These are just my ideas/opinions.
1.First of all Obama is not going to save us. He is so manipulated it isn't even laughable. The hypocrites that
love him so much have no idea how our government operates. This irks me to no end. Voting for an idea of change is what doomed other countries in the past. Can someone honestly tell me why they think he is so qualified to lead our country? What has he done?
2.We were supposed to be a Republic not a Democracy. There is a big difference between the two.
3.We have to let the banks fail on their own accord. Every time they get bail out money it is squandered, mainly into their own pockets. All interest rates,for everyone, should be temporarily lowered or omitted so the money save could be spent on goods. That might help us a little. We need to start protesting the abuse of power by our government Look at what other countries are doing, and by the way you will not here it on censored news. Another very interesting thing to look in to is the BDI. That is the index of dry goods shipped all over the world. It is plummeting!
4. Everyone should try to be more self sufficient. Grow a garden if you can big or small. Learn how to eat less and better quality of food, which ends up being cheaper than junk food.
5.The one thing I really believe in the most that if we do not want our country to be lost forever we have to get off our rears and protest somehow. Obviously voting is corrupt,why do you think Acorn is getting 4.6B from the Stimulus? Pay back is now our you know what! And oh goodie it is coming out of our pockets!
I will spare you more of my rants. I am scared a PO'ed at what is coming around the corner!