OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


Hey Chainsaw, I wish I did, I have a 180 sitting in my garage waiting for me to build a stand but i would have had to chop the Sailfish into pieces to fit it in there.


Active Member
Sammy, Sammy, Sammy! What great feedback you're getting! I think I'll go get a digital this afternoon just to clear up who the sexiest member of this board really is! Maybe your wealth of knowledge does the trick. Nice tats too! I'm learning slow as it may seem thanks to folks like you and the other sharks. My vote is for Phoneix Rising as being the sexiest on the board. Being an archaeologist, I gotta love those exotic women of the world. Get to scuba dive in great locations too! By the way, Rye Bread, I've got a good recipe for pickled crows feet! How is this guy a newbie to the board and dishing out stuff like that! I'd remove his location otherwise some good ole boys might come a lookin' for him! I think it is a great post. I've always wanted to know more about the people that help me and I in turn help grow in this vast array of reefing knowledge. Don't rain on the parade. Do that on the reef central board!
Gee thanks Saltyrich! I hate to be the one to mention this, but...I'm not exotic. Just a regular every day American brought up in an insignificant little town in Ohio. Gosh it would probably be fun to be exotic though...ah well, maybe next life!
I travel alot...does that count?
Correction, I USED to travel alot. Now it is hard to leave for even one day because reefsitters are impossible to locate. Horsesitters, dogsitters, housesitters, poolsitters no problem! Reliable knowledgeable reefsitters? No way! Unless I could entice one of you Ohio reefers to babysit my tanks for me one of these days!:D


Active Member

Originally posted by jwtrojan44
Gee Nolofinwe, it takes a real man to own up to something like that, but I wouldn't spread it around if I were you!:eek: ;)

Jwtrojan that was funny stuff.
And by the way I'm the best looking guy of the bunch. LOL :D


Well, Ok, finally got to a camera. Sorry I couldn't brush the decaying animal off my teeth but I was a little rushed.


Active Member
OK...took me a while to find one. It's old, and I used it in another post, but you get the idea. Me with my cat...


Din--I have to agree that your picture caught my attention. I was actually thinking of printing it out, and putting it, lifesize, in my window to scare the boogey man away!! Scary, yet intriguing. If you lived in LA you could make serious $$$ just looking at people like that!! You've definately got "THE LOOK"
Hear that guys? I think I should get some more cool points for that one! A hot reef chick wants a life size picture of me in her house. (so what if she just wants it to scare away the boogie man! Just ignore that part!)
HNF2K I believe I was in the middle of a water change, Hence the pissed off look! But to anser your question no the water level in my tank isn't that low.
What is sexier than an extremely handsome, well eductaed archaeologist (I look way better than Indiana Jones) who scuba dives, traverses the jungles of Central America and is a reefkeeper?
Saltyrich That's an easy one: a large black Juvenile corrections officer from Kansas that looks liKe the Micheal Clark Duncan!
"blondenaso1" I dont have a full body shot but I am about 6'3" 280lbs (Nice mixture of fat and muscle, just call me a work in progress!) And about all the married women wanting me. I would like to think it is my rugged good looks and my boyish charm! (More than likely they have just put their contacts in backwards!)
"overanalyzer" You know I have never been told that I look like a reefer from topeka! For the record where is Stilwell in reference to Topeka?
Oh yeah and "joey" if we bore you or offend you "Kick Rocks" (for those who are slangly challenged it means beat it!)


You're about the same size as my hubby, although he has about an inch on you. That's not all you have in common. He used to be a drill instructor at the boys boot camp here. They called him Sgt. Slaughter. (Our last name is Slaughter.) Now he's a deputy sheriff. He's got a big heart for kids, though. I imagine that you do too. You may look scary;) but it takes special people to do that kind of work.
You big teddy bear!!!;)


Active Member
Hey Din - Stilwell is a tiny dot of a town just south of Overland Park, KS. If you go to a map of KS and find the county line between Johnson COunty and Miami County that is where Stilwell sits. It is nice - small town feeling - 15 minutes from the hub-bub of OP. Of course we also have no street lights and my wife and I play "roadkill Bingo" on the ride to work sometimes.
Too much info??
I feel left out - no tat's - no piercings - no other pets
:D :eek:


Hey ClarkiiBoi, I'll trade you pix LOL :D ;)
And everyone else, I don't know what you're all on, because everyone knows I am the hottest guy on the board :eek: