Project Fishroom underway for new 240 setup


Active Member
i would like to see exactly how you ran your feeds to your ump and then returned them etc.? also are you runnign a squidd to change flow up or what?


Active Member
Sorry guys I'm so far behind on crap it's not even funny.........I will post pics of the plumbing to and from the tank and pics of the CL as well.....I owe Lubeck some pics of the EuroBracing as well......This evening guys they are coming.....Have to get my "Honey Due" list done........


Active Member
acrylic... you are insane... and you know WAY toooooo much... i started reading from the beginning and i have no idea what you are talking about... i think i might just stay with the 20gal (and i think this is hard)... keep up the good work... cant wait to see it stocked...oh, and the plumbing is insane, i dont think i have that much plumbing in my house...


Active Member
Originally Posted by taznut
acrylic... you are insane... and you know WAY toooooo much... i started reading from the beginning and i have no idea what you are talking about... i think i might just stay with the 20gal (and i think this is hard)... keep up the good work... cant wait to see it stocked...oh, and the plumbing is insane, i dont think i have that much plumbing in my house...
Thanks......My wife is still wondering why we don't have running water
all the pvc is behind the tank.......


Active Member
Sorry finally back....To much work going on here lately........Finally got the rock transferred over and started arranging, but still working out some details......Got all the lights fired and started programming the AquaController as well......Still haven't gotten the chiller online as of yet......Really no need the tank has been staying a steady 77.8 to 78 since firing Tuesday.....
Will post some pics as requested!!!!!! Some pics are taken with just the moonlights, some with VHO and some with just 2 of the MH's lit......I will also post pics of CL system, Eurobracing, and plumbing.....Any questions ask away!!!!!!!



Active Member
Sorry not the greatest photographer.....Need to figure out how to take pics with the lighting......Pics with the VHO's......



Active Member
Sorry about the dirty glass....I haven't cleaned it since filling.....the sand leaves that residue, but will get around to that in due time.....More pics.....



Active Member
Those last pics posted are just with 2 of the 4 MH's lit on the Lumenarc reflectors.......Here's some plumbing and such that Psusocr1 had requested.....Not sure which ones your looking for in particular, but I have tons of them.....
These are pics of the CL plumbing coming from the OM 8Way....I run the 1" pipe along the top of the tank on the Eurobracing which comes in handy IMO........The elbows in some areas are connected to OM "revolutions" and in other locations of the tank I used OM "omni nozzles".....I also have outlets buried under rock work for flow at the bottom as well....Didn't think enough to take pics of that as well, but will if needed.....All the CL lines that are buried or submerged in the tank have ball valves inline back at the OM unit, which you'll see later on....I did this due to pump maintenance and such so it won't back syphon through the output......



Active Member
And more plumbing pics.... Sorry about the plumbing being dusty.....I did alot of sanding on the stand and haven't gone back and done any house cleaning......



Active Member
More pics to come......Plumbing still....Hey Psusocr1 if you look at the lines going tight against the wall in the pics with the "yellow pump" in the background.....Those are the drain lines coming from the tank........they follow along the wall and lead to the sump......I'll post more detailed pics shortly.....



Active Member
Here's some pics of Eurobracing for Lubeck....Sorry not the greatest pics since all the plumbing up top hides it....



Active Member
Sorry Psusocr1 more plumbing pics......In the last pic the white "fitting" with the power cords coming off of it is a "flow switch" for the chiller.........



Active Member
More plumbing pics.......My UV is huge and is mounted actually under the tank and is fed by the main return line....I has a flow meter on that line and I can regulate the flow through the UV as well......



Active Member
holy rockwall batman! massive amounts of rock - how many pounds? is there still a good amount of swimming room for larger fish if you plan to keep them? also, that is sort of how i planned to do my rock originally but i realized that the coral needs flat real estate for placing... how will you tackle that problem?
also for taking pics, depending on the brand/quality, you should have a white balance adjustment, and hopefully an auto-white balance adjuster. thats a great way to readjust the camera to changing light scenarios quickly and cleanly.


Active Member
Sorry for the pics......Need to work with the camera a bit....There are tons of holes throughout the structure big enough that I can fit both fists through........There are places that are flat, but I prefer SPS and will be adding lots of small frags that don't need alot of flat spaces......There are tons of holes and crevices to place pieces into.....I've never had trouble in the past placing any type of corals.....Usually the worst for me is the anenome which likes to wonder till it finds it's home........
Pics are kind of decieving......The rockwork actually starts pretty close to the front glass and goes back......Nothing really touching the back wall of the tank..........