Obama wins!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I think that will depend a lot on their elections this Fall and how they go.
The Iraqi army occupying Sadr City (with very little US assistance) is a huge undertaking and, provided they can continue to sweep the weapons out and secure the region, a very positive step forward.
The continued victories in Basra and Mosul also are very positive steps.
Tehran is going to have to be dealt with, however. We cannot allow that wacko to continue to support the insurgents and terrorists.
It is looking better and better, bush may have been right to stay...
oh the real funny thing, obama said he wouldnt wear a flag on his lapel, but i was watching armywives and there he was with it on his lapel as he preached about being kind to the military.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Bionic, I've posted that I'm over here for many reasons... to serve country, Iraq, gain more foreign field experience, money, to be a part of history, because liberals around here kept saying "if you support the war so much why don't you go to Iraq", etc. Sorry; That's not speaking in circles.
I was 3 when Saigon fell so when our soldiers returned home (including my father) I was probably riding my tricycle on the driveway.
Today I certainly honor their service and memory. The way they were treated when they returned was disgusting. I would never dishonor their service by supporting radical protestors that were endangering their loved ones at home while they were fighting overseas.
You need to read more on the Weather Underground. They bombed civilian work places and injured civilians. It's a miracle they didn't kill anyone. Their founders still today state they wish they had bombed more buildings. Yet you continue to defend them and say I don't get it? They are terrorists; enough said in my book.
Comparing Vietnam to WW2 falls short in a number of ways. Let's not forget, however, that the Vietnam Vets had a memorial decades before the WW2 veterans (their's was completed just a few years ago after many of them have passed away). So in some ways our country has tried to make ammends for our pathetic treatment of our soldiers. The returning WW2 veterans came home celebrating a tremendous victory in Europe and the Pacific. Don't you think that partly lead to the parades and celebrations? My Grandfather returned from Japan over 6 months after V-J day. He didn't come home to any parades or flag waving celebrations.
Actually I have read up on the Weatherman Underground. The bombing of the Capitol Building was a lower level bathroom in the middle of the night. And with the exception of a bomb that went off prematurely at Ft. Dix, the other 'attacks' they made were on empty buildings where they gave advanced notice to the authorities of exactly when and where the bomb would go off. They did this because they never had any intent of harming innocent people. They were attacking what they perceived were symbols that represented the individuals who were for the Vietnam War (i.e the Federal Govt. and military). What they did were constured as CRIMINAL attacks, not terroristic.
If you still want to chastise me for agreeing with their cause, and still want to label them as terrorists, fine. Why don't we look at the group you seem to so adamately agree with and follow - The Anti-Abortionist. How many Planned Parenthood and abortion clinics has this banded group knowingly blown up and destroyed, ALONG WITH INNOCENT VICTIMS, in the name of their cause? How many doctors who were known to perform abortions were 'assassinated' and killed by your terror cells in the name of an unborn fetus? Like I said, at least the Weatherman Underground gave advanced warning, and did everything in their power to avoid physically harming anyone. Your sadistic group did it, and still does it today, in the same manner as Al Qaeda attacked the WTC Towers. So if you do in fact support these groups, you're no better than me. "They are terrorists; enough said in my book."


Active Member
Keep reading.... They injured multiple people. They bombed the home of a judge while his family slept inside, they bombed an occupied police station (nearly killing an officer there), etc. Don't sugarcoat their terroristic attacks.
I have never, nor will I ever, support terrorist activity; Even against something as vile as an abortion clinic.
As I stated previously, I believe in the Constitution. It lays out ways to legally get things changed without resorting to trying to kill civilians...


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Now this is a person with serious issues. You're country? What have you done in your life to justify this to be YOUR country? It's called Freedom of Speech. How anyone chooses to use that right, is up to them. Isn't Democracy wonderful?
1 We live in a Representative Republic, not a Democracy. You'd better re-take Civics there young man.
2 My family fought in the Continental Army, did your family?
3 Yes, the Constitution protects free speech. It does not protect murder, terrorism, or destruction of property. I can respect those who disagree with the war or other issues. That respect turns to other emotions when those people kill, maim or destroy property, then call, "free speech". The Weather Underground used bombs as speech. That is a bit illegal, and NOT protected by the Constitution.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Actually I have read up on the Weatherman Underground. The bombing of the Capitol Building was a lower level bathroom in the middle of the night. And with the exception of a bomb that went off prematurely at Ft. Dix, the other 'attacks' they made were on empty buildings where they gave advanced notice to the authorities of exactly when and where the bomb would go off. They did this because they never had any intent of harming innocent people. They were attacking what they perceived were symbols that represented the individuals who were for the Vietnam War (i.e the Federal Govt. and military). What they did were constured as CRIMINAL attacks, not terroristic.
So, by your logic, their own incompetance excuses the fact they set a BOMB?
Calling in a bomb threat is "free speech".
Someone willing to place a bomb is more than willing to harm someone.
Why would they set the bombs, if not to scare the people and gov't into giving them what they want. Funny, sound like terrorism to meThe ends do not justify the means. Should those of us who shoulder 90% of the tax burnden do the same to get our taxes lowered, NO!.
Are you really this dense, or just trying to flame a fire?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
How many doctors who were known to perform abortions were 'assassinated' and killed by your terror cells in the name of an unborn fetus? Like I said, at least the Weatherman Underground gave advanced warning, and did everything in their power to avoid physically harming anyone. Your sadistic group did it, and still does it today, in the same manner as Al Qaeda attacked the WTC Towers. So if you do in fact support these groups, you're no better than me. "They are terrorists; enough said in my book."

