Ok its a freshwater tank, but I wanna share.


Active Member
Thanks! I've technically had this freshwater setup continuously since I was 4 (25 years ago). It's just grown and progressed, but has never been fully taken down. So I think im on the third "tank", but some form of the previous tank set up always progressed to the next one. Originally it was a 10 gallon with an undergravel filter and 20 gold fish from the fair. Hahaha


Active Member
Onto the next upgrade for this tank. Picked up a 20 gallon tall. Just finished installing a new gfci plug for its new location in the living room. Will post pictures as the swap progresses.


Active Member

Hi Gemmy. Thanks!
Here it is after it cleared up over night. Only 4 fish in it currently. Now to decide on what else to put in it.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit I would be tempted to put up a freshwater tank again if I had the room. As a kid I used to take regular trips down the Ichetucknee river in north FL, and I love all the life that can be found in that habitat. It would be fun to replicate; there are a lot of interesting things you can't find in other places because of the flow and temperature.


Active Member
Ok freshwater fellows. What goes with the four fish listed above? My gf would like to go fish shopping with me and I need to figure out something for the freshwater tank that will go with my aggressive rainbow shark.


Active Member

Not the best with the plants currently. Fish are doing pretty good. Stable numbers for the last year. Need to do a big water and substrate change soon.
Happy new year :)