Obama wins!


Active Member
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
look i really dont care what you or others think. and what exactly do you want links to? Slavery? Hiroshima? we all know that happened, lol. this was supposed to be about Barrack Obama, i defended him from those accusing him of being a socialist, eliteist, marxist, muslim, anti american, etc... the death toll can easily be found just by googling Iraqi death toll, i posted dozens of links on the link between autism and vaccines. what i said about the link between the cia and Bin laden is 100% true, but your not going to find it on a mainstream media site. i found this out my watching documentaries and conspiracy theory type videos. its pretty common knowledge around the globe that the cia funded Bin ladens fight against the Russians and armed him, that is no conspiracy. it is also common knowledge that the U.S. armed Saddam Hussien in his war versus Iran. the tanks we blew up in desert storm were old U.S. tanks. ask specific questions and i'll do my best to "prove" what im saying is true. you can classify me anyway you want, lol. Oh just read back, were you refering to the "false flag op's"?
So never mind that most of his proposals are for the redistribution of wealth from the rich to the lazy. (the very definition of socialism the cornerstone of marx and failed in china, and russia) We aren't the ones who brought up the indians slavery and nuking the japs.


Active Member
I'm curious as to why this useless thread continues. It's quite apparent who the McCain/War lovers are on this board, and who supports the opposite opinion. The only thing I've seen in the last three pages is both parties trying to justify their stance, which to me makes no rational sense at all. OK fine. You hate Obama and everything he stands for. You support the war and believe something good will come out of it. Good for you. So are you three or four Obama haters just going to keep ranting page after page the same old rhetoric that anyone can pull up on some Right-wing ultra-conservative web site? If you want to, go ahead. Me personally, I've become quite bored with it all. No matter what I say or what I can or cannot prove, will change your mind or opinion. So why keep regurgitating the same statements OVER and OVER? Give it a rest people. Unfortunately there's still 5 more months of this ridiculous banter we have to listen to. So come election day, just don't vote for Obama. I won't won't for McCain. Therefore, myself and four individuals I know voting for Obama will cancel out journey's, ScubaDoo's, stdreb27's, reefraff's, and Darthtang AW's votes for McCain. That's just the way the voting system works. So you want to pat each other's back and say "YEAAA! We won the argument! We win!!" You go right ahead. Congratulations. You win a cookie.


Active Member
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
look i really dont care what you or others think. and what exactly do you want links to? Slavery? Hiroshima? we all know that happened, lol. this was supposed to be about Barrack Obama, i defended him from those accusing him of being a socialist, eliteist, marxist, muslim, anti american, etc... the death toll can easily be found just by googling Iraqi death toll, i posted dozens of links on the link between autism and vaccines. what i said about the link between the cia and Bin laden is 100% true, but your not going to find it on a mainstream media site. i found this out my watching documentaries and conspiracy theory type videos. its pretty common knowledge around the globe that the cia funded Bin ladens fight against the Russians and armed him, that is no conspiracy. it is also common knowledge that the U.S. armed Saddam Hussien in his war versus Iran. the tanks we blew up in desert storm were old U.S. tanks. ask specific questions and i'll do my best to "prove" what im saying is true. you can classify me anyway you want, lol. Oh just read back, were you refering to the "false flag op's"?
Lets start with 2
You twice claimed 1.5 million civilians dead in Iraq
You claimed Osama Bin Laden was George H.W. Bushes #1 Informant when he (Bush) was head of the CIA
Got links?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I'm curious as to why this useless thread continues. It's quite apparent who the McCain/War lovers are on this board, and who supports the opposite opinion. The only thing I've seen in the last three pages is both parties trying to justify their stance, which to me makes no rational sense at all. OK fine. You hate Obama and everything he stands for. You support the war and believe something good will come out of it. Good for you. So are you three or four Obama haters just going to keep ranting page after page the same old rhetoric that anyone can pull up on some Right-wing ultra-conservative web site? If you want to, go ahead. Me personally, I've become quite bored with it all. No matter what I say or what I can or cannot prove, will change your mind or opinion. So why keep regurgitating the same statements OVER and OVER? Give it a rest people. Unfortunately there's still 5 more months of this ridiculous banter we have to listen to. So come election day, just don't vote for Obama. I won't won't for McCain. Therefore, myself and four individuals I know voting for Obama will cancel out journey's, ScubaDoo's, stdreb27's, reefraff's, and Darthtang AW's votes for McCain. That's just the way the voting system works. So you want to pat each other's back and say "YEAAA! We won the argument! We win!!" You go right ahead. Congratulations. You win a cookie.