Those groups are as wrong as any other terrorist organization. No support here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
You had Audie Murphy, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and a multitude of others known as WWII heroes. Who do you have as Vietnam heros? McCain? Now there's a sad comparison...
The Ravens
Hilliard Wilbanks
Tom Bennett, conscientious objector who served as a medic and was KIA while giving aid and comfort to his fellow soldiers.
The list is too long and distinguished for you to read.


Active Member
Originally Posted by armywife1314
no, the deployment schedule says it. and the soldiers there were told that.
dang it can't admit we're winning.
Originally Posted by bionicarm

Actually I have read up on the Weatherman Underground. The bombing of the Capitol Building was a lower level bathroom in the middle of the night. And with the exception of a bomb that went off prematurely at Ft. Dix, the other 'attacks' they made were on empty buildings where they gave advanced notice to the authorities of exactly when and where the bomb would go off. They did this because they never had any intent of harming innocent people. They were attacking what they perceived were symbols that represented the individuals who were for the Vietnam War (i.e the Federal Govt. and military). What they did were constured as CRIMINAL attacks, not terroristic.
If you still want to chastise me for agreeing with their cause, and still want to label them as terrorists, fine. Why don't we look at the group you seem to so adamately agree with and follow - The Anti-Abortionist. How many Planned Parenthood and abortion clinics has this banded group knowingly blown up and destroyed, ALONG WITH INNOCENT VICTIMS, in the name of their cause? How many doctors who were known to perform abortions were 'assassinated' and killed by your terror cells in the name of an unborn fetus? Like I said, at least the Weatherman Underground gave advanced warning, and did everything in their power to avoid physically harming anyone. Your sadistic group did it, and still does it today, in the same manner as Al Qaeda attacked the WTC Towers. So if you do in fact support these groups, you're no better than me. "They are terrorists; enough said in my book."

I love it, democrats supporting terrorists! I love it love it love it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
1 We live in a Representative Republic, not a Democracy. You'd better re-take Civics there young man.
2 My family fought in the Continental Army, did your family?
3 Yes, the Constitution protects free speech. It does not protect murder, terrorism, or destruction of property. I can respect those who disagree with the war or other issues. That respect turns to other emotions when those people kill, maim or destroy property, then call, "free speech". The Weather Underground used bombs as speech. That is a bit illegal, and NOT protected by the Constitution.
So you say we don't follow what's defined as a Democratic process? You sure like to split hairs on that one.
So your from some stuck-up blue blood family, and that makes it you're country? Sorry, but my ancestors were full-blood Commanche Indians. Hate to tell you, but they were here way before your ancestors stepped off the boat.
Sure what they did was illegal. But you want to turn it into a form of radical terrorism because it suits your agenda. McCain is a great supporter of anti-abortion. Let me go dig into his contributors and see how many of them are associated with these crazed fanatics who blow up abortion clinics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
So your from some stuck-up blue blood family, and that makes it you're country? Sorry, but my ancestors were full-blood Commanche Indians. Hate to tell you, but they were here way before your ancestors stepped off the boat.

Blue blood, my dad was a State Trooper and my mom a secretary. It's my country because I love it, and believe in the ideals on which it was founded.
Small federal gov't
low taxes.
We have none of those 3 founding principles.
Show me the word "collective" in the Constitution.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
...But you want to turn it into a form of radical terrorism because it suits your agenda. ....
What they did, by definition, is terrorism. They attacked civilians for a political objective. That is terrorism...


Active Member
Setting bombs that weren't meant to hurt anyone isn't terrorism. Yeah, thats about the level of intellectual thought I would expect from an Obama supporter

How about Obumble's latest brianstorm. Windfall profits taxes on the oil companies. That worked so well in the 80's, it killed off a signifigant portion of our domestic production. Just what we need now.
What I want to know is why is it so bad for Exxon to have a 10.85% profit margin but it's cool for a public unitily company like Exalon Energy which happens to be a source oif Obama campaign cahs to have a profit margin of 14.12%? How about Pfizer, they are making over 18%. Microsift is in the 20's but we will go after "big oil" for 10%.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Setting bombs that weren't meant to hurt anyone isn't terrorism. Yeah, thats about the level of intellectual thought I would expect from an Obama supporter

How about Obumble's latest brianstorm. Windfall profits taxes on the oil companies. That worked so well in the 80's, it killed off a signifigant portion of our domestic production. Just what we need now.
What I want to know is why is it so bad for Exxon to have a 10.85% profit margin but it's cool for a public unitily company like Exalon Energy which happens to be a source oif Obama campaign cahs to have a profit margin of 14.12%? How about Pfizer, they are making over 18%. Microsift is in the 20's but we will go after "big oil" for 10%.

What's laughable is that you actually associate Obama with this individual to the point that you make it sound like he would follow this guy's viewpoints and principles. Not only that, but the guy did this over 30 years ago. I'd have to go back and get the specifics of how they know one another, but if I recall, they were on some board or something. The Republicans are trying to damage Obama's credibility through association. Typical trash talking dirty politics.
Oil companies are being targeted, because right now that's where everyone's pocketbook is getting hit. People are ticked off they have to pay over $4.00/gallon for gas, and the company that sells it is making a profit? Wow, supply and demand, what a concept. If Pfizer rose the price of a presciption drug more than 50% over a year's timeframe, you'd hear people scream about that. Microsoft? What, 70% of the computers today run their OS. What's the alternative, MacOS?
Of course they have that big of a profit margin. Yet again, blame by association. I'm sure McCain has NO contributors that have large profit margins. Try again...