OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


Active Member
well this was on page 8 - I think its safe to call it dead- there were some good times on this thread- New joy found, laughs to be had and hearts broken- We shall remember this as the longest running thread this board has seen- And only tomorrow will reveal what the tide brings in


Active Member
GOD, WHY????????????????????????
Don't let it go.............. :D


Maybe the mods should just make it a sticky thread so that all of the new members can find out who they are talking to and all of the old members can know whose questions they are answering. Just a suggestion.


Active Member
Self adhesive for sure. Sticky NOT. I don't know if I want new people reading some of the things I said on here, might scare em off. Better to let them find it for themselves :D Everyone have a Happy New Year!

class clown

We've had a couple of members post pics recently. Some of them were even human. So I guess the thread is not dead yet!! LONG LIVE THE THREAD!!!!! :D :D

class clown

First post of 2003 in this crazy thread! :D :D :D :D :D
This thing comes back to life more than Jason.
Gotta go to sleep.... big hangover coming up..... Happy New Year!!


Class Clown,
You post says 12-31-02 on it.
Now mine should say 01-01-03!
heheh :D
oops....I had the wrong time settings. :(
To get the right time in my area I had to set my time zone to:
(GMT -1:00 hours) Azores, Cape Verde Islands
I live in Central Time Area in Texas! hehe


I'm the one holding the post-chocolate, pre-birthdaycake one-year old. That's my husband next to me, his mother in the middle back. Hope this works!

chef jaysen

Thought I would add a picture of my wife and me with some distance from the states...............Nothing like Stone Hedge to make you say hmmmmmmmmmm...........:eek: :eek: :rolleyes:
:rolleyes: :D :eek:


Active Member
Was that taken just after you pushed over that slab off your right shoulder? :D Nice shot! Man that grass is green!