pros and cons of coral beauty and flame angel?


smallreef i don't know how to add pictures because i have a mac and 2tangCrazy
thanks for the tip :) i dont know what to do with th wheelers watchman goby tho :/ and i already have a flame angel in there


Check out the clown goby's.....I have quite a few in various tanks.....the yellow are very are too, but hard to find...the green banded gobies are amazing...also hard to find......the citron and green gobies are a little larger, BUT also great addition to a small tank
OHHHHH....I just got a rainford goby that I am going to put in a 10G of mine....BEAUTIFUL FISH!!!!!!


thanks!!! ive decided im going to probably return the wheelers watchman goby but the green banded gobies look absolutly PERFECT!!! thank you SO MUCH!


ok what i think im going to do is return the wheelers watchman goby and flame angel. then im going to get a canary blenny a green banded goby and maybe a jawfish. i want my flame angel but it would be overstocked with all of the fish in :(


wait i think i would get a bicolor blenny, a yellow watchman goby, and really bright active fish? maybe the green banded goby but does it get along with other gobies?


Originally Posted by Mersam935 http:///t/390102/pros-and-cons-of-coral-beauty-and-flame-angel/20#post_3453602
ok thx i wont add anymore fish for a while :) and my lfs is like family they are completly honest and they each have tanks of their own. they gave me the flame angel because she is so young they wouldn't rip me off...
Don't be so sure about that. I'm sure they're not out to completely ruin your tank, but I've certainly figured out that you're impulsive and a good salesman, in this economy will feed on that, which is exactly what they're doing. Firstly, they are the ones testing your water, you have no reference point. Obviously if your water was as good as they're claiming, your sea cucumber would not have died so quickly, this should be your first clue that something is off. GET YOUR OWN TEST KITS. Not saying that your LFS is completely ripping you off, but you're putting too much faith in them.
Originally Posted by Mersam935 http:///t/390102/pros-and-cons-of-coral-beauty-and-flame-angel/20#post_3453620
that would stink to have to take it out because I dont have another tank! and i do have like 6" of sand to burrow in so could i add the jawfish in a while?
6" in a BioCube is preposterous. Sorry, but if you have 6" of sand, you need to completely reconsider your stocking of this tank. 6" of sand in that tank COMPLETELY changes the filtration (you've covered the bottom chamber) and basically cuts down your water volume in half, which would mean you only have about 15 or so gallons in there, considering that most people complain that the 29 BioCube actually only holds about 22-26G of water.
Originally Posted by Mersam935
and what if I took the wheelers watchman goby out? because I really don't like her, all she does is hide and I want something that will be moving around a lot and the sea cucumber died ;(
As mentioned above, the sea cucumber dying is NOT a good sign. Something is off with your parameters. That should not have died so quickly.
Originally Posted by smallreef
the jawfish hides all the time too.... and no,, you really do have to many fish in your tank... plus if your rock is not set on the glass if you had a jawfish you would also have an avalanche that could kill alot of your inhabitants...and how in the world do you have a 6" sand bed in there??? not to sound rude but i would love pictures... i havent seen anyone do that in a cube....
Originally Posted by Mersam935 http:///t/390102/pros-and-cons-of-coral-beauty-and-flame-angel/40#post_3453667
ok what i think im going to do is return the wheelers watchman goby and flame angel. then im going to get a canary blenny a green banded goby and maybe a jawfish. i want my flame angel but it would be overstocked with all of the fish in :(
Canaray blennies are fanged blennies and can not be put with a jawfish. They blenny will likely attack it.
Originally Posted by Mersam935 http:///t/390102/pros-and-cons-of-coral-beauty-and-flame-angel/40#post_3453669
oh and maybe a bicolor blenny and a midas blenny or a yellow watchman goby....... hahah
Can't mix blennies. And the midas again is a fanged blenny
Yellow watchman goby will attack jawfish as well. They can get aggressive, especially in a smaller tank.
Originally Posted by Mersam935
wait i think i would get a bicolor blenny, a yellow watchman goby, and really bright active fish? maybe the green banded goby but does it get along with other gobies?
Can't mix the watchman with the green banded gobies or any other bottom dweller such as a jawfish. Instead of a BiColor Blenny, look into a tail spot, they stay smaller and would fair better in your tank.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/390102/pros-and-cons-of-coral-beauty-and-flame-angel/40#post_3453676
Don't be so sure about that. I'm sure they're not out to completely ruin your tank, but I've certainly figured out that you're impulsive and a good salesman, in this economy will feed on that, which is exactly what they're doing. Firstly, they are the ones testing your water, you have no reference point. Obviously if your water was as good as they're claiming, your sea cucumber would not have died so quickly, this should be your first clue that something is off. GET YOUR OWN TEST KITS. Not saying that your LFS is completely ripping you off, but you're putting too much faith in them.
6" in a BioCube is preposterous. Sorry, but if you have 6" of sand, you need to completely reconsider your stocking of this tank. 6" of sand in that tank COMPLETELY changes the filtration (you've covered the bottom chamber) and basically cuts down your water volume in half, which would mean you only have about 15 or so gallons in there, considering that most people complain that the 29 BioCube actually only holds about 22-26G of water.
As mentioned above, the sea cucumber dying is NOT a good sign. Something is off with your parameters. That should not have died so quickly.
Canaray blennies are fanged blennies and can not be put with a jawfish. They blenny will likely attack it.
Can't mix blennies. And the midas again is a fanged blenny
Yellow watchman goby will attack jawfish as well. They can get aggressive, especially in a smaller tank.
Can't mix the watchman with the green banded gobies or any other bottom dweller such as a jawfish. Instead of a BiColor Blenny, look into a tail spot, they stay smaller and would fair better in your tank.
Please listen to the voice of reason. Also here you are, ready to exchange every fish you purchased. That means you are just stocking the tank and not really wanting a certain fish. It may not seem like a big deal to swap a fish, but it really stresses move their entire world and put them in danger everytime you do it.