Some of us are not willing to let you Obamites post a bunch of made up propaganda and let it go unanswered. You have all been repeatedly challenged to show even a reasonably credible source for your "facts" and it never comes. My "ultra conservative right wing sites" consist of CNN, USA Today, ABC, New York Times, New York Post, Globalsecuritywatch.org, Huffington Post, Chicago Tribune etc. I didn't realize all those mainstream news outlets had changed from their liberal bias to ultra conservative. I guess I missed that memo

I could save a whole lot of time by quoting the weekly standard or national review which are much more legitimate than some left wing blog site or at least as much as moveon but I go for sources that are generally bias against my point of view so we don't have to listen to the claims of Ultra Conservative right wing sites, another made up claim.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Some of us are not willing to let you Obamites post a bunch of made up propaganda and let it go unanswered. You have all been repeatedly challenged to show even a reasonably credible source for your "facts" and it never comes. My "ultra conservative right wing sites" consist of CNN, USA Today, ABC, New York Times, New York Post, Globalsecuritywatch.org, Huffington Post, Chicago Tribune etc. I didn't realize all those mainstream news outlets had changed from their liberal bias to ultra conservative. I guess I missed that memo

I could save a whole lot of time by quoting the weekly standard or national review which are much more legitimate than some left wing blog site or at least as much as moveon but I go for sources that are generally bias against my point of view so we don't have to listen to the claims of Ultra Conservative right wing sites, another made up claim.

Man reefraff. You just don't quit. And you say you're not some anti-Obama fanatic? What does it matter what "propaganda" gets posted on some obscure saltwater forum? You think thousands of McCain backers are going to read this idiotic thread, and it may change their vote? You need a reality check.
I also like all your credible sources. I occassionally peruse those sites, and see just as much anti-McCain articles as I do anti-Obama. You don't think the people who write the articles on those 'mainstream news outlets' aren't a little biased towards the candidates they back? Believe me, I read the newspaper from cover-to-cover every morning. I usually read the Editorial page for a good laugh. It's better than the comic section.


Active Member
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
THE RICH TO THE LAZY! so everyone who isn't rich is lazy? thats i'll a need to know about you, thank you....

You are right, I believe, because I've watched my family do it, if you work hard, and apply yourself, you won't be poor in the usa.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
look i really dont care what you or others think. and what exactly do you want links to? Slavery? Hiroshima? we all know that happened, lol. this was supposed to be about Barrack Obama, i defended him from those accusing him of being a socialist, eliteist, marxist, muslim, anti american, etc... the death toll can easily be found just by googling Iraqi death toll, i posted dozens of links on the link between autism and vaccines. what i said about the link between the cia and Bin laden is 100% true, but your not going to find it on a mainstream media site. i found this out my watching documentaries and conspiracy theory type videos. its pretty common knowledge around the globe that the cia funded Bin ladens fight against the Russians and armed him, that is no conspiracy. it is also common knowledge that the U.S. armed Saddam Hussien in his war versus Iran. the tanks we blew up in desert storm were old U.S. tanks. ask specific questions and i'll do my best to "prove" what im saying is true. you can classify me anyway you want, lol. Oh just read back, were you refering to the "false flag op's"?
a link for the mythical pipeline you keep talking about and the link for the civilian casualties, the same things I have been asking for since the beginning.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Man reefraff. You just don't quit. And you say you're not some anti-Obama fanatic? What does it matter what "propaganda" gets posted on some obscure saltwater forum? You think thousands of McCain backers are going to read this idiotic thread, and it may change their vote? You need a reality check.
I also like all your credible sources. I occassionally peruse those sites, and see just as much anti-McCain articles as I do anti-Obama. You don't think the people who write the articles on those 'mainstream news outlets' aren't a little biased towards the candidates they back? Believe me, I read the newspaper from cover-to-cover every morning. I usually read the Editorial page for a good laugh. It's better than the comic section.
Not giving up doesn't make one a fanatic.
I just see Obama as that bad and with a Democrat congress he would pull the country too far to the left. As far as letting BS be posted you don't seriously think this is the only message board I post on do you? A lot more people read these threads than will post in them and every bit of factual information I can put in helps spread the word.
You want to see anti McCain stories? Hit the left wing or right wing sites. Both hate him. As far as I am concerned he must be doing something right.
Hell dig up some of the old political threads from before thanksgiving or so. I figured it was going to be Hillary vs Rudy but was hoping it would be Obama vs Rudy. I was promoting people voting for Unity08's ticket. They had planned on fusing a centrist dem and republican into a 3rd party campaign. At the time I had taken the "Obama is a populist" line and figured there wasn't enough difference between he and Rudy to matter. Then I saw something posted here on Obama (I think it was the Ayers connection) and started digging into his record and believe me you had to dig. Holy crap the floodgates were let open.
I'll give the boy this much, he has a hell of a campaign going. His bloggers are masterful at pushing negative stories down in the search cue. They aren't missing a trick


