Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
As I'm sitting in traffic this afternoon (I do so hate the Texas Motor Speedway on race weekends) my mind began to weave an interesting conspiracy theory.
The issue with "Rev" Wright is multi-faceted, yet Obama is trying desperately to make it about race. Just look at this thread; The conversation keeps going back to race. I really think obama took a page right out of the Clinton playbook and has tried to deflect the true issue here.
The real issues are these:
*Clearly the "Rev" hates America (Gov. introduced Aids, Terrorists, drug comments, etc.)
*Clearly the church has some wacko leanings (Libya, Farrahkan, Hamas)
*The "Rev" was a "Mentor" an Advisor for Obama until 3 weeks after this story first began breaking in the media...
I think quite possibly Obama's camp is playing the "race" card to deflect from the bigger issues involving Obama and his affiliation with this church.


Active Member
I don't buy that. This race thing hurts Obama. There ara a lot more Democrats who have issues with putting a Black man in power than the party would like to admit.
I'd vote for a black man in a heart beat if his name was JC Watts. Played for a crappy college but I like his politics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I don't buy that. This race thing hurts Obama. There ara a lot more Democrats who have issues with putting a Black man in power than the party would like to admit.
I'd vote for a black man in a heart beat if his name was JC Watts. Played for a crappy college but I like his politics.
I like Watts as well.
The race issue isn't hurting him near as badly as ties to Hamas, allegations of "unpatriotism", his gun control positions, etc. would hurt him if they were getting equal news time.
Like I said, just a theory I came up with breathing in exhaust fumes. I just find it interesting how the conversation keeps going back to "race" when that is not the biggest issue.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
!st where are you getting your info...2nd lets compare your candidate with this info you are providing...I believe Obama's records are clear and transparent with them not accepting PAC money. If someone wants to make an individual donation to his campaign.. and they happen to work at an insurance company... than this is not a PAC contribution.. Obama is raising more money than any other candidate with record #'s. His average donation is less than $100.. This is a none issue... I question your resources... and I also would like you to invest in the same strategy and take a look at where your candidate gets his money from and who is on his campaign.
Despite intensifying his rhetoric against Washington lobbyists controlling the political system, U.S. Sen. Barack Obama announced Wednesday the addition of a state lobbyist to his campaign's Nevada steering committee.
Las Vegas lobbyist Helen Foley joins two other veteran state lobbyists, Rose McKinney-James and Billy Vassiliadis, who play senior advising roles with the campaign in Nevada, an important early caucus state.
Vassiliadis, the most prominent of the group, is a longtime Democratic operative who has been a fixture in many statewide campaigns. He's also a registered lobbyist at the Nevada Legislature, representing some of the state's largest companies.
Although Vassiliadis is not a registered federal lobbyist, his firm, R&R Partners, has a Washington, D.C., branch that lobbies Congress.