well i wanted all of these fish but i also wanted my tank to be lively and i had no idea it was overstocked and yes i did get a test kit and everything was perfect they were testing the calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium and my son tried picking the sea cucumber up and kept dropping it without me know so...


Why do you even bother asking about these fish?
Testing Ca, alk and mag is the least of your worries right now. You need to be more concerned with ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH stability. The brand of test kit and how you perform the kit matters as well.
It sounds like Your son needs to keep his hands out of the tank or be better supervised while he is in it so that you don't loose more critters down the road.
I wish you luck, but I'm done with this thread.....


he had gloves on and the test kit is API and i followed their directions so...but thanks for contributing! and im actually going to keep the flameangel but give back the wheelers watchman goby. and i think im going to get the canary blenny or midas bleeny and then im done. but ill probably have to return the wheelers watchman goby.


I have to apologize, I completely misread your post and thought it said that you ORDERED all the fish you wanted.
For what it's worth, I'm not a fan of API kits, and even if he has gloves on, he shouldn't be picking up and playing with your live stock.
The Midas Blenny can be aggressive, but they have awesome little personalities. They are one of my favorite fish to watch poke in and out of holes in the rock work.


ok thank you do you think the midas blenny would be aggresive with a fire fish, flame angel, clownfish and a peppermint and cleaner shrimp? those guys are just so cool and im pretty sure there reef safe right?


Originally Posted by Mersam935 http:///t/390102/pros-and-cons-of-coral-beauty-and-flame-angel/40#post_3453744
ok thank you do you think the midas blenny would be aggresive with a fire fish, flame angel, clownfish and a peppermint and cleaner shrimp? those guys are just so cool and im pretty sure there reef safe right?
I would be concerned about how it acts with the firefish. As a general rule fanged blennies and firefish do not mix well. Your best bet would be to have the firefish first, but even then, it's not a guarantee.
Originally Posted by Mersam935
and what do you mean by i ordered my fish?
Ordered them to be shipped to you from somewhere online, like this store.


ooh no i go to my lfs aqua imports and my husband bought me a firefish today without me knowing so thats why i asked do you think if I didnt take the wheelers watchman goby out I could add the midas blenny? I know i have already reached my limit but that is the last fish I would want and then i would be really happy with everything in it. and the wheelers watchman goby is really hard to get with a net.


BTLD was stating that NO you should not get the midas as it will probably fight with your firefish,, whether or not you keep the blenny doesnt affect that...
with that being said... no you really should not add any more fish...