Project Fishroom underway for new 240 setup


Active Member
Sorry I used a little over 200lbs of rock.......Most are just really big pieces, which is also decieving.....


Active Member
are you sure about that weight? i have 240 about and in my 150 doesnt look nearly as monolothic as yours... also i dont understand how you did that without touching the backwall or using it as support? are you connecting them with PVC or gluing your rock?


Active Member
Yep positive on the rock weight......My supplier weighs out every last piece and scale was just certified......I drilled and pinned some of the rock for support......I drilled the rock with a concrete bit and used clear acrylic rod when I need the support.......It was a bit of pain, but well worth not having it resting against the glass all the way around.....There is an area around the overflow, that the top pieces to hit the overflow, but fish can swim totally behind the entire structure.....


Active Member
acrylic rods, hmm i should have guessed! lol . how thick? do you get the drill bit the same thickness or one notch up? how deep to drill into it the rock for placement?


Active Member
wow that is looking really good... and that is a lot of lr... cant wait to see it stocked... when do you plan on doing this???


Nice.....Very nice set up...Wowwww, nice job acrylic....
One day, but one day my plumbing will be 1/3 like yours...hahahaha, hopefully. Gee I wish I could be an expert on plumbing...
Like your tank, plumbing, rocks, sump, hummmm EVERYTHIG!!!!!!


Active Member
Shawn, your tank, and everything that goes along with it looks great!!!!! When your all done, if you still want to, I would love to have you come help us with our plumbing becasue I have no clue.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
acrylic rods, hmm i should have guessed! lol . how thick? do you get the drill bit the same thickness or one notch up? how deep to drill into it the rock for placement?
Sorry for the delay....I used 1/4" acrylic rod, and not sure what size bit.....I had laying around....but I had to ream the hole alittle to fit the rod, meaning rock it back and forth a couple times, but it's a snug fit......I don't drill to deep.....Maybe 3/4" if that......just to pin and make it secure.......If I wanted to I could beat the top rocks and not even get the structure to budge.....


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Originally Posted by taznut
wow that is looking really good... and that is a lot of lr... cant wait to see it stocked... when do you plan on doing this???
Time....alot of my livestock and corals have gone to friends due to shift in what I want for this tank.....I'm a big frogspawn, hammer, torch, and Yellow Fiji Leather fan, and of course will have those goodies, but want to try going predominately SPS, and have been hunting new frags....Actually had quite a few and very nice monti caps, and during the work one of my customers offered to keep certain pieces in her tank, and being her tank is almost indestructable I agreed.......Needless to say she either bought all my leathers well beyond what I paid, and 12 out of the 15 monti caps have taken off in growth and come off their plugs and attached.....We do have an agreement that at any time I can take frags of what I want though.......She is my best customer though!!!!!!!!!


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Originally Posted by psusocr1
well im jeloues... thats truley plumbing CRAZINESS! love it , that tank is gunna be AWESOME!
If your every down my way you'll have to swing by and check it out first hand.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by knedrag
Can you tell me where you got your flow meters from?
AquaticEco....I think they are around $72.00 or so.......they make alot nicer ones, but hold your breath when you look at the prices.........


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Any of you guys familiar with the Salifert Alk test kit??? I'm getting some funky readings.....My Alk has been dropping and don't have anything in the tank except for 5 blue/green chromis, and PH is down around 8.2......Need some thought and input from anyone......


Active Member
wow!!! that is an amazing set up you have, you sure have been very patient,,, i would have done lost it,,i am a very impatient person,,,looks great,thanks for showing us your progress,which we want you to continue,,totally in awwe here...have a great day...


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Ok guys, now I am worried, Shawn has not answered this thread, or emails for how many days now, anyone know his phone number to check on him?


Active Member
acrylic51...I use the salifert alk test and seems to work beautifully...I use kent marine super buffer, but I also have cc in the main tank so probably am always bufferred pretty well from the cc......