Active Member
"While pledging to turn down donations from lobbyists themselves, Senator Obama raised more than $1 million in the first three months of his presidential campaign from law firms and companies that have major lobbying operations in the nation's capital," Dan Morain wrote April 23, 2007, in the Los Angeles Times.
Stephen Weissman of the nonpartisan think tank Campaign Finance Institute said Obama "gets an asterisk that says he is trying to be different ... But overall, the same wealthy interests are funding his campaign as are funding other candidates, whether or not they are lobbyists," Morain wrote.
Public Citizen (WhiteHouseForSale.or) lists nine of Sen. Obama's fundraising bundlers as registered lobbyists who have collected in the neighborhood of $1.5 million for his campaign—in addition to their own personal contributions.
Frank M. Clark is chairman and chief executive officer of Commonwealth Edison (ComEd), a unit of Chicago-based Exelon Corporation. As an Obama bundler, Clark raised $200,000+. FEC records show that on January 26, 2007, he personally contributed $2,100 to Obama for America.
Scott Blake Harris is the managing partner of the Washington, D.C., firm Harris Wiltshire and Grannis, which handles such legislative issues as Communications/Broadcasting/ Radio/TV, Science/Technology, Telecommunications, and Trade (Foreign and Domestic), as well as representing the Computing Technology Industry Association. As an Obama bundler, Harris raised $200,000+. FEC records show that on March 15, 2007, he personally contributed $2,000 to Obama for America.
Allan J. Katz is a shareholder and chairman of the Policy Practice Group at Akerman Senterfitt in Tallahassee, Florida. Katz is a Member of the Florida Democratic Committee and Democratic National Committee, and Tallahassee City Commissioner. As an Obama bundler, Katz raised $200,000+ with Marilyn Katz of MK Communications (who personally contributed $1,000 to Obama for America on January 21, 2007).
Robert S. Litt is a partner at the Washington, D.C. firm Arnold & Porter, a regulatory and public affairs firm which represents multiple clients in a variety of industries. As an Obama bundler, Litt raised unknown amount of money. FEC records show that Litt personally contributed $2,300 on February 26, 2007 and $2,300 on May 2, 2007 to Obama for America.
Thomas J. Perrelli is managing partner in the Washington, D.C., office of Jenner and Block, a Chicago general practice law firm, which includes among its clients the National Cable and Telecommunications Association and Time Warner Inc. As an Obama bundler, Perrelli raised $200,000+. FEC records show that Perrelli personally contributed $2,100 on January 16, 2007 and $200 on March 5, 2007 and $2,300 on March 21, 2007 to Obama for America.
Thomas A. Reed is Of Counsel at Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates Ellis LLP K&L Gates), which represents multiple industries and multiple clients. As an Obama bundler, Reed raised $200,000+. FEC records show that on March 20, 2007, Reed contributed $2,300 to Obama for America.
Paul N. Roth is a partner at the New York firm Schulte Roth & Zabel, which represents financial institutions, investments, securities, including Cerberus Capital Partners. As an Obama bundler, Roth raised at least $50,000. FEC records show that on March 20, 2007, Roth personally contributed $2,300 to Obama for America.
Alan D. Solomont of Solomont Bailis Ventures in Massachusetts represents Health Services/HMOs. As an Obama bundler, Solomont raised $200,000+. FEC records show that Solomont personally contributed $2,100 on January 26, 2007; $2,500 on March 30, 2007 (Rebecca Solomont at the same address made two $2,300 contributions on the same day); and $2,300 on March 30, 2007 to Obama for America.
Tom E. Wheeler is managing director of Core Capital Partners, a private equity fund in Washington, D.C. As an Obama bundler, Wheeler raised $100,000+. FEC records show that Wheeler personally contributed $2,100 on January 16, 2007; $2,500 on May 2, 2007 and an additional $2,300 on May 2, 2007 to Obama for America. (Note: another $2,300 was added then removed also on May 2, 2007.)
Not included on this list is Peter Bynoe, an attorney, lobbyist and partner in Piper Rudnick LLP, as well as an Obama bundler. What makes Bynoe stand out from the rest is that on July 25, 2003, he gave $25,000.00 to Tony Rezko.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I don't buy that. This race thing hurts Obama. There ara a lot more Democrats who have issues with putting a Black man in power than the party would like to admit.
I'd vote for a black man in a heart beat if his name was JC Watts. Played for a crappy college but I like his politics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
As I'm sitting in traffic this afternoon (I do so hate the Texas Motor Speedway on race weekends) my mind began to weave an interesting conspiracy theory.
The issue with "Rev" Wright is multi-faceted, yet Obama is trying desperately to make it about race. Just look at this thread; The conversation keeps going back to race. I really think obama took a page right out of the Clinton playbook and has tried to deflect the true issue here.
The real issues are these:
*Clearly the "Rev" hates America (Gov. introduced Aids, Terrorists, drug comments, etc.)
*Clearly the church has some wacko leanings (Libya, Farrahkan, Hamas)
*The "Rev" was a "Mentor" an Advisor for Obama until 3 weeks after this story first began breaking in the media...
I think quite possibly Obama's camp is playing the "race" card to deflect from the bigger issues involving Obama and his affiliation with this church.