Active Member
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
look i really dont care what you or others think. and what exactly do you want links to? Slavery? Hiroshima? ..
I want a link to the UN report that our soldiers have killed 1.5 million civilians since the Iraq war began. You claimed it, I searched for it, I can't find it, and I think you made it up to slander our troops. So step up to the plate and back it up or retract it.
I also want to know how much you really know about war and history in general after your outragous claims regarding those we killed "in one day" by dropping an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Fun facts about the reasons we decided to invade Iraq after 9-11 .................
[So we have a country with known contacts with the terrorist group that hit us 9-11-2001. EVERY major intellegence agency in the world believed they had WMD's. Even Russian President Vladmir Putin says Iraq was looking for a way to make a terrorist strike on the US. I'd say thats a pretty good reason for the invasion
The real truth is starting to come to light.... when you have people close to Bush and part of that administration coming out saying that this war was built on known misinformation... and propoganda orchestrated by the Bush Admin and Karl Rove.. you Bush/War supporters have to start taking a hard look at what the real facts are.. This war was set up to build a Bush legacy in an attempt to transform/stabalize the Middle Eastern world. So even the intelligence reports are probably faulty... or old.... you can't believe them in there entirity because odds are they have been manipulated in effort to gain public support.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
The real truth is starting to come to light.... when you have people close to Bush and part of that administration coming out saying that this war was built on known misinformation... and propoganda orchestrated by the Bush Admin and Karl Rove.. you Bush/War supporters have to start taking a hard look at what the real facts are.. This war was set up to build a Bush legacy in an attempt to transform/stabalize the Middle Eastern world. So even the intelligence reports are probably faulty... or old.... you can't believe them in there entirity because odds are they have been manipulated in effort to gain public support.
So, clinton, and all his statements saying that Iraq had WMD's were part of the conspiracy? As well as every single intellegence agency in the world of any merit. From Russia to Australia? You realise what you are implying from a logistical standpoint.
While bush was the gov in texas, he convinced Bill clinton to say things like Iraq has WMD's. And countries intel services to say Iraq has WMD's and Sadaam to act like he had WMD's. Since he knew he was going to be elected Prez and start the Iraq war.
The dots you are willing to connect on this guy are incredulous. But you are unwilling to connect some far closer dots with Obama why?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
He won't raise my taxes, he won't leave a job unfinished, he won't talk to contries that violate basic human rights, he won't talk with terrorists, he will back Isreal's right to existance.He won't pander to the U.N. at the cost of U.S. interests. He won't weaken our military effectiveness, and last but not least, he is not Barrack Obama.
Thats all well and good... sounds mostly like foreign policy... But lets look at McCain's experience... He graduated at the bottom of his class.. yet was given the best job in the Navy... he crashed a bunch of planes due to his error and bad judgement. He retired from the Navy because becoming an admiral was a pipe dream... His military record suggests he was not an outstanding soilder.. and that he recieved better treatment than other POW's. Now I commend him for his service and the experiences he went through... but he is not the most qualified military leader... his career has many examples of bad judgement and a lack of ability to be able to obtain that top posistion. Look at his military career and you will see that I am telling the truth. In fact the military papers released by the Navy only have 17 pages out of more than 600 on record... He got into school because of his fathers' legacy... got a top job because of their legacy... but was not good enough to become admiral.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
.. and that he recieved better treatment than other POW's. Now I commend him for his service and the experiences he went through... but he is not the most qualified military leader... .
With Obama's contacts he probably couldn't pass the security clearance neccessary to be an officer in the military. That's not an insult, but the blatant truth. I had to get a Clearance, I know what they asked. you better believe if I had the friends obama has I wouldn't have the job I do...
McCain is permanently disabled from the "better" treatment he received in Vietnam. you really need to get your facts in order on that one.
I don't like the man, but I'm not about to question his time he spent, willingly, being tortured for our country while Obama's friends were back here blowing things up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
The real truth is starting to come to light.... when you have people close to Bush and part of that administration coming out saying that this war was built on known misinformation... and propoganda orchestrated by the Bush Admin and Karl Rove..
Please explain, I beg you, how then Governor Bush and Karl Rove were able to deceive President Clinton in 1998?
Please explain how President Bush was able to convince every major intelligence agency around the world, as well as the UN inspectors, as well as many Iraqi Generals and officers, that Iraq had WMD's.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
So, clinton, and all his statements saying that Iraq had WMD's were part of the conspiracy? As well as every single intellegence agency in the world of any merit. From Russia to Australia? You realise what you are implying from a logistical standpoint.
While bush was the gov in texas, he convinced Bill clinton to say things like Iraq has WMD's. And countries intel services to say Iraq has WMD's and Sadaam to act like he had WMD's. Since he knew he was going to be elected Prez and start the Iraq war.
The dots you are willing to connect on this guy are incredulous. But you are unwilling to connect some far closer dots with Obama why?
Lets connect the dots... as they are they don't add up... We were told reports indicated WMD's in Iraq... however photos and info released afterward indicated they did not... UN inspectors found nothing... and we still have not found anything after 7 years. Now we don't hear anything about WMD's and its about terrorist... whom mostly seem to be foreigners coming to Iraq... As far as insurgency... I would expect Iraq citizens ..especially militant ones to fight against an occupation... just as we would if someone came and invaded the USA... Now lets consider the reports... lets say the Clinton reports indicated WMD's.... okay... that was in 1998... we have had reports and intelligence afterward indicating that that was not accurate... or that they had been destroyed... Take the Plaime incident... this shows that the Bush Admin would go to extreme lengths to hide the truth... because as soon as reports were going to be reported that Iraq did not buy nuke components from Africa... she gets outed and her career is ruined. Lets look at all the bad things associated with this admin... Gitmo, Katrina, Atty Generals, and so much I can't even remember.... One telling sign is the resignation of Colin Powell... He knew that he defended a war that was wrong or built on faulty intelligence... that is why he quit...because he was used.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
With Obama's contacts he probably couldn't pass the security clearance neccessary to be an officer in the military. That's not an insult, but the blatant truth. I had to get a Clearance, I know what they asked. you better believe if I had the friends obama has I wouldn't have the job I do...
McCain is permanently disabled from the "better" treatment he received in Vietnam. you really need to get your facts in order on that one.
I don't like the man, but I'm not about to question his time he spent, willingly, being tortured for our country while Obama's friends were back here blowing things up.
That is a silly statement... he is a US Senator... I think that gives him more clearance than you.. and more information than many military personel. Isn't he on the Armed Forces committee or Security Committee in the Senate... I haven't commented on the accusations above because they are
able.. So now Rezko is a terrorist with links to the Iraq government... the stories you guys come up with

