One Political Mega Thread!!!


Well-Known Member
"The strong will survive" Are we talking about life and death?
if No Money = death, then I should have died a couple of months ago.
I agree that capitalism should take it's course, and the more the government interferes the worse everything gets. "This is the biggest bailout in history..." Well, it's not my decision...
Heck, Why don't we all get government research grants? YAY!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I think we need less regulation. The problem started at the banks where government regulation prohibited banks from expanding unless the met a "load quota" in low income areas. NINJA loans were given out freely so banks could meet their quota and go about growing their business.
We need to stop living on credit, work for what we receive, and stop relying on big government to fix our problems. No, wait... we need to stop "allowing" big government to "fix" our problems.
Yes, you pointed out one of the regulations that made things worse, but what about the lack of regulation in investment banks that allowed them to use derivatives and bundling & selling of mortg.age backed securities that has, in large part, has put us where we are now?
I think there needs to be an overhaul of the regulator system that wipes out the many pointless regulations and replace them with better suited ones that are less in number, but protect the investors, and bank users, from loosing money due to greed on the top end.


LOL, yeah, not a whole lot of $$ floating around here either! Bad time to be getting into a new expensive hobby....

What I meant was the strong and smart businesses will survive and become better, the ones that are making bad decisions/loans & relying on the government will fade away. It might be rough for awhile, but in the long run much better.

bang guy

Originally Posted by sickboy
Yes, you pointed out one of the regulations that made things worse, but what about the lack of regulation in investment banks that allowed them to use derivatives and bundling & selling of mortg.age backed securities that has, in large part, has put us where we are now?
I think there needs to be an overhaul of the regulator system that wipes out the many pointless regulations and replace them with better suited ones that are less in number, but protect the investors, and bank users, from loosing money due to greed on the top end.
I cannot disagree with your assessment. I actually agree that Clinton should never have approved the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. What was he thinking???
Wait... could this be another example of Government regulation making things worse???
This is the act which allowed banks to go outside of actual "banking" and begin "Speculating" with customers money. Just my opinion but I don't believe Banks should be speculating, that's what investment firms are for.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I cannot disagree with your assessment. I actually agree that Clinton should never have approved the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. What was he thinking???
Wait... could this be another example of Government regulation making things worse???
This is the act which allowed banks to go outside of actual "banking" and begin "Speculating" with customers money. Just my opinion but I don't believe Banks should be speculating, that's what investment firms are for.

bang guy


Originally Posted by sickboy
Interesting take on Wall street cry babies....
Great read.
If we truly need to open the credit market then this is the type of organization we should be subscribing to. I do not for the life of me understand why we are giving the money to organizations that FAILED. I mean, come on, they FAILED.
If a bank can get all the money they want at 1% interest and loan it out at 8% and not make a profit
then they completely suck at business. Why should taxpayers give them a second chance?


Active Member
Well, Bang Guy, i agree with you that we should not be bailing them out, but is it that easy? I mean, now that we have financial superstores, how do we let the banking unit fail without affecting people's retirement, etc.? If we can figure that out, then we can afford to let the market take care of them. IMO that is the problem with our current idea of free market economics-
We need to let the market take care of business, but if lack of regulation allows for massive mergers that involve other financial products, we can no longer let the market fail. If it was just a 'bank' then we could. So, maybe my argument is that we need regulation to seclude businesses to certain sectors (not overlapping into every financial service) so that the free market can self-regulate without fear of entire financial sector meltdown.


Active Member
These are just my ideas/opinions.
1.First of all Obama is not going to save us. He is so manipulated it isn't even laughable. The hypocrites that love him so much have no idea how our government operates. This irks me to no end. Voting for an idea of change is what doomed other countries in the past. Can someone honestly tell me why they think he is so qualified to lead our country? What has he done?
2.We were supposed to be a Republic not a Democracy. There is a big difference between the two.
3.We have to let the banks fail on their own accord. Every time they get bail out money it is squandered, mainly into their own pockets. All interest rates,for everyone, should be temporarily lowered or omitted so the money save could be spent on goods. That might help us a little. We need to start protesting the abuse of power by our government Look at what other countries are doing, and by the way you will not here it on censored news. Another very interesting thing to look in to is the BDI. That is the index of dry goods shipped all over the world. It is plummeting!
4. Everyone should try to be more self sufficient. Grow a garden if you can big or small. Learn how to eat less and better quality of food, which ends up being cheaper than junk food.
5.The one thing I really believe in the most that if we do not want our country to be lost forever we have to get off our rears and protest somehow. Obviously voting is corrupt,why do you think Acorn is getting 4.6B from the Stimulus? Pay back is now our you know what! And oh goodie it is coming out of our pockets!
I will spare you more of my rants. I am scared a PO'ed at what is coming around the corner!


Active Member
Originally Posted by gypsana
These are just my ideas/opinions.
1.First of all Obama is not going to save us. He is so manipulated it isn't even laughable. The hypocrites that love him so much have no idea how our government operates. This irks me to no end. Voting for an idea of change is what doomed other countries in the past. Can someone honestly tell me why they think he is so qualified to lead our country? What has he done?
So, I will assume you were in favor of McCain, who was also running on a platform of "change"? I wouldn't say I love
him, but I voted for him, and I understand how our gov't works VERY well. Also, if you look at the voter demographics, the most highly educated also voted for Obama, so please don't dismiss those of us who voted for him as stupid. Has he already made me mad while in office...yes, but am I stupid for not voting for McCain? Some of McCain's bills from the 90s are the reason we are in this problem.
Originally Posted by gypsana
2.We were supposed to be a Republic not a Democracy. There is a big difference between the two.
We are still a representative republic, the electoral college is proof.
Originally Posted by gypsana

3.We have to let the banks fail on their own accord. Every time they get bail out money it is squandered, mainly into their own pockets. All interest rates,for everyone, should be temporarily lowered or omitted so the money save could be spent on goods. That might help us a little. We need to start protesting the abuse of power by our government Look at what other countries are doing, and by the way you will not here it on censored news. Another very interesting thing to look in to is the BDI. That is the index of dry goods shipped all over the world. It is plummeting!
My opinion on this is above
Originally Posted by gypsana

4. Everyone should try to be more self sufficient. Grow a garden if you can big or small. Learn how to eat less and better quality of food, which ends up being cheaper than junk food.
Agreed, except for the hippie part....