Yes, but I believe race is still a big part of it. They also know if you question whether Nobama is a racist you will be called one yourself from the left. Not too many in the media are bold enough to call him on the racist views of his church...they'll be called a racist for even mentioning it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I don't think Wright owes you an apology. Wright also is not running for political office and is retired. Obama didn't make a public statement on behalf of Wright, but was asked if he had spoken with him since.. and he responded.
Just like Obama made demands of Imus...so to shall I make demands of his racist hater coward pastor to stand up in front of america and apologize. Also, many programs would gladly interview him so he can explain how we somehow missed the unity message.
Like Rev Al, Jesse Jackson, etc ,etc....whites when offended by blacks launching hate speech can also request an apology. Also, he made some whacked out remarks against the government.
He was an offical committee member of the Nobama campaign.
What you or I think realy does not matter...the bigger question is if he truly feels the way Nobama claims he does....I would think as a man of God he would want to right his wrong.
So...would you expect Nobama to state that he chatted with Wright and he told him he regrets nothing?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
!st where are you getting your info...2nd lets compare your candidate with this info you are providing...I believe Obama's records are clear and transparent with them not accepting PAC money. If someone wants to make an individual donation to his campaign.. and they happen to work at an insurance company... than this is not a PAC contribution.. Obama is raising more money than any other candidate with record #'s. His average donation is less than $100.. This is a none issue... I question your resources... and I also would like you to invest in the same strategy and take a look at where your candidate gets his money from and who is on his campaign.
Nobama is the champion for being the new candidate and Mr CHange...once again his actions are contrary to his words.


Active Member
Rylan...I have laready answered your previous question regarding nobama being the most liberal senator in DC for 2007......I'll answer it yet again using a very liberal source....
From the LIBERAL NY Times.....
A recent analysis of key votes by The National Journal concluded that Mr. Obama had the Senate’s most liberal voting record in 2007; Mrs. Clinton ranked 16th. But of the 267 measures on which both senators voted, the National Journal analysis found that they differed on only 10. One of their major differences came on an amendment that called for the designation of the Revolutionary Guards in Iran as a terrorist organization; while Mrs. Clinton supported it, Mr. Obama missed the vote, but said he opposed it.
Congressional Quarterly said Mr. Obama voted with his party 97 percent of the time on party-line votes last year; Mrs. Clinton did so 98 percent of the time.
But it is Mr. Obama who is running on a promise of a new approach to politics. Given that, he says he understands the criticism of his voting record, but argues that the Senate is so ideologically polarized it is hard not to end up on one side or the other.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
This is silly too.... He and Clinton only differed on 2 votes in the Senate.. and who decides what is left or right... what is the qualification.
Attending a church that hates America would be one. Continued support of a hate america minister yet another. Voting record another. Endorsements from far left groups such as moveon.org yet another. Socialized medicine yet another. Socialist approach to the economy yet another. Socialists endorsements yet another. Supporting socialist candidates for Congress another..and the list goes on and on.
I would catergorize most racist as either far left or far right. Definitely the hate america crew is far left. All EQUALLY wrong in my opinion.
I agree both Billary and Nobama can touch each other fro where they stand on issues. Both are some distance from the center.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
!st where are you getting your info...2nd lets compare your candidate with this info you are providing...I believe Obama's records are clear and transparent with them not accepting PAC money. If someone wants to make an individual donation to his campaign.. and they happen to work at an insurance company... than this is not a PAC contribution.. Obama is raising more money than any other candidate with record #'s. His average donation is less than $100.. This is a none issue... I question your resources... and I also would like you to invest in the same strategy and take a look at where your candidate gets his money from and who is on his campaign.

Over the weekend, the Tribune offered an exclusive glimpse inside "Obama University," where veteran bundlers periodically train rookie fundraisers.
Obama's new bundler list means that at least $15 million of the $79 million he raised during the first three quarters of the year came by way of bundlers.
In July, the Tribune reported that at least 22 percent—and likely much more— of the money Obama had raised during the first half of the year came by way of those who had raised at least $50,000.


