OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


Active Member
very good price, how big is it? I paid 45.00 mine is about 8 inchs long and 5 inchs wide:eek: THE CORAL, what dirty minds you all have:D


Active Member
you give a pic of the coral you just bought and then ask how to care for it? I would think you have read enough posts to know to ask that question before you buy something- mabye not. but any way keep Ca levels up - make sure to feed- low to medium current- moderate to bright light- good luck


Active Member
agree with kickester on both points, research research research! anyhow, congrats on th enice piece, adn good luck caring for it.


well I asked the guy at the pet store, and he said they where easy, and to feed them, but I just thought I would see what you guys had to say, thats all.:)


Active Member

Originally posted by j21kickster
well mine is three inches long and 1/2 inch wide- my finger that is:rolleyes:

MINE"S bigger than your si!:D :D
ummmmmmm, errrrrrr, umm, yeah, my finger too.
My ma always said I that I doesn't matter, she was right. Admittedly, I never met anyone hat complained about size yet.:cool:

Originally posted by blondenaso1
Vasili, when the post loaded up I was like what the heck is a picture of Tasos Bougas doing in this post. It's funny cause today I was looking through a catologue of greek CDs and the covers of all his crack me up. You really don't look like that do you.........?

No i dont really look like i think its a funny picture of him....all of his album covers are funny...i hope to look like that when im that age lol yeah right.....im only 20yrs old..i only put the pic up cause i dont have one up on this board yet...are u greek?:D