Originally Posted by
novahobbies http:///t/391007/pot-bellied-seahorses/140#post_3470570
Don't panic about the paypal thing JUST yet. As a member of "the other side," I can tell you that paypal practices are shady and questionable to say the least. The notion that they are "on the customer's side" is in my opinion a cover for their delaying and interest-earning tactics when they take advantageof sellers.
Yes, I have been burned by paypal as a seller, and won't use them. Ever. I don't feel like getting into the particulars, but suffice it to say, they have stolen an appreciable sum of money from me, and would have taken more if I had let them.
Now, I agree if the transaction isn't posted within a week, you should contact paypal and look into it. Definitely. But I would NOT be surprised in the least to see money leave your account and go into limbo for a day or three before it shows up in the seller's account. It has happened to me. What happens to the money in between? Who can say? Well, paypal bankers can say, but they sure aren't tellin!
Sorry. I'm stepping off of my soapbox.
I contacted paypal...They gave me a laundry list of reasons why a person would have not yet recieved thier money. Something about not confirming e-mail addresses. I forwarded the list to the seller to check on his end to see if any pertained to him. I have not heard back yet form him. Now keep in mind I have been online for a few days and the folks who I got the shell from had no problems, nor a lady who I purchased a nice blouse from...so my paypal is linked correctly with eBay. Sam got his money too.
Here is what they told me...
Every now and then a payment is sent but fails to arrive at the seller's account.
This is easy to fix, and usually happens for one of the following reasons:
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The buyer didn't enter the seller's email correctly. Take a quick look at your order so you're sure you got it right.
The seller didn't confirm their email address during the PayPal registration process. Ask them to
confirm it, and the "missing" payment should appear in their account.
The email address you used to send your payment is not the address currently linked to the seller's PayPal account. Ask them to add this new email address to their account and
confirm it, and your payment should soon be there waiting for them
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