Active Member
Drudge report...more NObama misleading his followers exposed......
"We'd say the Obama campaign is trying to create a distinction without very much of a practical difference. Political action committee funds are pooled contributions from a company's or an organization's individual employees or members; corporate lobbyists often have a big say as to where a PAC's donations go. But a PAC can give no more than $5,000 per candidate, per election. We're not sure how a $5,000 contribution from, say, Chevron's PAC would have more influence on a candidate than, for example, the $9,500 Obama has received from Chevron employees giving money individually.
In addition, two oil industry executives are bundling money for Obama drumming up contributions from individuals and turning them over to the campaign. George Kaiser, the chairman of Oklahoma-based Kaiser-Francis Oil Co., ranks 68th on the Forbes list of world billionaires. He's listed on Obama's Web site as raising between $50,000 and $100,000 for the candidate. Robert Cavnar is president and CEO of Milagro Exploration LLC, an oil exploration and production company. He's named as a bundler in the same category as Kaiser.
Lobbyist Loopholes?
We've noted before that Obama's policy of not taking money from lobbyists is a bit of hair-splitting. It's true that he doesn't accept contributions from individuals who are registered to lobby the federal government. But he does take money from their spouses and from other individuals at firms where lobbyists work. And some of his bigger fundraisers were registered lobbyists until they signed on with the Obama campaign."
Bundling oil company money and then saying you don't take oil company money is duplicitous at least and cynically misleading old-style politics at best.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I don't buy that. This race thing hurts Obama. There ara a lot more Democrats who have issues with putting a Black man in power than the party would like to admit.
I'd vote for a black man in a heart beat if his name was JC Watts. Played for a crappy college but I like his politics.
I do not recall the poll source...but I beleive it was 56% stated they are now less likley to vote for Nobama in the general due to his church membership. The poll was taken a week ot two after America listened to the Greatest Hits of the Rev Wright.
And once again...I remind those lurking on the thread that the tapes and dvd's were SOLD by the church. If this was not a central theme of the church I would think it would not appear on their DVD's/tapes.
Why would you sell tapes filled with hate against amreica, jews and whites if that was not a message the church wanted to send?
You have an institution selling hate america speech....and you have the Hamas manifesto printed in a church bulletin. What unifying main stream church sells hate and promotes terrorism by providing it a voice in a church bulletin?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I don't think Wright owes you an apology. Wright also is not running for political office and is retired. Obama didn't make a public statement on behalf of Wright, but was asked if he had spoken with him since.. and he responded.

Certainly, accusing the governmnet of intentionally sending the AIDS virus and drugs into the black comminity has no basis in fact.
Let's skip the race part....and how about we get Wright to apologize to ALL Americans serving in government for that comment. Or, he can provide his documentation for making such cliams and the list of officials guilty of this. If true, he should be crusading for their arrest, trial and conviction of the governemnt officials that intentionally injected the AIDS virus in the black community to destroy people of color.


Active Member
Don't even get me started on the whole "PAC" thing... Look up the "Hopefund". It's a PAC founded by you know who.
The funny thing about it is, in addition to Obama having a PAC that he supposedly opposes, he used the funds from it to give money to key Democrats early on in the primary race; Many of those key Democrats just happen to be Superdelegates that have in turn announced support for Obama.
Not that he bribed Superdelegates or anything...
"Since 2005, Obama has given more than $694,000 to superdelegates from his campaign committee or his political action committee
, Hope Fund, or campaign committee since 2005. Forty percent of the 81 super-Ds have benefited from Obama largesse" http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpu...ng-the-su.html


Active Member
One-degree of separation: Did Obama lift his "More Perfect Union" speech from Farrakhan's Million Man March speech?
A RezkoWatcher discovered a remarkable resemblance between the recent "More Perfect Union" speech delivered March 18, 2008, by Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in defense of his church's pastor, the anti-American Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ, and a speech delivered October 16, 1995, by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan at the Million Man March in Washington, D.C.
Citizen Sherry wrote April 3, 2008:
I was reading about Obama and Wright being involved in the Million Man March and did a search on the subject. I ran across the text of Farrakhan's speech and was astonished to find that it's main theme was 'a more perfect union'. Since Obama seems to have a problem with original thought and is fond of lifting passages from other's speeches, I should not have been surprised at the remarkable similarities in Obama's and Farrakhan's speeches. What is surprising, is that Obama would lift the remarks of [a] racist, anti-semite, black supremacist in a speech in defense of his close 20-year association with a racist, anti-semite black supremacist. I have not seen anyone in the media make this association.
The following is an excerpt from Louis Farrakan's speech:
And so our brief subject today is taken from the American Constitution and these words, 'Toward a more perfect union.' Toward a more perfect union. Now, when you use the word more with perfect, that which is perfect is that which has been brought to completion. So when you use more perfect, you're either saying that what you call perfect is perfect for that stage of its development, but not yet complete. When Jefferson said, 'Toward a more perfect union,' he was admitting that the union was not perfect, that it was not finished, that work had to be done. And so we are gathered here today not to bash somebody else. We're not gathered here to say all of the evils of this nation, but we are gathered here to collect ourselves for a responsibility that God is placing on our shoulders to move this nation toward a more perfect union.
Now, when you look at the word toward, toward, it means in the direction of, in furtherance or partial fulfillment of, with a view to obtaining or having, shortly before, coming soon, imminent, going on, in progress. Well, that's right. We're in progress toward a perfect union. Union means bringing elements or components into unity. It is something formed by uniting two or more things. It is a number of persons, states, et cetera, which are joined or associated together for some common purpose. We're not here to tear down America. America is tearing itself down. We are here to rebuild the wasted cities. What we have in the word toward is motion. The Honorable Elijah Mohammed taught us that motion is the first law of the universe. This motion which takes us from one point to another shows that we are evolving and we are a part of a universe that is ever evolving. We are on an evolutionary course that will bring us to perfection or completion of the process toward a perfect union with God. In the word toward, there is a law, and that law is everything that is created is in harmony with the law of evolution, change. Nothing is standing still. It is either moving toward perfection or moving toward disintegration or under certain circumstances doing both things at the same time. The word for this evolutionary changing, affecting stage after stage until we reach perfection, in Arabic it is called rab, and from the word rab, you get the word rabbi, or teacher, one who nourishes a people from one stage and brings them to another stage.


