OMG!!!! I need to take a break from politics, so this may be my last post regarding politics for a while. I am get so pissed off reading the news lately that I just wish Pelosi would just litterally stab me in the face and tell me it is for my own good. It would be less painful than reading the political double speak I have been reading the past.
Someone punch me in the face please.
1. Let me break it down. For the past month I have heard nothing but we need to pass this bill and the President wants it to be a bi-partisan bill. Translation: to get a couple republican's on board we will add a few thing they want that don't mean crap and we will take out a couple things we don't want right now. The democrats have the house and the senate. THEY DON'T NEED A BI-PARTISAN BILL!! If Obama and the democrats are so sure these ideas and stimulus bill will work and what the country needs, then grow a set pass it with pure partisanship and show the country they are right and the republicans are wrong. Why do you need to convince someone who can't stop you anyway your idea is right. Just pass it and stand by your decision yourself and take all the credit or all the blame on this bill.
Every piece of bi partisan legislation I have ever seen has just screwed things in point, deregulation of banking and finance. Here is how bad this bill is, I called the office of our local representative, and the office would NOT tell me his position on the bill and how he was going to vote. They said they weren't commenting on it......(I knew how he would vote anyway) this tells me this is such a messed up bill my own congressman does even want to own up to giving a yes or no vote to his constituents. How sad is that, afraid to show his position.
2. 4 trillion dollars spent in less than 6 months. 4 TRILLION!!!! To give some of you an idea of what this means, this is the equivalent of a family making 26,000 dollars a year suddennly racking up enough debt that they have to pay out 1.2 million dollars per year. Now, no one in there right mind would loan a person making 26,000 a year that much money and expect them to pay back 1.2 million per year off that salary. Yet we all just stood by and let our representatives do the same stupid thing because they said we need to. Ok Billy bob.."hiccup'.
3. Thios bill spends a ton of money. BUT NOT ONE SINGLE MEMBER OF CONGRESS OR THE PRESIDENT IS ADDRESSING WHAT CAUSED THE PROBLEM FIRST!! Deregulation and finance. Instead they just throw out more money and tell us they will build a website showing us where this money is spent. And this dumb country accepts that.
Some of you may not get the following analogy, but try to follow me. This whole deregulation and then spend money to fix the deregulation problem is similar to this scenario...
You own a car and take it in for an oil change. In the process the company says your car will run better with the lug nuts looser. You get your car back, drive down the road and the tires fall off. So you get towed back, show them the damage from their brilliant idea and ask for it to be fixed. They tell you you need to buy new rims, tires, brake pads, and rotars, because of their
up. You say ok. Buy it all slap it all back together and drive off.....only problem is, they still never fixed the lug nuts................Now sweriously, would you go along with this? Then why go along with the stimulus bill.
4. The reason banks aren't lending isn't from lack of money, they have the money from the previous bills. It is because the same requirements and regulations for high risk loans are in place still, thus banks do not want to get burned twice.....they learned the first time, so to "not discriminate" they are giving out very little and holding till regulations are corrected.
5. go back to partisan politics, non of this moderate republican or conservative democrat crap. That just messes things up further. Here is why. The republicans have one half azz idea, the democrats have another half azz idea. They get together and in the spirit of bi-partisanship they pass two crappy ideas at the same time instead of one, all because of bi-partisanship. Atleast when the country was polarized or partisan you only got on lame idea/law passed at a time..........
I am done. Oh and I am spending my money still on what I want when I want it, if people would stop watching the news and freaking out and spend money like usual, the economy would be just fine, not great like it was, but not heading to where it is heading because our president is using a Bush tactic of fear in regards to the economy. say it is bad long enough and it will be, keep saying it will get worse and it will.......I swear he is an economic hypocondriac along with everyone else. Do what you always did, and the economy would role along just fine.
7...or is it 6? Doesn't matter, Get ready for inflation now thanks to this ..........................