Originally Posted by gypsana
5.The one thing I really believe in the most that if we do not want our country to be lost forever we have to get off our rears and protest somehow. Obviously voting is corrupt,why do you think Acorn is getting 4.6B from the Stimulus? Pay back is now our you know what! And oh goodie it is coming out of our pockets!
I will spare you more of my rants. I am scared a PO'ed at what is coming around the corner!

Protest against whom? Our Capitalist parties (yes the democrats are in that category despite the recent Socialist name calling that has occurred) that possess an oligarchy of political power? Acorn has its problems, but do you really have a problem with an organization that attempts to get more people to participate in gov't?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
.... but do you really have a problem with an organization that attempts to get more people to participate in gov't?
When those people are dead, illegal, and vote 8 times in the same election? Ya, surprisingly I do have a problem...
Why do we need taxpayer money to pay an organization to try to get people to vote? If people are too lazy to vote I personally think they are also too stupid to vote.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
So, I will assume you were in favor of McCain, who was also running on a platform of "change"? I wouldn't say I love
him, but I voted for him, and I understand how our gov't works VERY well. Also, if you look at the voter demographics, the most highly educated also voted for Obama, so please don't dismiss those of us who voted for him as stupid. Has he already made me mad while in office...yes, but am I stupid for not voting for McCain? Some of McCain's bills from the 90s are the reason we are in this problem.
Not for McCain either. People need to get there heads out of the two party box!
Originally Posted by sickboy
We are still a representative republic, the electoral college is proof.
What does the Electoral college have do do with people not knowing this is a Republic?
Originally Posted by sickboy

Protest against whom? Our Capitalist parties (yes the democrats are in that category despite the recent Socialist name calling that has occurred) that possess an oligarchy of political power? Acorn has its problems, but do you really have a problem with an organization that attempts to get more people to participate in gov't?
Your freedom is at stake, protest them taking away our power to decide what happens in our own country! As for Acorn they are corrupt and that is A LOT of $.
BTW growing a garden is not hippie, it is smart.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
When those people are dead, illegal, and vote 8 times in the same election? Ya, surprisingly I do have a problem...
Why do we need taxpayer money to pay an organization to try to get people to vote? If people are too lazy to vote I personally think they are also too stupid to vote.
I don't think they should get bailout money either, but all of our voting is corrupt b/c of Acorn....please...
Hey Journey, do you have an opinion on how we could fix this financial mess?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Yes, you pointed out one of the regulations that made things worse, but what about the lack of regulation in investment banks that allowed them to use derivatives and bundling & selling of mortg.age backed securities that has, in large part, has put us where we are now?
Would those assets have devalued as much as they did, had they been good loans?
Would people have purchased those assets had fanny and freddy not been cooking their books?
Would private industries had made that many of the bad loans at those rates if they knew they wouldn't have a buyer of those loans, and would have had to keep them themselves?


Active Member
Originally Posted by gypsana
Not for McCain either. People need to get there heads out of the two party box!
Again, I agree. There are over 40 political parties in this country but only two get federal funding....I personally think that needs to change.
Originally Posted by gypsana
What does the Electoral college have do do with people not knowing this is a Republic?
B/C it is a republic whether they know it or not, it is not a democracy. Or were you just saying that people always say it is a democracy and that they are misinformed. If its the later, sorry, I misread it.
Originally Posted by gypsana

Your freedom is at stake, protest them taking away our power to decide what happens in our own country!
So.....what power?? If we are in a republic and not a democracy we don't really have that much power. In fact, one could argue, our only freedom is to vote in our representative who will decide how free we are. We just shifted power of the country peacefully, I don't know what other power you expect us to have? Under no president could we walk onto the lawn of the white house and voice our opinion, or even get a phone call for that matter.
Now, if we were a democracy, we would be slightly more empowered, but considering the media only covers the two political parties and thus continues to support their power, we don't really have any....


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
Hey Guys and Gals,
With all of the political and government threads that are going on, I am suggesting to just post everything in one thread. Those that want to keep up with the conversation can keep it all in one thread.
1. No bashing other members on this site because of their political or religious beliefs.
2. All forum rules apply. (duh)
3. Do not let this thread get out of hand and locked.
does anyone watch the history channel? were all dead in 2012 anyways...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Would those assets have devalued as much as they did, had they been good loans?
Nope, bad business, and these companies should be allowed to fail if they weren't so interconnected to every other aspect of the financial system
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Would people have purchased those assets had fanny and freddy not been cooking their books?
Faulty Auditing= Faulty Regulation. Also, gov't intervention in market and greed.
Originally Posted by stdreb27

Would private industries had made that many of the bad loans at those rates if they knew they wouldn't have a buyer of those loans, and would have had to keep them themselves?
Why was there a buyer in the first place? Why should they have been sold in the first place?
Market failure and failure to allow the market to work it out. How do we fix it so that we can allow bad companies to fail? You can't tell me that its ok for people lose their investments and retirements b/c of bad lending practices in a different arm of the company. Many times the investor did not even pick the firm, its the one that their employer provided.