Project Fishroom underway for new 240 setup


Active Member
Will start filling hopefully with freshwater sometime tomorrow and will take quite a while and should have the thing fired and making any adjustments needed by weekend........It's already been fired, but took return off 1 bulkhead and had to redo it since due to my miscalculations of height of skimmer and had to move it from it's original the plumbing had to be you'd be suprised that that 1/4" really mattered in height!!!!!!
So needless to say it was cut apart redone, and doing other little minor things and helping friends out on their setups and leaving little time for mine.....They did say there willing to come help with LR!!!!!! That should be lots of fun....alot of drilling and pinning is planned that day.......Started putting in the rest of the flooring in the room as well today....Hopefully I'll get pretty far and be able to show some pics and progress as well.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by KidWicked
250 gallon is for {edit language}!
you should of done a 500 gallon

You really need to watch your language on these boards.


Active Member
I thought that as well, and that's why I kinda came back at him the way I did......I can be abrasive and foul mouth at times, but lets not do it me or something and talk trash to people that way if need be....


Quick question
Are you a fan of VHO's or MH? Just curious, I recently moved and installed my 90 inwall, looking to put my lighting together this weekend, I have 2-250mh, but considering VHO's for the actinic factor(like the look of this addition)
Thanks for your opinion, and the skimmer advice previously that WORKED!


Active Member
Your welcome on the skimmer tip.......they are just super easy to tweak IMO.......As far as lighting.....I'm a fan of both.......For years I wouldn't touch a MH, and then a set fell into my lap, and figured what the heck.......I personally use both.....VHO's don't and can't give you the penetration you need I feel in a tank to be able to keep things just about anywhere. I hate having to play the game of moving stuff around, because it needs tons of light and I just don't have enough.....I prefer to run 10k MH's and supplement them with actinics (03)....Alot of people will say he 10k is just to white, but with supplementation I feel you get a good even mix.....the 10ks are good for growth, but 6500k would be better, but think I'd have to add more 03's as well.....As far as actinics (03) I don't use anything other than URI bulbs....I think now they are called UV or something of that nature; old habits are hard to break......I have a crappy picture of my setup just lit with 03's.....There are (4) 72" VHO bulbs and they are staggered to cover the length of the tank.....I could have used 96", but at times my sources have a problem coming up with them and don't really like to wait at times, so 72" are more available to me......
I'll post a pic of the 03 lighting and maybe I can find a pic of the lighting setup underneath the canopy......Pics won't be great, I'm no photographer!!!!



Active Member
I think now they are called UV or something of that nature
URI changed their name to UV Lighting Company.


Looking good! Maybe you'll have your live rock in before mine. :thinking: My live rock got lost somewhere between Philly and Harrisburg Airports. So how does US Airways manage to "lose" 400 lbs of live rock? :notsure:


Active Member
I know it's hard to believe have you ever seen those guys in cargo though???? :scared: Why did you have it shipped in Harrisburg???? Your asking for trouble....your stuff will be all beat....I never use Harrisburg, I spend the time and gas and drive to Baltimore for shipment pickups....Cheaper than the plane ride from Philly to HBG.


I was the same price as going to Philly or Baltimore. And if it is beat up I won't take it and I'll cancel the payment, thank God for credit cards.


Active Member
When was it due in? If it's tonight your almost outta luck....they shut cargo down at HIA at midnight, and it'll sit till morning...We should hook up sometime.....I live right off 81 by the Farm Show, and my parents live down around 5 minutes from the airport.....Actually if your on airport connector 283 and look to your right when your on the overpass of the turnpike my parents place is there off to the right......


First it was due in at 10:30 AM, then 12:30, then 4:30, then 6:30 and as of now they are still searching they are going to call me when they find it though.


Active Member
acrylic 51 this is very cool...i never saw this thread before!!! no wonder you know everything...because you did everything!!!


Active Member
No actually I don't know much......I've had alot of good teachers and they know who they are........Hey Reefeel more than likely it got bumped a few times......It always seems to happen that it gets bumped, but the computer system never seems to get updated till after the fact.......Where was it originally shipped from?


Active Member
Some new updated pics tonight......Been going through parts boxes today and discovered that my supplier sent me DC4's instead of the DC4HD's I ordered.....luckily I caught this mistake this afternoon and got on the phone and they are shipping overnight no cost to me and taking the others back when FedEx arrives......
Been putting off mounting the temp controller for the chiller and the DC8 that will handle the switching of the pumps.....With the AquaController you can program in a feed mode that everday it shuts down the pumps for your specified period of time to allow the food to stay in the tank......The AquaController has been mounted yet....Still contemplating making an acrylic box, with smoked acrylic I have laying around and throw a cover on it as well......
Finally put the bottom manifold inside the tank and ran the plumbing to it.....You can barely see the PVC manifold in the bottom of the tank, which will have rock on top of with nozzles behind the rock work, and sand will cover the area in front of the rock work.....I don't intend on covering the entire bottom of the tank with sand....I've never been a big fan of rock sitting directly on top of sand....good place for dead spots.....I had thought about going BB, and I remembered 4 years back when I did that in a 150, and it was super easy on maintenance, but just didn't care for the look, then I thought of using Starboard and taking silicone and smearing a thin layer over the StarBoard and then sprinkling the StarBoard with sand......Has anyone done this?
Also through the course of the day I was able to run the wiring for my ceiling fan I picked up at Lowes for $ was display model and could always use a little more air circulation in the viewing room......
And finally started laying the hardwood floor in the viewing area as well.....I was debating if I was going to continue the tile thoughout the whole room, but it kept eating at me about the wood flooring, and asked the wife who is the budget manager for the project said do whatever makes you happy.......It helps to have a good, understanding wife in this hobby.....makes life easy....she never has asked how much.....I think after 10 years she's probably better on the pricing than I am......she probably secretly goes through my catalogs.......



Active Member
Wow, this is helping my husband so much, he has to build an addition for our 350 tank that I just made him buy. This is going to be hard for him, he is a police officer, and works crazy hours. Thanks so much for showing us step by step how you set up your tank.


How much are you going to charge for admission? That is going to be one NICE set up. Only question I have has to do with power failure. I noticed you said you ran 4 or 5 dedicated circuits and I am asuming they are GFIC. Do you have any kind of alarm set up so that if one of the breakers trips ( they can act flakey sometimes ) you know about it before too late?


Active Member
I know about the crazy hours.......Luckily I've been off due to back surgery, but it doesn't help much because now I have the time, but not able to bend, lift, or stand to long, so makes things tough when you don't have the strength to do it.......
Tell your husband to concentrate on humidity control of the area.....that is a big key to a body of water like that......If you need something like humidstats just let me brother-in-law has his own electrical business, and I could get them from him for nothing.....he's pretty good about stuff like that....That's why the electrical part is super easy for me......I know if it' not right he'll take his cutters and cut it to pieces and walk away, so to avoid extra expenses it's easier to ask and get it right......
Ask alot of questions and research your items before you buy.....Don't let price or impulses buys make you make a bad decision if that makes any sense...
Tell your husband I'll drive down and help him if he lets me speed around town.....I'll just tell them I'm on official police business when I'm down....they'll understand.....
Again any help or tips you might need or sources of certain products let me know just drop me an email at