OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


Din--I have to agree that your picture caught my attention. I was actually thinking of printing it out, and putting it, lifesize, in my window to scare the boogey man away!! Scary, yet intriguing. If you lived in LA you could make serious $$$ just looking at people like that!! You've definately got "THE LOOK"
;) ;)
Itchy--nice to see the face behind all the emails!! Mine's on page 2. Sorry, but I had to laugh at Sammy's last post. Just how did you get that nickname?


Active Member
She already explained in the past that she is always "Itching" to do something. Her hubby nicknamed her that. I listen.:D


Active Member
dinhouse, in that picture your tank looks a little low on water. is that the normal level it is at?
I got a pretty wicked tattoo on my right arm of a clownfish and anemone, my mom said that if I couldn't have the real thing I could get a tattoo of one. Too bad my mom won't take pics of it :(


Active Member
It's a dam good thing I don't have a digital. All of these arguments about the sexiest person on this board would be over. It's coming soon though. Come on. What is sexier than an extremely handsome, well eductaed archaeologist (I look way better than Indiana Jones) who scuba dives, traverses the jungles of Central America and is a reefkeeper? Seriously, I love you guys and you are all an endless source of information AND entertainment.
P.S. I must agree that Phoneix Rising is pretty hot. You know, an archaeologist and a beautiful woman of native American decent would be cool.


Well sammy You must not read all the post lmao.....don't worry about the Itchy nickname lol :p As Rye explained my husband gave me that nickname because I have to stay busy....meaning I can't sit still lol. Thats the only thing about this hobby that is hard....everything has to be done over time. But thanks for the compliment.
Hey Rory!! I saw your pic and yes it is nice to put a face with a post or an email!!;)
P.s. Hey Sammy the only crabs in this house are the blue and scarlet red legs and 1 big hermit all in my FISH TANKS....


Pretty awsome tats Sammy. I don't have any tatoos but I do have a few cool piercings, that if you look at my photo are all out of sight ;)
And as for looking like David Baline....hmmmmmm....I am not sure how to take it LOL! Cool I guess....at least someone semi-famous :)
Dinhouse, you need to post another pick. I want to see how stacked you are. And whats with all the married ladies wanting you????
RyeBread, I remember you saying in another post that you are really religious. Are you one of those Christian rock type of guys? Just wondering...
I am glad to see this post is doing so well. I am glad that we all got a chance to really get to know everyone! Maybe even make some internet SWF hook-ups!!


Active Member
Hey blondenaso,
I am taking that "Christian rock kinda guys" as quite a slam!!:D I do go to church every sunday and enjoy some of the music they have there but, I am by no means "really" religious. I just like to get a better understanding of life, know the difference from right and wrong, and get a better outlook on life than I used to have. Plus the fact that half of the singers at church are some smokin' hot ladies. For crap's sake.........I just posted a pic of my medieval virgo tattoo on my back.