..that is all Nobama heard for 20 years...nothing but love and unity from his pastor...so we are now to beleive the rev is only spewing regret?
let Wright step up and apologize like a man if he truly is sorry. Wright is nothing more than a shameful coward...hiding behing the title "rev" to spew posion and hatred.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
No matter what you say, people like Journey, Darth, Reefraff, Streb, will be those people who are angry. This should be an issue that people can get past. Neither Obama or his wife are racist... I have a greater respect of him because he acknowledged his pastor's wrongs while not denouncing him... and he spoke very intelligently on an issue that no one else is willing to touch. This attack did in part accomplish its goal, by putting race back into the election and giving Barack's newest electorial base, white males, reason to question his candidatcy... But it failed in derailing his campaign.... He still is a viable candidate who is still favored to win the election. People need to be smart on who they vote for... and stop following the distractions that make us loose focus on what really is important.

Obama threw his white grandma farther under the bus than Wright. He skirted the issue of Wright's hate, never really outright saying he was wrong. Obama parsed words, and never said Wright was wrong.
I agree the Wright issue is distracting from the facts Obama is the most left leaning Senator.
This just adds to why I do not want this marxist/socialist in the White House.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I truly do not care if he attended the church. doesn't make him a racist...
Finally, someone who can see it for what it is and can actually say that, even though you're not voting for him. I don't mind at all if you don't agree with him on policy issues, voting record, but to distract from the man based on another person's comments is disingenuous. I applaud you on this

The parent United Church of Christ would also, I bet.....


Active Member
I guess the tax cuts just aren't doing the trick. Also, the eccomomist guessed wrong, again, for March too.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- U.S. employers slashed jobs on their payrolls for the third straight month in March and unemployment rose to a nearly three-year high, offering the latest signs that the economy has fallen into a recession.
The Labor Department's much anticipated report showed a net loss of 80,000 jobs in the month
, marking the longest period of decline since early 2003.
loss was revised to 76,000 jobs. Economists surveyed by Briefing.com had forecast that payrolls would fall by 50,000 in the latest reading.



Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
I guess the tax cuts just aren't doing the trick. Also, the eccomomist guessed wrong, again, for March too.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- U.S. employers slashed jobs on their payrolls for the third straight month in March and unemployment rose to a nearly three-year high, offering the latest signs that the economy has fallen into a recession.
The Labor Department's much anticipated report showed a net loss of 80,000 jobs in the month
, marking the longest period of decline since early 2003.
loss was revised to 76,000 jobs. Economists surveyed by Briefing.com had forecast that payrolls would fall by 50,000 in the latest reading.


Yeah, and the weatherman is always right too.
Originally Posted by Rylan1
No matter what you say, people like Journey, Darth, Reefraff, Streb, will be those people who are angry. This should be an issue that people can get past. Neither Obama or his wife are racist... I have a greater respect of him because he acknowledged his pastor's wrongs while not denouncing him... and he spoke very intelligently on an issue that no one else is willing to touch. This attack did in part accomplish its goal, by putting race back into the election and giving Barack's newest electorial base, white males, reason to question his candidatcy... But it failed in derailing his campaign.... He still is a viable candidate who is still favored to win the election. People need to be smart on who they vote for... and stop following the distractions that make us loose focus on what really is important.


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
I guess the tax cuts just aren't doing the trick. Also, the eccomomist guessed wrong, again, for March too.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- U.S. employers slashed jobs on their payrolls for the third straight month in March and unemployment rose to a nearly three-year high, offering the latest signs that the economy has fallen into a recession.
The Labor Department's much anticipated report showed a net loss of 80,000 jobs in the month
, marking the longest period of decline since early 2003.
loss was revised to 76,000 jobs. Economists surveyed by Briefing.com had forecast that payrolls would fall by 50,000 in the latest reading.

And this morning I watched a show on MSNBC where they talked about this. It was brought up that in the 90's the press heralded the fact unemployment had dropped to 5.9% and couldn't contain themselves when it moved down to 5.5%. We just moved up to 5.1% and the sky is falling. The press paints whatever picture they think suits their agends.
71% of people in a poll said their own financial situation was good but others was bad. This is a direct result of the way the media is choosing to report on the economy. While things are slowing down (and the rustbelt has been suffering for years) the economy isn't nearly as bad as the Democrats, I mean mass media would lead you to believe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Three political aides on Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) payroll were registered lobbyists for dozens of corporations, including Wal-Mart, British Petroleum and Lockheed Martin, while they received payments from his campaign, according to public documents.
The presence of political operatives with long client lists on Obama’s campaign contrasts with his long-held stand of campaigning against the influence of special interests. Obama has even refused to accept contributions from lobbyists or political action committees (PACs).
Rylan...please see my post on Nobamas campaign chair...and the bank practices. ANd you seek to throw stones at the other candidates?
Like I have stated...Mr CHange is a racist supporter fake and fraud.
!st where are you getting your info...2nd lets compare your candidate with this info you are providing...I believe Obama's records are clear and transparent with them not accepting PAC money. If someone wants to make an individual donation to his campaign.. and they happen to work at an insurance company... than this is not a PAC contribution.. Obama is raising more money than any other candidate with record #'s. His average donation is less than $100.. This is a none issue... I question your resources... and I also would like you to invest in the same strategy and take a look at where your candidate gets his money from and who is on his campaign.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
And this morning I watched a show on MSNBC where they talked about this. It was brought up that in the 90's the press heralded the fact unemployment had dropped to 5.9% and couldn't contain themselves when it moved down to 5.5%. We just moved up to 5.1% and the sky is falling. The press paints whatever picture they think suits their agends.
71% of people in a poll said their own financial situation was good but others was bad. This is a direct result of the way the media is choosing to report on the economy. While things are slowing down (and the rustbelt has been suffering for years) the economy isn't nearly as bad as the Democrats, I mean mass media would lead you to believe.
Do you all still believe we are not in a recession?


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Obama threw his white grandma farther under the bus than Wright. He skirted the issue of Wright's hate, never really outright saying he was wrong. Obama parsed words, and never said Wright was wrong.
I agree the Wright issue is distracting from the facts Obama is the most left leaning Senator.
This just adds to why I do not want this marxist/socialist in the White House.
This is silly too.... He and Clinton only differed on 2 votes in the Senate.. and who decides what is left or right... what is the qualification.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Nobama said it? What's wrong with Wright...his mouth was screaming the hate...now he can't utter a word for himself?
As I recall..that is all Nobama heard for 20 years...nothing but love and unity from his pastor...so we are now to beleive the rev is only spewing regret?
let Wright step up and apologize like a man if he truly is sorry. Wright is nothing more than a shameful coward...hiding behing the title "rev" to spew posion and hatred.
I don't think Wright owes you an apology. Wright also is not running for political office and is retired. Obama didn't make a public statement on behalf of Wright, but was asked if he had spoken with him since.. and he responded.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Do you all still believe we are not in a recession?
We will know in July. 2 quarters of negative growth is what defines a recession. I dabble in the stock market and from what I am seeing I think we are at a bottom right now. Unemployment is still low on average. The economy runs in cycles, sometimes I think the government tries to do too much to hault a downtrend and just makes things worse. As long as we don't go spending billions to bail out the idiots who didn't read their motgage contracts I think the economy will head north toward the end of the year


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
This is silly too.... He and Clinton only differed on 2 votes in the Senate.. and who decides what is left or right... what is the qualification.
You're about 50 low there sport

"The senators have different approaches to changing the way the Senate governs itself on ethics and lobbying issues. Of the 52 votes on which they differed, 22 of them involved ethics, spending priorities, and government management."