Interesting thread...
I'm not much of a fan of gray. Most things to me are black and white, right or wrong, good or evil. I tend to find that folks try to gray up the issue when they have ulterior motives - politicians are excellent at this. To me the facts speak for themselves, Saddam has implemented genocidal polocies, he has invaded neighboring countries, he has used ----, torture and murder to subdue his people. These are facts and no one disputes them.
It amazes me their is even a debate on the matter. Stopping this man dead is the right thing to do. If we don't we are complicit in his actions. We are the only country that can do this and as such have the moral obligation to do it.
You can say it's about oil - it isn't. Nobody for a second believes the USA is going to annex those fields. More over, a war will allow the Iraqi people to benefit fully from that oil for the first time.
You can say it's about the enonomy - it isn't. This war risks the stability of the whole region and as such puts the world economy at risk.
You can say we should deal with Korea first - why, when dealing with Iraq effectively will create an excellent environment for 'Negotiating' with the Koreans.
You can say we need UN support - I am not sure who started this one but its the worst. I never voted for and we never elected the security council of the UN, why would we turn over control of our military to them? Why would we let our foriegn polocy be dictated by them? Why would we sit by and watch Sadistic Saddam do his stuff because they say so?
You can say inocents will die - yes on both sides, but some things are worth dying for.
Bottom line : It is the right thing to do - for them, for us and for the world.