Active Member
Well, if we are in motion, and we are, motion toward perfection, and we are, there can be no motion toward perfection without the lord who created the law of evolution and is the master of the changes. Our first motion then must be toward the god who created the law of the evolution of our being. And if our motion toward Him is right and proper, then our motion toward a perfect union with each other and with government and with the peoples of the world will be perfected. So let us start where the process leading to the perfect union must first be seen.
The similarities in Obama's speech not only resonate with those of Farrakhan but also with those he used following his own attendance at the Million Man March in a December 1995 interview with the Chicago Reader's Hank De Zutter. Compare the following excerpts from the March 2008 speech with those from 1995 by Farrakhan:
The fact is that the comments that have been made and the issues that have surfaced over the last few weeks reflect the complexities of race in this country that we've never really worked through - a part of our union that we have yet to perfect. And if we walk away now, if we simply retreat into our respective corners, we will never be able to come together and solve challenges like health care, or education, or the need to find good jobs for every American.
In the white community, the path to a more perfect union means acknowledging that what ails the African-American community does not just exist in the minds of black people; that the legacy of discrimination - and current incidents of discrimination, while less overt than in the past - are real and must be addressed. Not just with words, but with deeds - by investing in our schools and our communities; by enforcing our civil rights laws and ensuring fairness in our criminal justice system; by providing this generation with ladders of opportunity that were unavailable for previous generations. It requires all Americans to realize that your dreams do not have to come at the expense of my dreams; that investing in the health, welfare, and education of black and brown and white children will ultimately help all of America prosper.
This union may never be perfect, but generation after generation has shown that it can always be perfected. And today, whenever I find myself feeling doubtful or cynical about this possibility, what gives me the most hope is the next generation - the young people whose attitudes and beliefs and openness to change have already made history in this election.
It is not enough to give health care to the sick, or jobs to the jobless, or education to our children.
But it is where we start. It is where our union grows stronger. And as so many generations have come to realize over the course of the two-hundred and twenty one years since a band of patriots signed that document in Philadelphia, that is where the perfection begins.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
!st where are you getting your info....
If you read the body of the text...you will find the source. It is also cited on the far left liberal website the Huffington Post as a back-up source.
If you find this is incorrect...simply bring something here besides Nobamas mantra.
I guess we should all start quoting everything Nobama says...as the gospel accroding to Nobama. Step up and drink the kool-aid. Let's ignore his far left voting record, his ranking as the most LIBERAL senator in 2007, his support of socialists candidates, his 20 year realtionship with his "pastor", his relationship to domestic terrorists, his campaign finance chair, the lobbyist working on his cmapaign, his bundlers, his land deal with Rezko etc, etc......


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Don't even get me started on the whole "PAC" thing... Look up the "Hopefund". It's a PAC founded by you know who.
The funny thing about it is, in addition to Obama having a PAC that he supposedly opposes, he used the funds from it to give money to key Democrats early on in the primary race; Many of those key Democrats just happen to be Superdelegates that have in turn announced support for Obama.
Not that he bribed Superdelegates or anything...
"Since 2005, Obama has given more than $694,000 to superdelegates from his campaign committee or his political action committee
, Hope Fund, or campaign committee since 2005. Forty percent of the 81 super-Ds have benefited from Obama largesse" http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpu...ng-the-su.html

NObama supporters only believe in his words and ignore what he does or did. Nobama's voting record and/or action or inaction does not count. So Nobama says..so to shall it come to pass.