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Very nice to see, Lisa! I like the choices you have made in many different arenas!
Nice size tank, too.
Could you describe the set-up and tell us again how long you had it up before your seahorses got to come home? (sorry, I just love to hear it! )
Not a problem, it's probably good to post here anyway. As I've said many times, these threads are very important for those wanting to learn...hopefully the I can shed some light.
I switched my 37gal reef out in the beginning of February to a 46gal bowfront reef...my 37 reef had been going for a little over 2 years. In the beginning of March, I set the 37gal back up (after tons of research and collecting some ideas) and threw the cocktail shrimp in. NOTE: this tank was set up initially with very established LR and very established water...well, half of the water was established. I consistently took water parameters in the 37, and because of the LR and established water, the ammonia never really reached higher than .5, then back down again. By the beginning of April, I noticed the diatoms had diminished, parameters were all in check consistently, and there were pods in the tank like crazy (picture from April 9 attached below). I figured, OK, by the middle of June I would be ready to get some horses home...I ended up finding my girls a week ealier than I had figured.
It is really my thinking that the size of the tank, the way it's set up and a number of other things dictates how long the cycle is going to last. If there had been even one little red flag for me when I bought my horses, they wouldn't be here right now. As it is, the first few days that I had them, I felt like I was standing on wet ice. As they and I get into a routine, and I see that they're eating, growing, recognizing me, and enjoying...I feel a bit more competent, more confident, but still always vigilant. They're so enjoyable, personable and loveable, and I just want to take care of them and afford them a long and happy life.
Thank you Poniegirl, I take that as quite a compliment coming from you
Just noticed, I really didn't describe the set up...what would you like to know?
That's it for now.