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Originally Posted by stdreb27
For Osama Obama (as coined by Ted) plan to work, magically the whole cost of these uninsured medical procedures are going to have to go away. Because 1 everyone is going to be insured, (that money is going to have to come from somewhere ) Raising taxes back to pre-Bush levels. Isn't going to cover the inflood of people wanting free healthcare. 2 since insurance companies will have MORE risk by not being able to turn away higher risk people. The additional cost will be distributed through their network. Increasing prices.
3rd with the increase in demand and unchanging supply, without more cripling federal regulations, we will have a shortage, and with your claimed (not social healthcare) prices will go up.
Your candidates plan lacks any economic crosschecking. Because he is a bleeding heart lib. And that will never change.

Where do you think the money comes from for insurance co's?......Premiums!.. This plan is not a free plan because you would have a monthly premium if you choose to participate.
2nd, what were the Bush tax cuts for?... a lagging economy due to the slowing economy. People did well (better) pre-Bush. The tax cuts would still apply, but people making over $250k (or whatever the $ is, we just say the wealthy) would pay taxes as they did prior to cuts.
This is not social health care, but social health coverage...big difference and is for those who want it.... its not mandated (atleast Obama's isn't)
Why would we have a shortage? We have a constant supply of medical nurses and doctors... if anything it would create more jobs... we also would have a healthier society because people would stop waiting until they are most dead before they see a doctor... which would lower health costs
His plan also addressess prevention...he discusses dietitians and treating things such as asthma and diabeties
Insurance co would not have more risk because they are not required to insure everybody.