OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


I have reef news from my house. Sorry, off topic for this thread, but I had to share. I got a cuke, 2 fighting conch and an abalone the other day. First cuke for me. It lays around during the day but cruises at night. The abalone is amazing at cleaning the glass. Cool critter too. Both conch dug right in to the sand. POOF.....gone. I can tell where they have been though. It looks like Bugs bunny took the wrong turn to Albuquerque.
I'll get on topic now. (Which is anything) I was watching t.v. the other night....they had a free weekend on channels I usually don't get. I watched about three hours worth of Jonny Quest. Man!! That was a great cartoon! Herculoids, Spaceghost and Thundar the Barbarian. And the Superfriends of course. MUCH better than the Blues Clues my little shavers force me to watch.


Hey Cap beautiful dog. I love labs. I have a 95 pound yellow at home I'm sure sleeping on my bed right now(or digging in the garbage can)



Originally posted by Iechy
Hey Cap beautiful dog. I love labs. I have a 95 pound yellow at home I'm sure sleeping on my bed right now(or digging in the garbage can)

Oh, come on.... don't sell him short.... I'm sure he's doing BOTH.


I have a 90lbs Yellow Lab and he is cuttled up on my feet right now! Aren't they the best dogs in the world? Smart as heck too. I can't stand stupid dogs, or stupid people for that matter.
Well I haven't been on the board in 2 days because I was studying for an organic test and now there is an entire new page of this post.
While we are on the subject of football....Who is going to watch UF destroy FSU this week? How about OSU, going up against Miami hhhmmmmm...wonder how that is going to turn out LOL. And for the NFL....Go Bucs!! I think playoffs are right around the corner :)


Active Member
When I am at the computer, one of my parrots usally sits on my shoulder, Kelly is 8 years old, talks,sings whistles,is potty trained, and loves to watch the fish tank, this is one cool bird, Happy Thanksgiving to all:)


Man I have missed alot! We have went from cops to cars to houses to Slothy/sybil's mutipule personalities. (slothy dude I don't know if you and cupcake are the same dude/chick or not but either way I wouldn't get anything done I would just sit and look at myself or my girl all day!) No disrespect men you/your girl is SMOKINNN! Hey Is it to late to post a pic of your hotrod? Well here is mine : 87 celica: oxidized blue, rusty wheel wells, various broken blinker lenses. 0-60 in 1 minute flat!!!


Don't worry guys I am a non aggresive coral that need lots of woman flow! I have a tendency to roam the tank until I find a hot chick who actually thinks I am a movie star! Will someone take those scrapers away from that kid? He's gonna put an eye out with those things! Namely mine!!


"Okay DIN if you say so!"
Here are my two dogs! Jules & Winston
Jules is a champion escape artist!(chainlink & lawnscape timbers mean nothing to her!)
Winston is a world class squirrel chaser (Squirrels snicker I mean treble at the mere mention of his name!!!)


Okay enough about me more pics of hot chicks please!!!! I know there are more out there becasue Hot chicks usually have equally hot friends! If you gals don't start showing yourselves we are gonna have to make the really hot ones post more that one pic! He wait I think I am on to something. Hot chicks why dont you post another pic!!!!


Dont mean to put that song in anyone's mind, but.... Here is a pick of my Golden Retriever. His name is Bo, he is 12 years old. Though still young at heart. Notice the University of Iowa Hawkeye scarf. He knows they are rated 3rd and 4th in the polls right now! He is getting old though. He has bad sight and his hearing is diminishing everyday. But he still acts like a pup when he is not sleeping. Well he is unique to say the least, he has his own bed: under the covers, head on the pillow, and a "baby" next to him. He snores, twitches when he has dreams and everything else humans do while they sleep. So I thought I would share my best friend with you all.