OT: Latest crop circle. Does this means something out there.

You're a complete fool if you believe anything other than human beings with tools created those circles. Crop circles 200 years ago were not that intricate. They were crop "circles".


Active Member
lol every once in a while a thread like this pops up :D
Naturelover - Being a PhD student in Ancient Biblical studies, im quite curious as to where these 'other' worlds are mentioned! Out of curiosity guys, read the first few chapters of the book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament, is that an alien spacecraft? Angel? Definately food for thought.
You would be surprised to how many books that are out there (and I have read) on the Bible and connections with aliens; think about it; Elijah and elisha appearing on a cloud, jesus ascending on a cloud, moses receiving 10 commandments in cloud, ezekiel transported on a cloud that glistens like metals, has wheels within wheels and sounds like a 1000 trumpets and as bright as 1000 suns. Fascinating area of study, and the good thing is its academic more than faith based so sensible discussions can arise :)
BTW the pyramids were made by a fantastic ancient civilisation, similar to other such ancient civilisations, Romans (Sewers, first metropolis, a senate, roads, military), Greeks (Philosophy and sports), Arabs (Maths and Irrigation), Babylonians (Tower of Babel, Hanging Gardens, luner calender), English (soccer!! hehe). I think we should just accept that some ancient people were excellent, and should be hailed as such. There is an arrogance about our generation that believes something greater than our achievements could not have been achieved without extra-terrestial help!
well ive rambelled on enough, going to bed now! its gone midnight English time!!


Philosophically speaking extraterrestrial life would have to or had to have exist(ed), because our minds can imagine it, that that did not exist at one time, or is not currently existing, could not be imagined.
Tim awesome points, I have heard of the connections people have made regarding alien life and the bible, but never really read more about it, your post is making me want to do some checking now :) I watched a thing on Mary Magdellene once, and got pretty enthralled with that whole mystery :)
Cool pics, although I tend to agree with the mentality that they are likely a hoax - I don't think aliens would want to communicate with humans (hell if you were a higher organism would you really want to???)


Active Member
now now lets keep this friendly :)
This debate will not be won by appealing to each other's intellectual vanity.
EDIT - Thank you bonermeister for removing that post.


Active Member
oregon bud - thanks, i find it fascinating myself. I translate the Old Testament from the Ancient Hebrew and its amazing how they describe these things. There are many famous scholars (mainly in 70's) who loved to beat the drum of 'jesus was an alien'. Personally very unlikely in the modern sense, but worth spending a minute or two considering.
Yes your point is very similar to St Aquinas and the Ontological argument around the year 1100 "I can imagine the existence of a God, therefore there must be a God otherwise he would not be God".
Must be careful, getting on my soapbox now :)


Tim I think it was mentioned in end time where there will be a ninth world that would rise in between other worlds or something like that..
I love saltwaterfish too.:D


Active Member
hmmm are you refering to Revelation? Im not so good at new testament as dont read Greek. Bare in mind that in NT times, a 'world' was the meditarranean area, eastern babylonia and Gaul (france) were different 'worlds'.
if you coud give me the reference i could perhaps explain.


I couldn't tell you where it is from.
I went to catholic school, and church only in Shri Lanka. Since I am hindu I have not studied deep into bible, except what I knew from my younger days and what I am learning from wife now these days. But I know it is mentioned for sure somewhere.

murray bmf

I always thought if I had the technology to build a spacecraft capable of flying faster than the speed of light (because thats how fast it would have to be) then I would fly millions of miles to another planet, and instead of meeting another civilization I would leave some strange markings in the grass that no-one understood Now that would be cool :)


murray BMF
with the technology now thats what been done on moon. Left flag there since no one to meet. We don't know whats on mars, but still there are things beings said that life form might have existed and there is one robot left since we couldn't find or talk to anylife form.
As far as someone making this too perfect markings, even nasa messed up on there calculations by converting from english to metric and lost one lander. So it is impossible to say what caused what or who created these crop circles.
BTW bear with me since my mother language is not english and you wouldn't understand if I write in other languages. ;)


Active Member

Originally posted by NatureLover
murray BMF
with the technology now thats what been done on moon. Left flag there since no one to meet. We don't know whats on mars, but still there are things beings said that life form might have existed and there is one robot left since we couldn't find or talk to anylife form.

Sorry to go off topic, but I beleive that the space landings on the moon were just a mere hoax to make billions of dollars :) I remember a few years ago there was a show on the Discovery channel which talked about how NASA was hosting this scam to make money. They even pointed out "errors" in the video tapes showing the people on the moon. One error was from the shadow; the shadow of the man on the moon wasn't lined up with the shadow of the sun. I don't mean for a debate or to prove anyone wrong, but I wanted to show my opinion :)
Take Care,


Ok Tim,
How do you explain the rains for forty days and forty nights that burned the flesh?
As for the "PYR AMIDS" (Fire inside), how was it that Egypt near Gyza was once a rich tropical area, soon to be a red desert? Is there any possible way that they were of a higher use? and not just mausoleums?
I have heard some theories that have rattled my thinking on this subject.


Active Member
I was in the boy scouts for several years. One night on a camping trip we were next to a farmers land. He would not let us play foot ball on some open area he had. We measured his tram lines that night, and made a drawing. It was s imple circle with some triangles in it, nothing near the magnitude of that one. The circle was about 50 feet in diameter. with 12.5 foot triangles inside of it. We snuck out of our tents and used our walkietalkies. using only a manpower of three, and planks and twine, we were able to accomplish our own "ufo landing site" in under an hour. Really easy. SO HA TO ALL OF YOU CORN FARMERS!


Staff member
I have heard a lot of theories as well....I went to college in the 70's when these type of theories first became popular.....ranging from biblical references to ancient astros to actual "proof" with ancient landing strips, etc., etc. And while we are at it, the ongoing "last days" theories.
Sorry, but I've read the bible too....actually minored in theology, and I think its a pretty far stretch....or, just a vivid imagination...or, even more to the point, the "theories" sell books, documentaries, guest appearances, etc....bottom line, theories are profitable.


I agree theories are profitable, but in this case all i see is lost to farmer and no one is claiming they have done that to be in guest appearances. Even the farmer is not making money out of this by fencing the field and charge money from people to see it.
If it was done by human prove it since it can be proven easily right? or is this another unsolved mysteries in technology world.


Active Member
just look at all of the crop circles out there. Sll of them are very intricate geometric shapes. They all run from the watering tram lines. Why would a UFO land perfectly in line with the tram? All of the circles most likely have a perfect measurement of circumference and diameter. This is too easy too explain that they are all hoaxes. Sure UFO's exist IMO but they wouldnt leave stupid traces of being here. Go watch close encounters of the third kind.