So here is something i do not understand.
Every person has an opinion. By general odds that means many people will not have the same oppinions. What happened to the America that believed it was a persons right to think how they want and do as they want (as long as it is not harming others).
Instead we get intolerant people being raised in america. If you do not agree with their mentality your stupid, idotic, racist, sexist, hateful, ignorant, or whatever other name they decide to use.
I find that most of the people who feel the need to insult others are doing so because of their own little prejudices. Religions that talk down to others, people who scream racism, sexism, etc. more oftan than not are the ones who are themselves intolerant of others.
So some parents do not want their children to hear Obama. Ask yourself, how does this affect YOUR life? It doesnt you say? then what did those parents do wrong?
Congratulations all of you who condemn those parents. You are being as intolerant of other peoples differences as the KKK, Black Panthers, Radical Muslim, and yes, the Nazis. These are all groups that insisted their way of thinking was better than everyone else. They all work out great, dont they?