Project Fishroom underway for new 240 setup


Active Member
Sorry for the slow response.....I'm not actually using black PVC......You can get black PVC from Savko, but when you look at the cost of the black PVC vs. white, and depending how much you need it isn't cost effective, plus the fittings are more as well, so it really adds up....Again I've been cheating......What I did was actually purchase "white" PVC and then head to Walmart and get the Krylon Fusion Paint for plastic and then I cut and dry fit and glue and then shoot the pieces with the paint.....It dries in roughly 15 minutes, but it's better to wait if your going to be glueing hard to fit pieces which sometimes I have to do.......It is also better to let them sit for a bit and it takes 7 days for a full hard cure.....If you rough it up within that time period it will scratch and chip, which has happened in places, but easy to touch up though......PVC glue and primer will make the paint bubble regarless, so that's why I recommend glueing before hand if possible......
Krylon Paint is safe, but highly recommend that if your going to paint and use any of the submerged parts in your system, that you do let them full cure and rinse them really well in water......the paint has been used for the past couple years in setups will ill effects......HTH


Active Member
Well good news.....Got the remaining 2 DC4HD's mounted into place and all electrical wiring as far as the lighting loomed and secured and plugged into the DC4's.....All cableing from the DC4's to the AquaController itself has been run....Still debating whether I'm going to make an enclosure for the AquaController itself??????
Other bright spot of the day, tank is 1/2 full.....just at the CL 2" bulkhead drains......started plumbing for the 8Way OceansMotions as well.....Still dry fitting, and will have to take down and fab clamping system for pipework, and then again cheat and paint all PVC black.......


Active Member
Calling all good plumbers!!!!!!!!! I have 2 fittings thread fittings sorta like elbow trap type, that don't seem to wanna seal......I've taken it apart numerous times and finally got the 1 side to seal, but the other seams to get worse......The way it looks inside the 2 parts it appears to be an O ring groove machined into the 1 half, but neither has an O ring in place....I don't honestly remember if they do or don't, and could have lost them when I took apart to paint.....Any ideas!!!!!!!


Active Member
not a pumber but...why don't you just try them with o rings. pep boys had drawers of o rings, i think i remember. you could probably find the right size there.


Active Member
Well honestly I think the dang things are suppose to have O rings....Just talked to my buddy and his does......
Of course it's 11:00pm and Lowes is closed.......Well they open bright an early at 6:00am.........


Active Member
Originally Posted by sleasia
I didn't realize you were painting the pvc black? what are you using or are you buying black pvc?

I've checked the local specialty plumbing place in town and they don't have black PVC, so that eliminated that at first......I did track it down through Savko, and the quantity and shipping on top of that really isn't worth the extra money......Plus have you seen the cost of black fittings as well?????

I came up with the ingenious idea to just paint it to get the same effect......I use Krylon Fushion Paint for plastic.......I get it at Walmart.....I've tried the junk from HD and Lowes, and just aren't quite as good IMO......It doesn't have the quick handling time I like and the finish just doesn't seem as good......


Originally Posted by acrylic51
Calling all good plumbers!!!!!!!!! I have 2 fittings thread fittings sorta like elbow trap type, that don't seem to wanna seal......I've taken it apart numerous times and finally got the 1 side to seal, but the other seams to get worse......The way it looks inside the 2 parts it appears to be an O ring groove machined into the 1 half, but neither has an O ring in place....I don't honestly remember if they do or don't, and could have lost them when I took apart to paint.....Any ideas!!!!!!!
You can make your own O-rings w/ Plumbers Putty or enough Teflon Tape. The tape is easy, but can be a pain. The putty is more reliable I think, but a little messier. Roll the putty between your hands like you used to in kindergarden w/ Play-Do to make a snake, wrap it around the edge of the inside fitting... well you get the idea. Worked like a champ on my hotwater PB (Polybeutalane) fittings that I had to replace.
btw. I'm not a plumber either, just a DIYer.


Active Member
Thanks guys......found my issue early this morning after one of my good friends stopped by about 4:30 am.......He was bored!!!!!
I was tired, but anyways after a few cigarettes a cup of coffee lo and behold the flange was cracked???? How I don't know, but I've seen some really stupid things.....Regardless it was pulled and replaced and of course did some damage to the paint work so back out it went and reshot with paint waiting for it to dry and should be back into place this evening......


Active Member
Yes I found the problem......I was suppose to make myself a check list before firing the system and got so excited watching the flow meters and all, I forgot to tighten the union on the UV and of course guess what I heard just a slight trickle.......For whatever reason I had a bucket sitting right there......Actually it was my sitting stool when I do my thinking.......


Member from the begining and wow man...great job on the plumbing and the progress of this tank!!! Keep it up and can't wait to see it in action.


Active Member
Thanks!!!!! Right now double checking the CL plumbing.......Had issues with it earlier, but all is checking out right now.....Did do some modifications on the layout. Like the layout alittle better.
Has anyone used the glue by WeldOn for flex pvc??? Don't remember the exact number of the glue, but it's blue in color........


Active Member
Ahhh....I found the error of my plumbing ways....The leaks I had were due to the Orings missing.....Somehow I did take them out and let them sit, but my 15yr old that the neat, cool, orings would make cool braclets.......I happen to see them on her wrist today.....I asked her where she got them from...and she said, "they were sitting out there with the rest of you junk by the tank"......I strangled her!!!!!!

Anyways, by then it was to late and already fixed.......Moved on to other things. Started flow testing the system this afternoon, and by calibrated flow meter specs I'm pushing just shy of 1800gph back to the tank......I'm going to leave it run tonight, and toy with the Dursos which have been really quiet for the flow so far, haven't had any fluctuation at all...Tomorrow I'm going to take her to around 2000-2200gph and see what type of reaction we get from the sump.......I think I'll start to see microbubbles at that point, but no big issue don't need to push it that hard just want to see where she'll give me "fits"......


Active Member
Started toying with the OceansMotions again today......Plumbing is getting old and almost over, but a couple pics of the OceansMotions 8Way, with version 3 drum. I also have revs that have different degree porting on the tubes, which means during their rotations they are spraying constantly at the same level....I think on the "revs" on tube might be 15, 30, and 45 degrees....I'd have to go back and look.....I also have the Omni nozzles that Paul owner of OceansMotions makes.....these are full sections, and you can get them in single and double sections as well........



Active Member
wow thats some crazy nozzle action you got going on there - im gonna have nightmares of doctor octopus now!


Active Member
Yeah haven't played with the Omni nozzles yet.....I have a client that is hard to please, and depending what I can work out as far as configuration as far as penetration into the tank and viewing, it might work out for the other tank as well.....The "revs" I use all the time, but on my setup they are going to be used along the back of the tank, and in the front corner......They have to sit down a bit and you have to make sure you don't get any air trapped under the skirt of "rev" or they won't rotate and index....., but am actually pleased that he had the "revs" that had the different angle ports coming off of them, because it will hit different depths in the tank.......