Obama to address your kids at school??


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Florida has some of the most controversial legislation (Elian Gonzales, Teri Schiavo, The 'Hanging Chad Incident' of 2000), and some of the most whacked-out governors (Jeb Bush is the lead whacko) that this country has ever seen.
Are you drunk or what?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tang Master
first off, religious education is private and constitutional. so if a parent chooses to put their children in a religious private school, then so be it.
Wasn't arguing that point at all.
I thought the question was whether or not it is ok to indoctrinate children. Seems if you're agreeable to the indoctrination, then the answer is yes.
If you're not, all you need is the money to get them out.


Active Member
I don't think its a big deal before the fact. Just wait and see what he has to say. It would pe grossly inappropriate for him to push any of his agendas but a general ra ra sis koom bahh speech about education is fine.
Parents should just sit their kids down and tell them that what he says isn't always true and talk to them after they hear what he has to say. Use it as a real teaching moment.


Well-Known Member
There is a very important concept in government - loyal opposition. Members of the loyal opposition are an important part of the checks and balances of any democratic government. When Republicans raise such a ruckus about the President addressing schools like this, they are very close to becoming the opposition, which is quite different since the opposition can be dismissed as irrelevant, while loyal opposition members are always relevant by exerting a useful restraint on the majority party.

angler man


Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Whatever he might have to say about education will go in one and out the other. It is IMO purely propoganda. I just would like to know what it is my son will be hearing EAXCTLY, and not have something crammed down my throat. What about these reading assignments? Whats that all about? Why is it liberals allways call conservatives wacko's, then go bight a finger off some senior citizen?
Who's the wack job there?
Dude, it's because the socialists are hungry for change!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Hey bionic... news flash.. No Im not joking!
Where do you live? Im from CT originally!
Man with the ETERNAL BLANK profile!

That explains it even more.
I'm ferom Texas, born and raised. We keep wanting to put a fence around the border to keep the crazy Yankees and Snow Birds out, but they won't let us.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Didn't the feds "reclaim" little Elian? I do not believe the State of Florida broke into that house with guns.

I see "Border Patrol" under the MP-5. Last I checked the border patrol was federal.
Try again Bionic
After his father who lived in Cuba tried to get him returned home, the State of Florida made the decision the kid didn't have to leave. The father took it all the way up to the Federal Appeals Court, and they sided with him. The "Border Patrol' as you call them, ame in and took him out of the house because the Aunt, Uncle, or whoever it was that was holding him in the house wouldn't let officals come in and get him. They did the night raid so that innocent people wouldn't get hurt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Um... I already had that talk with my kids. Why waste the kids and President's time to do what parents should have already done?
Because that's the problem. A very high percentage of parents in this country don't do what you do with your kids. They send their kids off to school, and could care less how well they perform or what grades they get. They use it as a daycare to keep their kids out of trouble. If everyone did like you and help their kids through school, the US probably wouldn't have one of the lowest performing educational systems in the world.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
What part didn't you understand? Every time there's some wacko news story about some backwards legislation that was created, it comes out of Florida.
And the incidents you named are a result of FEDERAL actions. And Jeb Bush was one of the most effective and popular Governors either party has produced in quiet some time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
And the incidents you named are a result of FEDERAL actions. And Jeb Bush was one of the most effective and popular Governors either party has produced in quiet some time.
Popular in whose minds? The Ultra Conserative Right wingers? The guy was a total nut job. He was a 'W; wannabe with the lack of intelligence needed to carry out simple legislation.
All three of my examples had to have Federal intervention because of the actions of the State of Florida government. If Florida would've released Gonzalez to his father after the courts stated he had custody of his child, the Feds would've never gotten involved.
If Florida would've abided by the courts ruling that Terri Sciavo's husband had the right to remove her feeding tube, the case would've never made it to the Supreme Court.
If Florida would've done away with the antequated voting cards, and would've learned how to read the one's that were used, the Feds wouldn't have had to come in and show them how to do it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Popular in whose minds? The Ultra Conserative Right wingers? The guy was a total nut job. He was a 'W; wannabe with the lack of intelligence needed to carry out simple legislation.
All three of my examples had to have Federal intervention because of the actions of the State of Florida government. If Florida would've released Gonzalez to his father after the courts stated he had custody of his child, the Feds would've never gotten involved.
If Florida would've abided by the courts ruling that Terri Sciavo's husband had the right to remove her feeding tube, the case would've never made it to the Supreme Court.
If Florida would've done away with the antequated voting cards, and would've learned how to read the one's that were used, the Feds wouldn't have had to come in and show them how to do it.

Bushes approval ratings were in the 60's when he left office. It was the left wing fanatics who disliked him.
Shaivo's case took it's course and it was the Congress who passed the law leading to the SCOTUS case. The family fought their case in state court and lost.
Miami was wrong to ignore the court ruling in the Gonzalez case but the real mess up was in how the feds took custody of the kid. Completely uncalled for.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Popular in whose minds? The Ultra Conserative Right wingers? The guy was a total nut job. He was a 'W; wannabe with the lack of intelligence needed to carry out simple legislation.
All three of my examples had to have Federal intervention because of the actions of the State of Florida government. If Florida would've released Gonzalez to his father after the courts stated he had custody of his child, the Feds would've never gotten involved.
If Florida would've abided by the courts ruling that Terri Sciavo's husband had the right to remove her feeding tube, the case would've never made it to the Supreme Court.
If Florida would've done away with the antequated voting cards, and would've learned how to read the one's that were used, the Feds wouldn't have had to come in and show them how to do it.
Case #1 ....The relatives appealled in Federal court...so until a federl court decision was handed down the florida officials could NOT hand the child over as once the appeal was filed and accepted they lost jurisdiction.....

Case #2 See reference to point 1. This was a federal appeal decision....same explanation as above.
In both of these cases obviously there was legal formalities or decisions in question, thus no action could be taken until the federal courts made their decision. Had there not been any legal questions surrounding the situations the federal/supreme courts would never had seen the case and rejected it promptly.
Case #3.....Many states have problems counting ballots, it matters not if it is paper or electronic. The last election NEW Mexico took months to get an accurate count of the balloting for president. You didn't hear about it because it didn't matter...Does this make the governor inept in this state also?
What about Minnesota and their balloting? They just recently decided on their senator.........
You call administrations inept, yet they are following the law...once those cases were appealed, all things stop until the appeal is turned down or viewed by a higher court.....So had Jeb went in and done what you said, HE WOULD BE IN VIOLATION of law.
And Jeb Bush left the governors office with a 65% approval rating to be exact......obviously he did a good job.....Or are you going to say 65% of Florida is ultra right-wing conservatives now?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
You call administrations inept, yet they are following the law...once those cases were appealed, all things stop until the appeal is turned down or viewed by a higher court.....So had Jeb went in and done what you said, HE WOULD BE IN VIOLATION of law.
That has never stopped a liberal. Maybe that is why bionic is having such a hard time understanding...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
How bad was it really? I saw Newt on the today show this morning and he had nothing bad to say, not one word (he read it first though) - I almost fell out of my lazyboy hearing this...
I listened to it today. To be honest I was pleasantly surprised. It was actually good. Considering I didn't think it would be propoganda based in the first place. The ironic thing that stuck out to me was when he said, (I am paraphrasing) "Race, upbringing, Neighborhood, or monetary status is not an excuse for dropping out, getting bad grades, and not succeeding in school........If you work hard and keep at it you can succeed".......Hmmmmmmmm sounds like the conservative mantra to me.....