OT: Latest crop circle. Does this means something out there.

Originally posted by Phil1964
Crop circles are not made by aliens.
They are made by big foot and the loch ness monster.

Big foot yes, loch ness no.
If you look up MIT news in archives, you will find that crop circles were one of their most famous hacks!! In my insight, I think this is all a HUGE ploy that we are to believe it is aliens, but I know who the real crop circle culprit is....... ELVIS !! :D
What was I thinking! Of course it is Elvis! He told me that one day when we were talking in his hideout in Canada at Batman's birthday party and I forgot because Superman stepped on my toes right as he finished his sentence.


Active Member

Originally posted by escape2thewater
Everybody saw the movie "SIGNS" right? Hurry! Go get your tin foil hats on before they read your thoughts!

Good idea! :D
>>>Click Here
...if only the file wasn't wasn't too big to attach it.


i am sorry you guys but they are all fake. i was watchin this thing on the descovery chanel about aleans and well crop cercles came up and they had 4 guys on there that make them. so sorry again to all you belivers


Active Member
Hi Guys,
40 days and 40 nights...I will look it up in a few hours (after church) in original Hebrew and translate it myself and get back to you and tell you what I come up with, not so hot on it off the top of my head. However, point of interest, being devil's advocate, it is uncanningly similar to the Babylonian myth found on the 11th tablet of the 12 tablets that make up the Epic of Gilgamesh, c.2700BCE. If anyone is interested I can scan it in and send it to you via email, it relly is remarkable. This either means that the narritive in Genesis is a popular folklore and incorporated there, or more likely, it was a likely event that both sets of semetic peoples recorded.
Beth - yes, heresy sells. No one would be interested if I wrote a book 'Jesus, a nice guy, messiah etc', but if i wrote one 'Jesus, man or woman?', believe me it would sell!


seems like this is a phenomenon no one know of or something made by ghost of elvis. :D
Ofcourse there are ghost unless someone pops and and say I am mentally challenged since I am in bottom 2% and I can't read or write.
I love mystery and thats the reason I brought this one.
If anyone thought that these are mysteries have anyone thought that every single cultur prays to god in some form.
Even the one that don't have outside world contact and live in jungle do beleive in god. That is mystery.


Active Member
I vote for Elvis too.......:D I don't know what to think, many arguements on both sides. At least it gets people to thinking.


I am hindu as i mentioned and many refer it as relegion, and it is just the way of life.
Even bible explain god created many different sheep and there are many different sprits too. IMO different sprits might be demon,devil and so on like many other relegions beleive the same. (co-insident or mystery I have no idea but every relegion has it.)
For the part on you have to follow jesus to goto heaven might be something that ment for people who beleive in jesus(since there are different sheeps) and who are born to people who beleive in jesus and become in beleiving in other sprits(people who worship saton but was born christian).
Bible says spread the word but does it say to the people don't even know anything about christianity or does it mean people who are loosing there track and start worshiping saton and so on, I have no idea. you have to ask someone with more knowledge on bible (than someone like me beleive in a god and think there are many other sheeps god created to reach him).
This is my beleive.
As for scientist who don't beleive in many things and call themselves scientists cannot explain certain observations using the subjects they learned in school whichis called "science" as a result, they assign terms such as miracles, faith, dreams, paranormal, scams, fraud and so on to the observations.


Staff member
Gilgamesh tales abound through ancient culture mythologies.....including the Bible. As do other duplicate myths from other cultures also show up in the Bible.
Why are there prymaids all over the world? Including in the New World where crossing the Atlantic is deemed impossible? Gosh, it must be aliens.....however, I guess the aliens also introduced cannabis [a new world plant] to the Egyptians! Duh. I think we are a lot smarter than history gives us credit for.
Farmers don't necessarily benefit from making the circles, but I am sure they do get a hoot when they see all the uproar about it!
I believe that life exists on other planets, yes. It is almost incrediable not to believe that since there is a whole universe of planets out there. I don't think they travels a billion light yrs to earth, however, to make crop circles. :rolleyes:


