OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


Man..I have been gone all weekend come back and Sammy is still talking about length and girth.....does things ever slow down at your house.:D


Active Member
I never thought you were slamming the site Lou. I was just explaining, in case you didn't know how all of that transpired...that's all.


Sammy, i think you are confusing panoramic with 8x zoom lense and the macro setting :)
As for me, Homedepot said they didn't carry 4" tubing so I was out of luck. It is the only think that can handle the flow from my pump ;)
As for doing things on the tank.....hmmmmm...never thought of that. Worth a try....just hope not to knock anything over.


So you've seen his airline hose now have ya cuppy....I do see that you two live in the same town, so I'm not surprised that Slothy is putting his "hose" out for all to see. ;)


Buzz, my bad, I did not finish reading the post, seeing it in quotes, sorry all is good. Like I said sorry man.
Now how did this all get turned into Slothyfest again, he said he had an airline for his bubbler and he is now #1 again, I quit. But wait did someone say slothy/cuppycake is the same perosn I feel better now, LOL


Active Member
ummmmmm..... the only one on this board thats seen my airline is me !!! maybe my fish when i was changing


Active Member
Of course, you still need to be careful...Sammy is out there....lurking....that is a dangerous comment...heh heh...:D


Be warned though...Sammy does have a SISTER to whom he is engaged....I was never aware that those kinds of things went on up north there in Cleveland Sammy!!!