Thats what they say... he got better treatment... I didn't say it was good.. Point is ... that McCain failed to become an admiral... because he was not qualified enough...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
The real truth is starting to come to light.... when you have people close to Bush and part of that administration coming out saying that this war was built on known misinformation... and propoganda orchestrated by the Bush Admin and Karl Rove.. you Bush/War supporters have to start taking a hard look at what the real facts are.. This war was set up to build a Bush legacy in an attempt to transform/stabalize the Middle Eastern world. So even the intelligence reports are probably faulty... or old.... you can't believe them in there entirity because odds are they have been manipulated in effort to gain public support.
Yet again you might want to check your facts. Instead of repeating what someone said he said go to the source.
Here it is from the horses mouth
He repeatedly says the white house didn't lie. He also admitts to not be in a position to know about some of the things he put forth in the book.
But nice try.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Lets connect the dots... as they are they don't add up... We were told reports indicated WMD's in Iraq... however photos and info released afterward indicated they did not... UN inspectors found nothing... and we still have not found anything after 7 years. Now we don't hear anything about WMD's and its about terrorist... whom mostly seem to be foreigners coming to Iraq... As far as insurgency... I would expect Iraq citizens ..especially militant ones to fight against an occupation... just as we would if someone came and invaded the USA... Now lets consider the reports... lets say the Clinton reports indicated WMD's.... okay... that was in 1998... we have had reports and intelligence afterward indicating that that was not accurate... or that they had been destroyed... Take the Plaime incident... this shows that the Bush Admin would go to extreme lengths to hide the truth... because as soon as reports were going to be reported that Iraq did not buy nuke components from Africa... she gets outed and her career is ruined. Lets look at all the bad things associated with this admin... Gitmo, Katrina, Atty Generals, and so much I can't even remember.... One telling sign is the resignation of Colin Powell... He knew that he defended a war that was wrong or built on faulty intelligence... that is why he quit...because he was used.
Where to start to correct the false information in your post....
Reports of no WMD after 1998? Photos and info showing what? Got Link? Didn't think so. Did the UN, Russia, France or any other country that was against the war ever say they opposed it because there were no WMD? Nope. Plame incident. You've been schooled on all this a few times before, I wont ever bother posting the links again.
I used to assume you were just uninformed. Yet after having the information you posted discredited over and over again by several different people using multiple sources you keep posting the same false information and disappear or change the subject when asked for the source of your fabels.