pros and cons of coral beauty and flame angel?


In 2 months you probably do not have enough growth in your tank for the angel anyhow....If you really really insist on having one, I would wait at least 6 months


i went to the lfs and they checked my water and said it was perfect so I got a hammer head coral and a cucumber shrimp and he said i could get their baby flame angel and so i did. so now i have 2 ocellaris clownfish, 1 pepperment shrimp 1 cleaner shrimp, some emerald crabs and hermit crabs and snails, 1 wheelers watchman goby, 1 flameangel,and a hammer head coral is this good? can i add more fish? i have a biocube 29....


WTH is a cucumber shrimp?
I think you are pretty full as far as stocking goes......make sure you get some algae sheets for the will need some supplementation since your tank is still fairly young


sorry sea cucumber and he was eating the cyclop eeze stuff and are you sure that im all stocked up because there is so much more I want to add!!!!


You're tank is stocked. Meowzer is right. Make sure that angel gets algae sheets. Cyclopeez is NOT an algae sheet, it's tiny shrimp, that angel needs algae or it's going to die.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Mersam935 http:///t/390102/pros-and-cons-of-coral-beauty-and-flame-angel/20#post_3453453
i also want a blue neon goby, an orange firefish goby, and a yelloe headed jawfish or blue dot jawfish?
If you really want all that and I'm sure some besides...time to spend your money on a new tank. With the 29g you are fully stocked and can't add anything else
. Besides that, you added the critters too fast, you are in for problems big time. I suggest you keep your ammonia tests up and be ready for some emergancy water changes.


Well-Known Member
Enough algae is the least of the problems you will have with stocking the fish too fast, and whatever you do, don't add anything else.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/390102/pros-and-cons-of-coral-beauty-and-flame-angel/20#post_3453479
Enough algae is the least of the problems you will have with stocking the fish too fast, and whatever you do, don't add anything else.
You are at or over your limit. There is always going to be a fish that you don't have but want in your tank, but you need to be careful what you add and when you add it. People here gave their advice not to be mean but to be helpful. They are all going off of personal experiences from their own successes or failures. I would be careful with that LFS, BTLDreef was right they were just trying to sell you the more expensive fish. The advice given here is from people that what to see you and the fish you buy succeed, not to make any money off of you.
Take it slow, nothing in this hobby happens fast, unless its bad.


and keep an eye on that sea cucumber...if it starts to look bad remove it...
I believe the let out an icky gooey mess when they die (they turn inside out,,, ugh)


ok thx i wont add anymore fish for a while :) and my lfs is like family they are completly honest and they each have tanks of their own. they gave me the flame angel because she is so young they wouldn't rip me off...


Well-Known Member
LOL...I still think you need a bigger tank. I can just read a need to go large in your posts.


Mersam... no one is perfect.. and people are in a business, I have a great LFS but sometimes he errs on the side of his business, lol
He gives decent advice and probably wouldnt sell me something TOTALLY wrong,, but sometimes its more like a hhrrrmmm this could work??? and it happens with everyone


ok thank you. I just put some algae sheets in and she isent eating it! and YES FLOWER!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAH i would love love love a bigger one but maybe i just need another biocube!!!!!!


Originally Posted by Mersam935 http:///t/390102/pros-and-cons-of-coral-beauty-and-flame-angel/20#post_3453602
ok thx i wont add anymore fish for a while :) and my lfs is like family they are completly honest and they each have tanks of their own. they gave me the flame angel because she is so young they wouldn't rip me off...
even in a while you shouldnt add anymore to this is stocked and as the fish get bigger you may have to take some out...and jawfish need atleast 4" of sand to burrow in :)
think about getting a 55g or larger for adding more....


that would stink to have to take it out because I dont have another tank! and i do have like 6" of sand to burrow in so could i add the jawfish in a while?


and what if I took the wheelers watchman goby out? because I really don't like her, all she does is hide and I want something that will be moving around a lot and the sea cucumber died ;(


the jawfish hides all the time too.... and no,, you really do have to many fish in your tank... plus if your rock is not set on the glass if you had a jawfish you would also have an avalanche that could kill alot of your inhabitants...and how in the world do you have a 6" sand bed in there??? not to sound rude but i would love pictures... i havent seen anyone do that in a cube....


Hi, putting in my 2 cents DO NOT replace the sea cucumber. I am so glad to hear you didn't lose everything when it died. They will poison a tank when they die or get injured, it is part of their defense. Same thing with sea apples. They are really cool to watch feed but will kill off your fish if they get injured or die. Watchman gobbies do just that they find a hiddey hole and they watch from the inside.IMO not fun. The yellow head sleeper goby is very entertaining. He sifts the sand and is all over the place. He will make caves too but he doesn't stay in it except to sleep or to hide if he feels the need. Coral Beauty is easier than the Flame. Good luck :)