One Political Mega Thread!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
so what's up with the news... is obama still the golden child, the messiah, to them?

Until the bitter end
You all notice there were only about 16 hours for the Congress to read through all 1000+ pages of stimulosaurus Obamacus? Only 16 hours for the pubic to read and respond. I don't think any of them read the whole thing, just voted blindly for it. Shouldn't you read something before you put your name to it?


Pelosi's press confrence seemed a little odd too me. She said Obama passed this bill, is she trying to distant herself from this already?


Active Member
Originally Posted by moprint
Pelosi's press confrence seemed a little odd too me. She said Obama passed this bill, is she trying to distant herself from this already?
A little odd?
She's a lot odd .....


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Until the bitter end
You all notice there were only about 16 hours for the Congress to read through all 1000+ pages of stimulosaurus Obamacus? Only 16 hours for the pubic to read and respond. I don't think any of them read the whole thing, just voted blindly for it. Shouldn't you read something before you put your name to it?
um, no. this is what happens when congress, senate, AND presidency are all the same party. especially when they are trying very hard to make their president look like the mesiah... just ask that oseguard guy...
i am not sure what my wife and i will do with our extra $13 a week thanks to this tax break though. I'm SURE it will help the homeless, jobless, and such.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
not according to today... he said he not only hopes the stimulus package fails now that it's been implemented, but that he hopes the president fails too
Of course he hopes the President fails. President Obama has laid out the most liberal, Socialist agenda, ever.
How could any Conservative hope he succeeds?
Rush is being brutally honest. Its not personal, its ideological.
*Weakening military
*Strengthening ties with terrorist states
*Centralizing Federal power
*Socializing medicine
There is no middle ground. There is nothing for a Conservative to hope succeeds.

darthtang aw

Active Member
You guys can look this up. The reason Pelosi rushed the vote is she had a plane ticket to Italy for some award or some such. So basically she didn't care enough about the people of this country to give their representatives enough time to read the bill, all because she wanted to go get her award and take a small vacation.
Now with that said, I am making this prediction right now. In 2010 if things have not improved even a small amount you will the senate and house switch hands. 2012, Obama better hope the economy is on track, or he will not even come close to the amount of votes he got this time around.
There is one small piece of legislation in this bill for the Coast Guard. Approximately 150 million for them. That is fine. The Coast Guard has been wanting a new polar Ice cap breaker. Building one of these will create a lot of jobs....the kicker...the bill states the Coast guard can not use this money for an Ice cap breaker.......


Active Member
so... the govt is giving the guard tons of money but saying specifically they cannot buy the cap breaker with it??
so lemme guess... we're going to start seeing $10k toilet seats being sold to them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
You guys can look this up. The reason Pelosi rushed the vote is she had a plane ticket to Italy for some award or some such. So basically she didn't care enough about the people of this country to give their representatives enough time to read the bill, all because she wanted to go get her award and take a small vacation.
Now with that said, I am making this prediction right now. In 2010 if things have not improved even a small amount you will the senate and house switch hands. 2012, Obama better hope the economy is on track, or he will not even come close to the amount of votes he got this time around.
There is one small piece of legislation in this bill for the Coast Guard. Approximately 150 million for them. That is fine. The Coast Guard has been wanting a new polar Ice cap breaker. Building one of these will create a lot of jobs....the kicker...the bill states the Coast guard can not use this money for an Ice cap breaker.......

Thats a negative batman....It was a plane ticket, had nothing to do with vacation or an award. She is on her way to meet with the Pope and attend the G7 summit in Rome. Not that it's right she rushed the vote, but she is attending to buisness. Also, with the economy deteriorating the way things are nothing is going to get better anytime soon. Even Obama admitted that. Personally one of my favorites in this time is from GW I...... (paraphrasing here) It does not matter which one of us wins really, unless we learn to talk to each other and work together nothing will improve)


Active Member
Originally Posted by moprint
Pelosi's press confrence seemed a little odd too me. She said Obama passed this bill, is she trying to distant herself from this already?

Nice catch! I was wondering if anyone else thought that way.
I was for the last stimulus until I heard lefty Mark Cuban say "How good can the plan be if the democrats wont vote for it if the Republicans don't support it?"
Seems like Puglosi is hedging her bets on this one. I am getting out of the stock market and buying cheap rental houses. I think things are headed south big time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I am getting out of the stock market .
IMO, this is a HUGE mistake. Wall street will quit being whiny babies very soon, and do you really want to miss +40% in a couple weeks, maybe month or two, but a short amount of time?
I posted in another thread:
I think we will see the upside sometime soon, maybe not dramatically at first, but a year from now they may declare the recession ended within a couple months from now. Of course, being out of the market will just lock in your losses....invest, heavily, and convince your friends to do the same and the market will go up regardless of who is in office.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Its not personal, its ideological.
Right, let's listen to the college drop out for our political right??
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
*Weakening military
Examples?? I'm pretty sure we're ramping up efforts in the area that terrorists actually spawn......
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
*Strengthening ties with terrorist states
Again...really???? Or is giving them the perception of 'strengthened ties' instead of threats actually making us safer?
Originally Posted by 1journeyman

*Centralizing Federal power
One word= Bush. Really, conservatives complain about the feds but then expect their candidate to ban this or that...quite cliche.....
Originally Posted by 1journeyman

*Socializing medicine
I really hope you didn't vote for McCain or this statement becomes hypocrisy....
Originally Posted by 1journeyman

There is no middle ground. There is nothing for a Conservative to hope succeeds.
If a conservative actually loved the country, yes there is. You would not agree with what was happening, but hope it worked. yes, that may make you wrong if it worked, but country over least that should be the hope....

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
Thats a negative batman....It was a plane ticket, had nothing to do with vacation or an award. She is on her way to meet with the Pope and attend the G7 summit in Rome. Not that it's right she rushed the vote, but she is attending to buisness. Also, with the economy deteriorating the way things are nothing is going to get better anytime soon. Even Obama admitted that. Personally one of my favorites in this time is from GW I...... (paraphrasing here) It does not matter which one of us wins really, unless we learn to talk to each other and work together nothing will improve)
And making sure she made her flight to rome was more important than allowing enough time for her fellow Reps and senators to read the largest spending bill in U.S. history. If our economy is such a huge deal, she would have ALLOWED time. Cancelled her trip, and shown just how important our financial mess is to her. What exactly is she going to do meeting the pope and heading to this summit, that is more important, than ensuring the american people have time to voice their opinion on a bill that has huge implications before their reps vote on it?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
The $30 Million Dollar Mouse
Isn't it beautiful?I dont know much about this creature ,but i hope it craps out gold nuggets or something.


Active Member
Were I live ALOT of people work for compaines that support CAT they are all being laid off. We just had 2000 lose their jobs around here. We also just lost another company that was one of the largest Industrial shelving manufactuars toatlly they employed 1500 they went belly up. Right now around me the unemployment rate is 20% Debbie Halverson came out in favor of this bill and said do not worry Cat will bring you all back soon. She was RUN OUT OF THE FREAKING BUILDING by the laid off workers since they know that the comapines have enough equipment to use to last them years since they were buying it in advance while the times were good. That plus CAT leaving the OTR truck market is another reason why they laid off so many they do not need that entire production line at ALL.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Here is my tax cut.This is what i gain every 2 weeks.
$360 a year
I tried to post how many of those bills you will have to give up per day to pay for this bill in the future.
SWF.COM won't let me post that many pictures in one post.