Active Member
I think socialized medicine is a bad thing. There is a reason people come to the U.S. from all over the world to have medical procedures done-we're the best. If you look at the quality of the healthcare in nations with socialized medicine, it's mostly crap. In the U.K., for example, many of the hospitals are maintained at much lower standards than those that we're used to in the US. When budgets need to be cut, it's easy to trim funds to hospitals and generalized healthcare. Unfortunately, the poor still end up with crummy healthcare, and the rich can afford great care from private doctors. That being said, I do think the government has an obligation to protect it's citizens. I think a public health care plan needs to be available. Everyone would be eligible for the "basic" health care package, at no expense, or at a very low cost. If you can afford better, than you could pay for the higher plan that had better coverage, etc...Even if the "basic" plan was very crappy, at least it's something. I wonder how many low income family members forgo medical attention when they really need it due to a lack of insurance.