Staff member
Nature: The Bible, in reference to the Christian sections, is pretty clear in saying that Christianity is the only way. Thus the need for believers, even now, to preach the gospel and win sinners over to Christianity. I must say, though, I don’t recall Jesus himself being so exclusionary….I think that developed later via the apostles, some of whom were quite dogmatic and unforgiving. Perhaps that tack was needed to keep Christianity alive, or, perhaps the apostles, who so often misinterpreted Jesus’s ways and teaching, just didn’t quite get it.
Things happen for a reason, I think, and you certainly can not argue with success where Christianity is concerned.


Active Member
Hi Guys,
Naturelover - forgive me for about to set off on a sermon, but to answer your question - we are all sinners. Every single one of us has done wrong, no matter how small. Not wrong by Christianity, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism or any other religion, but humanly speaking, i.e. stealing, cheating, adultery, violence, false witness etc etc. As a Christian, we believe that God so loved us and couldnt bare to see us do any more wrong, that he sent his son to die for us and to take the burdon of our sin. He died for all mankind. This does not mean Christians do not sin, my goodness we all sin, but we are forgiven if we truly repent thanks to JC. Now, to your question, someone who hasnt heard the gospel, will they go to hell? If we follow what the Bible says, if they ahve sinned yes. If they have heard of Christ or not, if they sin and are not forgiven (i.e. by knowing Christ), then im afraid the outlook is gloomy. This is why the need for evangelism is so desperate, we are told to 'go and make disciples of all nations and spread the word'. If someone has not met Christ, but has led a good life and not sinned, God will take mercy (see Isaiah).
Yes I despise the word religion, its offensive to each adherant of any faith! It is more a way of life.
Melody -
I am a Christian but I am not so arrogant as to think my religion is the one and only right way and whomever doesn't believe and abide by my religion will go to hell. Na that's just not right. All cultures pray to some higher form. And that's all well and good as long as we all try to be a better person. I even wonder about reincarnation quite a bit.
Melody (trying to be diplomatic), John 14:6 "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no ones comes to the father, but by me". I know some verses are complex and opaque, but that is pretty unanimous. If there is one message of truth, then its not being arrogant, its knowing the truth, whatever that may be. I would love to discuss this with you more, but obviously here is not the place to evangelise :))), if you would like to drop me an email or add me to msn (timsedwards@quicknet.nl) that would be fab.
Phew all worn out now....


Active Member
Yup Beth JC said it in John 14:6, which of all the gospels, is the least likely to have been altered/changed/influenced (think of synoptic problem, Source Q etc is in reference to the other three).
I think if you read Acts, the apostles were not bitter and twisted. The only evidence of this is their acceptance of Paul (saul) of Tarsus, but thanks to Barnabus, was accepted eventually by the Church of Yerushalayim. Remember this isnt such a wierd thing as Paul spent 20 years persecuting and killing Christians, so I think we can forgive them a little hesitation on that account :)
Nothing like religious debate to envigourate the soul :D


Active Member
I think I am 6 hours ahead of eastern time....its 6:50pm here now..
Feel free to add me to msn messenger or AOL messenger (timsedwardsuk).
All the best,


well Tim,
Ty for clearing up, as you could see even tho i am hindu (i know it is not a relegion) I have studied bible when i was little. hmm hope I spelled right I have been to lutes church in france, hope you know which one I am talking about. It was my wish since I was little that I wanted to visit there before I die.
BTW I like hinduisme, christianity better as whole than the branches inside them that make it as relegion.


Active Member
NP Naturelover, I have also studied Hinduism at university, although i am by no means an expert on it!
Melody - havent had an invitation yet....if you would like to put your handle on here i can add you, then delete it on the thread after its added?
hehe the irony, I only have AOL for my friends on the board in America! No one uses it over here!