OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


ok,, must agree with everyone who said horses and fish are the best hobbies!! I'll get some pictures up as soon as i get batteries in my digital camera..... Anyway,, My horses names are milo, he's my big jumper man,, he's like 17 hands, and Birdie,, she's sort of a midgetly thoroughbred mare. No fish yet,, but i'm working on it! My parents were real excited about this new hobby,, just like they were excited about scuba diving and riding ("it costs HOW MUCH!?!?) heh hehe........ I live in NM,,,, and am a freshman in High School,, and thats me in a nutshell!! Horses and fish..... Wow,, do I have a life or what.......?!:D


ok,,, this is me on the left,,, not the greatest one of me but.....
ok,, how does this work again!!! AAaargh! computers hate me.....!m will someone please tell me how to make it work?! :(


New Member
:) Broomer your puppy is sooooo cute. I told slick I want one now. I did want a yorkie but ever since I saw the picture of your dog I have changed my mind. Christmas is coming so I will keep my fingers crossed. (yeah right:D )


Active Member
right now, I don't have any pics in my puter, still finishing itup after a rebuild a while back, waiting for 2 more drive sthis week, tneh I will finish off by putting my pics and loading the rest of my software. So currently, I have no pics loaded.


Active Member
nice. i've been there on a cruise once, great area. is your tank aggressive or community or reef? any pictures? i dont think i've seen any of your tank before.


Active Member
unfortunately my tank pics were all lost when my drive crashed this summer. all gone,
Once i finishthis rebuild and get everything elseI need reloaded, though I do plan to take some more though.(waiting for my techie to do some work that I can't figure out before I go throught hte hassle of laoding stuff that could get lost)
It is a fowlr(starting reef), and one is a reef, the other is a reef/horse(in the building), and we also have another 55 that we are trying to decide what to do with(currently fw)


Active Member
Magic... too late. Even though you recalled the post we've probably already got the FBI on SWF.com' s case. :D
Sammy is right though... soooo wrong. Just so wrong. :D
Whoop... doorbell. I wonder who those two guys in trenchcoats and sunglasses are. Nice black crown vic too. :D


I hate catching up when I fall behind reading this thread. It is too much to handle all at once! And yes I do believe it is the longest one by far in SWF.com history. I have a pic of my lab that I will post later.
I do have to say though that living in a college town has its perks. I guess betas are the official fish for all sororeity girls. Every time I go into the LFS there is some hot little sororeity girl trying to fit a beta in some type of odd container or various alcohol bottles. I always try to offer my assistence, but surprisingly all the guy that work there are all of the sudden more then happy to help her out ;)
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and didn't see my poor Gators fall to FSU :(


Active Member
no kidding blonde, ive been gone for five days and havent had a chance to catch up on the boards until now. lots of stuff happened but i hoep everyone had a nice safe thanksgiving. i personally went home, took a ton of pics of my 135 and will post them as soon as i get them developed onto a cd (p.s. thanks again rye for the lens) and worked on the tnak the whole time, then got sick, and now feel like crap, but its good to see all of you still on here and still posting away! its good to be back!
good luck