OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


New Member
come on now lets not give magic a hard time he was just trying to keep things interesting. :eek: Don't let it get ya down:D


Active Member
Blondenaso, your gators may have fallen to FSU but my Sooners fell to OSU - That's Oklahoma State- yuk:eek: The boys from Mayberry skunked us but good! About the half the OU campus called in sick today.:(


What kind of daddy would I be if I didn't throw my little guy in here? If you don't have one of these I would recommend one when you can handle it. He just turned one and is the best thing I have ever seen. Here he is on halloween.


:) Iechy I agree! Our son is going on 17 months, and he is such a trip! Always has me laughing! Little bit on the expensive side, but well worth it. Your son's a cutie!


Thanks, yours too:D That scene looks strangely familiar to me for some reason too:D Yeah he is very expensive and time consuming but I wouldn't trade the year we've had for saturday's powerball numbers.


Vasili, when the post loaded up I was like what the heck is a picture of Tasos Bougas doing in this post. It's funny cause today I was looking through a catologue of greek CDs and the covers of all his crack me up. You really don't look like that do you.........?


Active Member
I just decided to read this whole thread again... WOW...
As far as the SW girls being hot..... Yep... Too bad I am fat and ugly or I would date you all! I used to think I was Gods gift to women. Now I think I am gods gift to Burger King.
PS... Slick... Your one Lucky man!


Active Member
Thanks Wamp. She is not to bad on the eyes. I'm just glad she puts up with all my cr&p. LOL
I would hate to see this thread die so lets find something else to chat about.


Okay maybe my dogs aren't cute little puppies any more, but No one told me that my dogs were cute! Maybe they are a little loony and all but they are cool and they have tons of personality see: