One Political Mega Thread!!!


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That's dumb, I've never even been to San Fransisco! But apparently I will be paying to save this stupid mouse....

bang guy

Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
I agree that we are digging ourselves deper and deeper. IF we didn't bail out the "big 3" car companies what would have been lost? Yes, a few thousand job, but the car companies would have downsized to what the American public could afford.
IF business goes well, then you increase the size of your shops to produce more goods, if business isn't doing well, then cut your losses.
Bailouts just add to the problem.
The ripple effect would probably add somewhere around a million jobs to the casualty list.
I don't believe FORD would fail though. Actually, FORD could potentially prosper without GM & Chrysler.
That bailout was peanuts compared the $2,000,000,000,000 already thrown at the economy though.


Active Member
Was listening to the radio at lunch and a hypothesis was put forward by the host that Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania - may have struck a deal with Harry Reid that they would give President Obama his bipartisan vote if they in turn guaranteed that the Democrats would run a person that could not win against them in the next election.
How is that for a conspiracy theory. Fairly believable IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
I agree that we are digging ourselves deper and deeper. IF we didn't bail out the "big 3" car companies what would have been lost? Yes, a few thousand job, but the car companies would have downsized to what the American public could afford.
IF business goes well, then you increase the size of your shops to produce more goods, if business isn't doing well, then cut your losses.
Bailouts just add to the problem.
This post is mildly amusing.
First you slam the companies for so large, then state if they did go under, there would only be a few thousands jobs lost. Try millions of jobs, including all of the other businesses, dealers, suppliers, etc, that also depend on them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Try millions of jobs, including all of the other businesses, dealers, suppliers, etc, that also depend on them.
I wonder how much of this is still true. Here in Detroit they have been downsizing for years and I also see a lot of the suppliers, small machine shops etc that now are empty buildings. It would be interesting to know how many jobs have been lost since say 1995 in the auto companies direct and the supply base indirectly. Then to know what the real number of people left in the industry really is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
I wonder how much of this is still true. Here in Detroit they have been downsizing for years and I also see a lot of the suppliers, small machine shops etc that now are empty buildings. It would be interesting to know how many jobs have been lost since say 1995 in the auto companies direct and the supply base indirectly. Then to know what the real number of people left in the industry really is.
One of the numbers I know off the top of my head is that GM still operates out of about 9500 dealerships. Even with a modest employement number of say 50 people per dealer, that's half a million jobs. That's just GM. Figure Ford's about 2/3th the size, and Chrysler's is about 1/3th, that's a million jobs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Was listening to the radio at lunch and a hypothesis was put forward by the host that Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania - may have struck a deal with Harry Reid that they would give President Obama his bipartisan vote if they in turn guaranteed that the Democrats would run a person that could not win against them in the next election.
How is that for a conspiracy theory. Fairly believable IMO.
There is nothing "bipartisan" for those 3 libs voting for a bill.


Active Member
Yeah I hear ya and agree. But if you are the anointed one just those three are enough to spin into a bipartisan diatribe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
One of the numbers I know off the top of my head is that GM still operates out of about 9500 dealerships. Even with a modest employement number of say 50 people per dealer, that's half a million jobs. That's just GM. Figure Ford's about 2/3th the size, and Chrysler's is about 1/3th, that's a million jobs.
That does not even include all of the auxillary companies that it would affect. Say seatbelt manufacturers, stereo companies, gear makers, tool makers, machine makers, machinists, so on and so forth. I bet if you really were to analyze the industry as a whole...Even with say Ford staying in buisness I bet you would be looking at several million jobs ultimately impacted.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
That does not even include all of the auxillary companies that it would affect. Say seatbelt manufacturers, stereo companies, gear makers, tool makers, machine makers, machinists, so on and so forth. I bet if you really were to analyze the industry as a whole...Even with say Ford staying in buisness I bet you would be looking at several million jobs ultimately impacted.
Which is exactly why it's a shame that they are horrible at business............or are they? Didn't they provide the consumer what they wanted until recently?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Which is exactly why it's a shame that they are horrible at business............or are they? Didn't they provide the consumer what they wanted until recently?
They absolutely did....The problem is now that the manufacturers are not showing a self sustainability because of these maga bucks vehicles that were pruchased largely with refinacing money from their homes. Some companies failed to see the wisdom in a diversified line that would be able to ride out any slow in the economy. The executives also failed to see that the millions and millions they were spending on all of these non-core building ideas was really hurting them. There is a reason Ford is looking ok so far in all of this. They have a diversified line, and cars priced in a variety of ranges.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Which is exactly why it's a shame that they are horrible at business............or are they? Didn't they provide the consumer what they wanted until recently?
Detroit has been in trouble for 20+ years..


The House passed the stimulis bill this afternoon. The bill is 1,300 pages long and was not available till after midnite. Who had time to read that?? Yeah you could read it, but the wording is everything in law. The debate was only 90 minutes. 90 minutes of debate on the biggest spending bill ever passed??? I watched this on C-Span. A couple of Rep. asked for time to read it and debate it, but Nancy considered it read. When this does nothing the Dems. are gonna need 20 years to get the mud off their faces. Obama is gonna be a one term president. This my 2 cents, which I probably should save.


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ok, i'm not caring enough to get into these debates, and completely not knowledgeable enough to either, but something really ticked me off today.
I've been listening to rush limbaugh and of course he hates the pres... but i agree with something he said.
I guess the pres said that the ceo of caterpillar had said they'd be able to hire peole they laid off if this stimulus package goes through. the ceo of caterpillar in a news conference said no, that they'd probably have to lay off even more people before they could rehire anyone.
and i guess the news is calling the ceo a liar instead of wondering why obama may have said something about caterpillar. especially since caterpillar's employees voted against rehiring people.
so what's up with the news... is obama still the golden child, the messiah, to them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
I've been listening to rush limbaugh and of course he hates the pres... but i agree with something he said.
I think his position is a bit more complicated than that. It might be more fair to say, he hates his policies, but supports the president...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I think his position is a bit more complicated than that. It might be more fair to say, he hates his policies, but supports the president...

not according to today... he said he not only hopes the stimulus package fails now that it's been implemented, but that he hopes the president fails too